* JPGraph v4.0.3
namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Text;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util;
* // Description: JpGraph Gantt plot extension
* // Created: 2001-11-12
* // Ver: $Id: jpgraph_gantt.php 1809 2009-09-09 13:07:33Z ljp $
* //
* // Copyright (c) Asial Corporation. All rights reserved.
* @class GanttActivityInfo
* // Description:
class GanttActivityInfo
public $iShow = true;
public $iLeftColMargin = 4;
public $iRightColMargin = 1;
public $iTopColMargin = 1;
public $iBottomColMargin = 3;
public $vgrid;
private $iColor = 'black';
private $iBackgroundColor = 'lightgray';
private $iFFamily = FF_FONT1;
private $iFStyle = FS_NORMAL;
private $iFSize = 10;
private $iFontColor = 'black';
private $iTitles = [];
private $iWidth = [];
private $iHeight = -1;
private $iTopHeaderMargin = 4;
private $iStyle = 1;
private $iHeaderAlign = 'center';
public function __construct()
$this->vgrid = new LineProperty();
public function Hide($aF = true)
$this->iShow = !$aF;
public function Show($aF = true)
$this->iShow = $aF;
// Specify font
public function SetFont($aFFamily, $aFStyle = FS_NORMAL, $aFSize = 10)
$this->iFFamily = $aFFamily;
$this->iFStyle = $aFStyle;
$this->iFSize = $aFSize;
public function SetStyle($aStyle)
$this->iStyle = $aStyle;
public function SetColumnMargin($aLeft, $aRight)
$this->iLeftColMargin = $aLeft;
$this->iRightColMargin = $aRight;
public function SetFontColor($aFontColor)
$this->iFontColor = $aFontColor;
public function SetColor($aColor)
$this->iColor = $aColor;
public function SetBackgroundColor($aColor)
$this->iBackgroundColor = $aColor;
public function SetColTitles($aTitles, $aWidth = null)
$this->iTitles = $aTitles;
$this->iWidth = $aWidth;
public function SetMinColWidth($aWidths)
$n = min(safe_count($this->iTitles), safe_count($aWidths));
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
if (!empty($aWidths[$i])) {
if (empty($this->iWidth[$i])) {
$this->iWidth[$i] = $aWidths[$i];
} else {
$this->iWidth[$i] = max($this->iWidth[$i], $aWidths[$i]);
public function GetWidth($aImg)
$txt = new Text\TextProperty();
$txt->SetFont($this->iFFamily, $this->iFStyle, $this->iFSize);
$n = safe_count($this->iTitles);
$rm = $this->iRightColMargin;
$w = 0;
for ($h = 0, $i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$w += $this->iLeftColMargin;
if (!empty($this->iWidth[$i])) {
$w1 = max($txt->GetWidth($aImg) + $rm, $this->iWidth[$i]);
} else {
$w1 = $txt->GetWidth($aImg) + $rm;
$this->iWidth[$i] = $w1;
$w += $w1;
$h = max($h, $txt->GetHeight($aImg));
$this->iHeight = $h + $this->iTopHeaderMargin;
$txt = '';
return $w;
public function GetColStart($aImg, &$aStart, $aAddLeftMargin = false)
$n = safe_count($this->iTitles);
$adj = $aAddLeftMargin ? $this->iLeftColMargin : 0;
$aStart = [$aImg->left_margin + $adj];
for ($i = 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$aStart[$i] = $aStart[$i - 1] + $this->iLeftColMargin + $this->iWidth[$i - 1];
// Adjust headers left, right or centered
public function SetHeaderAlign($aAlign)
$this->iHeaderAlign = $aAlign;
public function Stroke($aImg, $aXLeft, $aYTop, $aXRight, $aYBottom, $aUseTextHeight = false)
if (!$this->iShow) {
$txt = new Text\TextProperty();
$txt->SetFont($this->iFFamily, $this->iFStyle, $this->iFSize);
$txt->SetAlign($this->iHeaderAlign, 'top');
$n = safe_count($this->iTitles);
if ($n == 0) {
$x = $aXLeft;
$h = $this->iHeight;
$yTop = $aUseTextHeight ? $aYBottom - $h - $this->iTopColMargin - $this->iBottomColMargin : $aYTop;
if ($h < 0) {
//('Internal error. Height for ActivityTitles is < 0');
// Set background color
$aImg->FilledRectangle($aXLeft, $yTop, $aXRight, $aYBottom - 1);
if ($this->iStyle == 1) {
// Make a 3D effect
$aImg->Line($aXLeft, $yTop + 1, $aXRight, $yTop + 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
if ($this->iStyle == 1) {
// Make a 3D effect
$aImg->Line($x + 1, $yTop, $x + 1, $aYBottom);
$x += $this->iLeftColMargin;
// Adjust the text anchor position according to the choosen alignment
$xp = $x;
if ($this->iHeaderAlign == 'center') {
$xp = (($x - $this->iLeftColMargin) + ($x + $this->iWidth[$i])) / 2;
} elseif ($this->iHeaderAlign == 'right') {
$xp = $x + $this->iWidth[$i] - $this->iRightColMargin;
$txt->Stroke($aImg, $xp, $yTop + $this->iTopHeaderMargin);
$x += $this->iWidth[$i];
if ($i < $n - 1) {
$aImg->Line($x, $yTop, $x, $aYBottom);
$aImg->Line($aXLeft, $yTop, $aXRight, $yTop);
// Stroke vertical column dividers
$cols = [];
$this->GetColStart($aImg, $cols);
$n = safe_count($cols);
for ($i = 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
$aImg->height - $aImg->bottom_margin