File GanttScale.php
has 895 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.
* JPGraph v4.0.3
Function StrokeMinutes
has a Cognitive Complexity of 44 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeMinutes($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
has 46 functions (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.
class GanttScale
public $minute;
public $hour;
public $day;
Function StrokeDays
has a Cognitive Complexity of 36 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeDays($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$daywidth = $this->GetDayWidth();
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
Function StrokeHours
has a Cognitive Complexity of 33 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeHours($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Method StrokeDays
has 107 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeDays($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$daywidth = $this->GetDayWidth();
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
The class GanttScale has 16 public methods. Consider refactoring GanttScale to keep number of public methods under 10.
class GanttScale
public $minute;
public $hour;
public $day;
The class GanttScale has an overall complexity of 179 which is very high. The configured complexity threshold is 50.
class GanttScale
public $minute;
public $hour;
public $day;
Method StrokeHours
has 80 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeHours($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Function StrokeMonths
has a Cognitive Complexity of 21 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeMonths($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
if ($this->month->iShowLabels) {
$img = $this->iImg;
$img->SetFont($this->month->iFFamily, $this->month->iFStyle, $this->month->iFSize);
Method StrokeMinutes
has 71 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeMinutes($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Method StrokeWeeks
has 66 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeWeeks($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
if ($this->week->iShowLabels) {
$img = $this->iImg;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Method StrokeMonths
has 65 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeMonths($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
if ($this->month->iShowLabels) {
$img = $this->iImg;
$img->SetFont($this->month->iFFamily, $this->month->iFStyle, $this->month->iFSize);
Function StrokeWeeks
has a Cognitive Complexity of 18 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeWeeks($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
if ($this->week->iShowLabels) {
$img = $this->iImg;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Function StrokeYears
has a Cognitive Complexity of 17 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeYears($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
if ($this->year->iShowLabels) {
$img = $this->iImg;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Method StrokeYears
has 56 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeYears($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
if ($this->year->iShowLabels) {
$img = $this->iImg;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
The class GanttScale has 27 fields. Consider redesigning GanttScale to keep the number of fields under 15.
class GanttScale
public $minute;
public $hour;
public $day;
Method StrokeTableHeaders
has 34 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function StrokeTableHeaders($aYBottom)
$img = $this->iImg;
$xt = $img->left_margin;
$yt = $img->top_margin;
Method __construct
has 32 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function __construct($aImg)
$this->iImg = $aImg;
$this->iDateLocale = new Util\DateLocale();
The class GanttScale has 62 public methods and attributes. Consider reducing the number of public items to less than 45.
class GanttScale
public $minute;
public $hour;
public $day;
Method GetHeaderHeight
has 27 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function GetHeaderHeight()
$img = $this->iImg;
$height = 1;
if ($this->minute->iShowLabels) {
Method GetMonthLabel
has 26 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function GetMonthLabel($aMonthNbr, $year)
$sn = $this->iDateLocale->GetShortMonthName($aMonthNbr);
$ln = $this->iDateLocale->GetLongMonthName($aMonthNbr);
switch ($this->month->iStyle) {
Function GetMonthLabel
has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function GetMonthLabel($aMonthNbr, $year)
$sn = $this->iDateLocale->GetShortMonthName($aMonthNbr);
$ln = $this->iDateLocale->GetLongMonthName($aMonthNbr);
switch ($this->month->iStyle) {
Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.
switch ($this->minute->iStyle) {
$txt = date($this->minute->iLabelFormStr, $datestamp);
Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.
if ($day == 6 || $day == 0) {
if ($this->iUsePlotWeekendBackground) {
$img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
} else {
Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.
if (!(($i == $n || $i == 0) && $this->hour->iShowLabels && $this->hour->grid->iShow)) {
$img->Line($x, $yt, $x, $yb);
$this->minute->grid->Stroke($img, $x, $yb, $x, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
Function NormalizeDate
has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function NormalizeDate($aDate)
if ($aDate === false) {
return false;
Function GetHeaderHeight
has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
public function GetHeaderHeight()
$img = $this->iImg;
$height = 1;
if ($this->minute->iShowLabels) {
The class GanttScale has 1224 lines of code. Current threshold is 1000. Avoid really long classes.
class GanttScale
public $minute;
public $hour;
public $day;
The method StrokeDays() has 147 lines of code. Current threshold is set to 100. Avoid really long methods.
public function StrokeDays($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$daywidth = $this->GetDayWidth();
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
The method StrokeWeeks() has an NPath complexity of 229. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200.
public function StrokeWeeks($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
if ($this->week->iShowLabels) {
$img = $this->iImg;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
The method StrokeMinutes() has an NPath complexity of 985. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200.
public function StrokeMinutes($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
The method StrokeHours() has an NPath complexity of 249. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200.
public function StrokeHours($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
The method StrokeDays() has an NPath complexity of 563. The configured NPath complexity threshold is 200.
public function StrokeDays($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$daywidth = $this->GetDayWidth();
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
The method StrokeHours() has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 16. The configured cyclomatic complexity threshold is 10.
public function StrokeHours($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
The method StrokeMonths() has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 10. The configured cyclomatic complexity threshold is 10.
public function StrokeMonths($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
if ($this->month->iShowLabels) {
$img = $this->iImg;
$img->SetFont($this->month->iFFamily, $this->month->iFStyle, $this->month->iFSize);
The method StrokeMinutes() has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 18. The configured cyclomatic complexity threshold is 10.
public function StrokeMinutes($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
The method StrokeDays() has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 24. The configured cyclomatic complexity threshold is 10.
public function StrokeDays($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
$img = $this->iImg;
$daywidth = $this->GetDayWidth();
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
The method StrokeWeeks() has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 16. The configured cyclomatic complexity threshold is 10.
public function StrokeWeeks($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
if ($this->week->iShowLabels) {
$img = $this->iImg;
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
The method TranslateVertPos has a boolean flag argument $atTop, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.
public function TranslateVertPos($aPos, $atTop = false)
The method StrokeMinutes has a boolean flag argument $getHeight, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.
public function StrokeMinutes($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
The method StrokeHours has a boolean flag argument $getHeight, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.
public function StrokeHours($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
The method GetWeekNbr has a boolean flag argument $aSunStart, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.
public function GetWeekNbr($aDate, $aSunStart = true)
The method StrokeMonths has a boolean flag argument $getHeight, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.
public function StrokeMonths($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
The method StrokeDays has a boolean flag argument $getHeight, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.
public function StrokeDays($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
The method StrokeWeeks has a boolean flag argument $getHeight, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.
public function StrokeWeeks($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
The method StrokeYears has a boolean flag argument $getHeight, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.
public function StrokeYears($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
The method StrokeMinutes uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $yb - $this->day->iFrameWeight);
The method TranslateDate uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$offset = -3600;
Avoid using static access to class '\Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util\JpGraphError' in method 'TranslateVertPos'.
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6015, $aPos);
Avoid using static access to class '\Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util\JpGraphError' in method 'StrokeMinutes'.
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6018, $minint);
The method StrokeMinutes uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
The method AdjustStartEndDay uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$d = $this->iStartDate;
The method TimeToMinutes uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$hourint = floor(substr($aTimeString, 0, $pos));
$minint = floor(substr($aTimeString, $pos + 1));
Avoid using static access to class '\Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util\JpGraphError' in method 'NormalizeDate'.
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6017, $aDate);
Avoid using static access to class '\Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util\JpGraphError' in method 'StrokeMinutes'.
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6019, $width);
Avoid using static access to class '\Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util\JpGraphError' in method 'NormalizeDate'.
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6016, $aDate);
Avoid using static access to class '\Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util\JpGraphError' in method 'StrokeHours'.
Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6020, $tmp);
Avoid using static access to class '\Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util\JpGraphError' in method 'Stroke'.
The method TranslateVertPos uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$pos = round($img->top_margin + $this->iVertHeaderSize + $this->iTopPlotMargin + ($aPos + 1) * $this->iVertSpacing);
The method StrokeYears uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$w = $xb - $x;
Avoid using static access to class '\Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util\JpGraphError' in method 'Stroke'.
Avoid using static access to class '\Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util\JpGraphError' in method 'StrokeWeeks'.
The method StrokeWeeks uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
The method StrokeHours uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $yb - $this->day->iFrameWeight);
The method StrokeDays uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
The method StrokeYears uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$yearwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetNumDaysInYear($year) - $this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
The method StrokeHours uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
The method StrokeMonths uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$monthwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetNumDaysInMonth($monthnbr, $year) - $this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
The method StrokeDays uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight,
$x + $daywidth,
The method StrokeMonths uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.
} else {
$w = $xb - $x;
Avoid unused local variables such as '$wdays'.
$wdays = $this->iDateLocale->GetDayAbb();
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if ($this->iUsePlotWeekendBackground && $doback) {
$img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
} else {
$img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $yb - $this->day->iFrameWeight);
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.
if ($this->iUsePlotWeekendBackground && $doback) {
$yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight,
$x + $daywidth,
Avoid excessively long variable names like $iUsePlotWeekendBackground. Keep variable name length under 20.
private $iUsePlotWeekendBackground = true;
Avoid excessively long variable names like $iTableHeaderFrameWeight. Keep variable name length under 20.
private $iTableHeaderFrameWeight = 1;
Avoid excessively long variable names like $iTableHeaderFrameColor. Keep variable name length under 20.
private $iTableHeaderFrameColor = 'black';
Avoid excessively long variable names like $iTableHeaderBackgroundColor. Keep variable name length under 20.
private $iTableHeaderBackgroundColor = 'white';
Avoid variables with short names like $xt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $xt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $yb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() +
Avoid variables with short names like $yt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $nh. Configured minimum length is 3.
$nh = ceil(24 * 60 / $this->TimeToMinutes($this->hour->GetIntervall()));
Avoid variables with short names like $ds. Configured minimum length is 3.
$ds = strftime('%w', $this->iStartDate);
Avoid variables with short names like $t. Configured minimum length is 3.
$t = strtotime($aDate);
Avoid variables with short names like $x. Configured minimum length is 3.
$x = $xt;
Avoid variables with short names like $de. Configured minimum length is 3.
$de = strftime('%w', $this->iEndDate);
Avoid variables with short names like $d. Configured minimum length is 3.
$d = strtotime('-7 day', $this->iStartDate);
Avoid variables with short names like $xt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $n. Configured minimum length is 3.
$n = 60 / $minint;
Avoid variables with short names like $xb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xb = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
Avoid variables with short names like $yb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->day->iTitleVertMargin + $this->day->iFrameWeight;
Avoid variables with short names like $sn. Configured minimum length is 3.
$sn = $this->iDateLocale->GetShortMonthName($aMonthNbr);
Avoid variables with short names like $nd. Configured minimum length is 3.
$nd = $this->GetNumberOfDays();
Avoid variables with short names like $yb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() +
Avoid variables with short names like $xb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xb = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
Avoid variables with short names like $yb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->year->iTitleVertMargin + $this->year->iFrameWeight;
Avoid variables with short names like $yt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $x. Configured minimum length is 3.
$x = $xt;
Avoid variables with short names like $n. Configured minimum length is 3.
$n = ceil(24 * 60 / $minint);
Avoid variables with short names like $xt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xt = $img->left_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $w. Configured minimum length is 3.
$w = sprintf($this->week->iLabelFormStr, $weeknbr);
Avoid variables with short names like $yt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $yb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->month->iTitleVertMargin + $this->month->iFrameWeight;
Avoid variables with short names like $yt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yt = $img->top_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $w. Configured minimum length is 3.
$w = $yearwidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $x. Configured minimum length is 3.
$x = $xt + $monthwidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $w. Configured minimum length is 3.
$w = $monthwidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $x. Configured minimum length is 3.
$x = $xt + $yearwidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $xb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xb = $xt + $this->iLabelWidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $yb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->week->iTitleVertMargin + $this->week->iFrameWeight;
Avoid variables with short names like $xb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xb = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
Avoid variables with short names like $x. Configured minimum length is 3.
$x = $xt;
Avoid variables with short names like $xt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $yb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yb = $aYBottom + $img->top_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $m. Configured minimum length is 3.
$m = $sn;
Avoid variables with short names like $xb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xb = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
Avoid variables with short names like $yt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $xb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xb = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
Avoid variables with short names like $xt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $y. Configured minimum length is 3.
$y = $img->height - $img->bottom_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $xt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xt = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
Avoid variables with short names like $yt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $x. Configured minimum length is 3.
$x = $xt;
Avoid variables with short names like $yt. Configured minimum length is 3.
$yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
Avoid variables with short names like $mn. Configured minimum length is 3.
$mn = strftime('%m', $datestamp);
Avoid variables with short names like $ln. Configured minimum length is 3.
$ln = $this->iDateLocale->GetLongMonthName($aMonthNbr);
Avoid variables with short names like $xb. Configured minimum length is 3.
$xb = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
Method name "GanttScale::IsDisplayYear" is not in camel caps format
public function IsDisplayYear()
Method name "GanttScale::IsDisplayMinute" is not in camel caps format
public function IsDisplayMinute()
Method name "GanttScale::GetMinuteWidth" is not in camel caps format
public function GetMinuteWidth()
Method name "GanttScale::GetYear" is not in camel caps format
public function GetYear($aDate)
Method name "GanttScale::SetVertSpacing" is not in camel caps format
public function SetVertSpacing($aSpacing)
Method name "GanttScale::GetNumDaysInMonth" is not in camel caps format
public function GetNumDaysInMonth($aMonth, $aYear)
Method name "GanttScale::TranslateDate" is not in camel caps format
public function TranslateDate($aDate)
Method name "GanttScale::StrokeDays" is not in camel caps format
public function StrokeDays($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
Method name "GanttScale::GetPlotWidth" is not in camel caps format
public function GetPlotWidth()
Method name "GanttScale::AdjustStartEndDay" is not in camel caps format
public function AdjustStartEndDay()
Method name "GanttScale::GetDayWidth" is not in camel caps format
public function GetDayWidth()
Method name "GanttScale::SetWeekStart" is not in camel caps format
public function SetWeekStart($aStartDay)
Method name "GanttScale::IsDisplayMonth" is not in camel caps format
public function IsDisplayMonth()
Method name "GanttScale::GetYearDayNbr" is not in camel caps format
public function GetYearDayNbr($aDate)
Method name "GanttScale::SetVertLayout" is not in camel caps format
public function SetVertLayout($aLayout)
Method name "GanttScale::SetRange" is not in camel caps format
public function SetRange($aMin, $aMax)
Method name "GanttScale::GetHeaderHeight" is not in camel caps format
public function GetHeaderHeight()
Method name "GanttScale::GetMonthNbr" is not in camel caps format
public function GetMonthNbr($aDate)
Method name "GanttScale::TimeToMinutes" is not in camel caps format
public function TimeToMinutes($aTimeString)
Method name "GanttScale::IsDisplayHour" is not in camel caps format
public function IsDisplayHour()
Method name "GanttScale::GetWeekNbr" is not in camel caps format
public function GetWeekNbr($aDate, $aSunStart = true)
Method name "GanttScale::StrokeWeeks" is not in camel caps format
public function StrokeWeeks($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
Method name "GanttScale::IsRangeSet" is not in camel caps format
public function IsRangeSet()
Method name "GanttScale::SetLabelWidth" is not in camel caps format
public function SetLabelWidth($aLabelWidth)
Method name "GanttScale::GetNumDaysInYear" is not in camel caps format
public function GetNumDaysInYear($aYear)
Method name "GanttScale::NormalizeDate" is not in camel caps format
public function NormalizeDate($aDate)
Method name "GanttScale::GetNumberOfDays" is not in camel caps format
public function GetNumberOfDays()
Method name "GanttScale::IsLeap" is not in camel caps format
public function IsLeap($aYear)
Method name "GanttScale::StrokeMonths" is not in camel caps format
public function StrokeMonths($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
Method name "GanttScale::UseWeekendBackground" is not in camel caps format
public function UseWeekendBackground($aShow)
Method name "GanttScale::GetHourWidth" is not in camel caps format
public function GetHourWidth()
Method name "GanttScale::GetMonthDayNbr" is not in camel caps format
public function GetMonthDayNbr($aDate)
Method name "GanttScale::StrokeMinutes" is not in camel caps format
public function StrokeMinutes($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
Method name "GanttScale::GetMonthLabel" is not in camel caps format
public function GetMonthLabel($aMonthNbr, $year)
Method name "GanttScale::IsDisplayDay" is not in camel caps format
public function IsDisplayDay()
Method name "GanttScale::IsDisplayWeek" is not in camel caps format
public function IsDisplayWeek()
Method name "GanttScale::StrokeHours" is not in camel caps format
public function StrokeHours($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
Method name "GanttScale::SetDateLocale" is not in camel caps format
public function SetDateLocale($aLocale)
Method name "GanttScale::SetTableTitleBackground" is not in camel caps format
public function SetTableTitleBackground($aColor)
Method name "GanttScale::ShowHeaders" is not in camel caps format
public function ShowHeaders($aFlg)
Method name "GanttScale::TranslateVertPos" is not in camel caps format
public function TranslateVertPos($aPos, $atTop = false)
Method name "GanttScale::GetVertSpacing" is not in camel caps format
public function GetVertSpacing()
Method name "GanttScale::Stroke" is not in camel caps format
public function Stroke()
Method name "GanttScale::StrokeTableHeaders" is not in camel caps format
public function StrokeTableHeaders($aYBottom)
Method name "GanttScale::StrokeYears" is not in camel caps format
public function StrokeYears($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 130 characters
return ($aDate - $this->iStartDate - $offset) / SECPERDAY * $this->GetDayWidth() + $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 128 characters
$pos = round($img->top_margin + $this->iVertHeaderSize + $this->iTopPlotMargin + ($aPos + 1) * $this->iVertSpacing);
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 141 characters
$monthwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iEndDate) - $this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 145 characters
$monthwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetNumDaysInMonth($monthnbr, $year) - $this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 164 characters
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 171 characters
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 139 characters
$img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 135 characters
$img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 131 characters
$img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $yb - $this->day->iFrameWeight);
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 156 characters
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 144 characters
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 135 characters
$img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $yb - $this->day->iFrameWeight);
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 131 characters
$yearwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetNumDaysInYear($year) - $this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 138 characters
Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 138 characters
$yearwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iEndDate) - $this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
There are no issues that match your filters.