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 * JPGraph v4.0.3

namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph;

use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Text;
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Util;

 * @class GanttScale
 * // Description: Responsible for calculating and showing
 * // the scale in a gantt chart. This includes providing methods for
 * // converting dates to position in the chart as well as stroking the
 * // date headers (days, week, etc).
class GanttScale
    public $minute;
    public $hour;
    public $day;
    public $week;
    public $month;
    public $year;
    public $divider;
    public $dividerh;
    public $tableTitle;
    public $iStartDate = -1;
    public $iEndDate   = -1;
    // Number of gantt bar position (n.b not necessariliy the same as the number of bars)
    // we could have on bar in position 1, and one bar in position 5 then there are two
    // bars but the number of bar positions is 5
    public $actinfo;
    public $iTopPlotMargin    = 10;
    public $iBottomPlotMargin = 15;
    public $iVertLines        = -1;
    public $iVertHeaderSize   = -1;
    // The width of the labels (defaults to the widest of all labels)
    private $iLabelWidth;
    // Out image to stroke the scale to
    private $iImg;
    private $iTableHeaderBackgroundColor = 'white';
    private $iTableHeaderFrameColor      = 'black';
    private $iTableHeaderFrameWeight     = 1;
    private $iAvailableHeight            = -1;
    private $iVertSpacing                = -1;
    private $iDateLocale;
    private $iVertLayout               = GANTT_EVEN;
    private $iUsePlotWeekendBackground = true;
    private $iWeekStart                = 1; // Default to have weekends start on Monday

     * @param mixed $aImg
    public function __construct($aImg)
        $this->iImg        = $aImg;
        $this->iDateLocale = new Util\DateLocale();

        $this->minute = new HeaderProperty();

        $this->hour = new HeaderProperty();

        $this->day = new HeaderProperty();

        $this->week = new HeaderProperty();

        $this->month = new HeaderProperty();
        $this->month->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);

        $this->year = new HeaderProperty();
        $this->year->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);

        $this->divider  = new LineProperty();
        $this->dividerh = new LineProperty();

        $this->tableTitle = new Text\TextProperty();
        $this->actinfo = new GanttActivityInfo();

     * // Specify what headers should be visible.
     * @param mixed $aFlg
    public function ShowHeaders($aFlg)
        $this->day->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HDAY);
        $this->week->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HWEEK);
        $this->month->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HMONTH);
        $this->year->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HYEAR);
        $this->hour->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HHOUR);
        $this->minute->Show($aFlg & GANTT_HMIN);

        // Make some default settings of gridlines whihc makes sense
        if ($aFlg & GANTT_HWEEK) {
        if ($aFlg & GANTT_HHOUR) {

    // Should the weekend background stretch all the way down in the plotarea
    public function UseWeekendBackground($aShow)
        $this->iUsePlotWeekendBackground = $aShow;

    // Have a range been specified?
    public function IsRangeSet()
        return $this->iStartDate != -1 && $this->iEndDate != -1;

    // Should the layout be from top or even?
    public function SetVertLayout($aLayout)
        $this->iVertLayout = $aLayout;

    // Which locale should be used?
    public function SetDateLocale($aLocale)

    // Number of days we are showing
    public function GetNumberOfDays()
        return round(($this->iEndDate - $this->iStartDate) / SECPERDAY);

    // The width of the actual plot area
    public function GetPlotWidth()
        $img = $this->iImg;

        return $img->width - $img->left_margin - $img->right_margin;

    // Specify the width of the titles(labels) for the activities
    // (This is by default set to the minimum width enought for the
    // widest title)
    public function SetLabelWidth($aLabelWidth)
        $this->iLabelWidth = $aLabelWidth;

    // Which day should the week start?
    // 0==Sun, 1==Monday, 2==Tuesday etc
    public function SetWeekStart($aStartDay)
        $this->iWeekStart = $aStartDay % 7;

        //Recalculate the startday since this will change the week start
        $this->SetRange($this->iStartDate, $this->iEndDate);

    // Do we show min scale?
    public function IsDisplayMinute()
        return $this->minute->iShowLabels;

    // Do we show day scale?
    public function IsDisplayHour()
        return $this->hour->iShowLabels;

    // Do we show day scale?
    public function IsDisplayDay()
        return $this->day->iShowLabels;

    // Do we show week scale?
    public function IsDisplayWeek()
        return $this->week->iShowLabels;

    // Do we show month scale?
    public function IsDisplayMonth()
        return $this->month->iShowLabels;

    // Do we show year scale?
    public function IsDisplayYear()
        return $this->year->iShowLabels;

    // Specify spacing (in percent of bar height) between activity bars
    public function SetVertSpacing($aSpacing)
        $this->iVertSpacing = $aSpacing;

    // Specify scale min and max date either as timestamp or as date strings
    // Always round to the nearest week boundary
    public function SetRange($aMin, $aMax)
        $this->iStartDate = $this->NormalizeDate($aMin);
        $this->iEndDate   = $this->NormalizeDate($aMax);

    // Adjust the start and end date so they fit to beginning/ending
    // of the week taking the specified week start day into account.
    public function AdjustStartEndDay()
        if (!($this->IsDisplayYear() || $this->IsDisplayMonth() || $this->IsDisplayWeek())) {
            // Don't adjust

        // Get day in week for start and ending date (Sun==0)
        $ds = strftime('%w', $this->iStartDate);
        $de = strftime('%w', $this->iEndDate);

        // We want to start on iWeekStart day. But first we subtract a week
        // if the startdate is "behind" the day the week start at.
        // This way we ensure that the given start date is always included
        // in the range. If we don't do this the nearest correct weekday in the week
        // to start at might be later than the start date.
        if ($ds < $this->iWeekStart) {
            $d = strtotime('-7 day', $this->iStartDate);
        } else {
            $d = $this->iStartDate;

        $adjdate          = strtotime(($this->iWeekStart - $ds) . ' day', $d/*$this->iStartDate*/);
        $this->iStartDate = $adjdate;

        // We want to end on the last day of the week
        $preferredEndDay = ($this->iWeekStart + 6) % 7;
        if ($preferredEndDay != $de) {
            // Solve equivalence eq:    $de + x ~ $preferredDay (mod 7)
            $adj            = (7 + ($preferredEndDay - $de)) % 7;
            $adjdate        = strtotime("+${adj} day", $this->iEndDate);
            $this->iEndDate = $adjdate;

    // Specify background for the table title area (upper left corner of the table)
    public function SetTableTitleBackground($aColor)
        $this->iTableHeaderBackgroundColor = $aColor;

    // PRIVATE Methods

    // Determine the height of all the scale headers combined
    public function GetHeaderHeight()
        $img    = $this->iImg;
        $height = 1;
        if ($this->minute->iShowLabels) {
            $height += $this->minute->GetFontHeight($img);
            $height += $this->minute->iTitleVertMargin;
        if ($this->hour->iShowLabels) {
            $height += $this->hour->GetFontHeight($img);
            $height += $this->hour->iTitleVertMargin;
        if ($this->day->iShowLabels) {
            $height += $this->day->GetFontHeight($img);
            $height += $this->day->iTitleVertMargin;
        if ($this->week->iShowLabels) {
            $height += $this->week->GetFontHeight($img);
            $height += $this->week->iTitleVertMargin;
        if ($this->month->iShowLabels) {
            $height += $this->month->GetFontHeight($img);
            $height += $this->month->iTitleVertMargin;
        if ($this->year->iShowLabels) {
            $height += $this->year->GetFontHeight($img);
            $height += $this->year->iTitleVertMargin;

        return $height;

    // Get width (in pixels) for a single day
    public function GetDayWidth()
        return ($this->GetPlotWidth() - $this->iLabelWidth + 1) / $this->GetNumberOfDays();

    // Get width (in pixels) for a single hour
    public function GetHourWidth()
        return $this->GetDayWidth() / 24;

    public function GetMinuteWidth()
        return $this->GetHourWidth() / 60;

    // Nuber of days in a year
    public function GetNumDaysInYear($aYear)
        if ($this->IsLeap($aYear)) {
            return 366;

        return 365;

    // Get week number
    public function GetWeekNbr($aDate, $aSunStart = true)
        // We can't use the internal strftime() since it gets the weeknumber
        // wrong since it doesn't follow ISO on all systems since this is
        // system linrary dependent.
        // Even worse is that this works differently if we are on a Windows
        // or UNIX box (it even differs between UNIX boxes how strftime()
        // is natively implemented)
        // Credit to Nicolas Hoizey <> for this elegant
        // version of Week Nbr calculation.

        $day = $this->NormalizeDate($aDate);
        if ($aSunStart) {
            $day += 60 * 60 * 24;

         * According to ISO-8601 :
         * "Week 01 of a year is per definition the first week that has the Thursday in this year,
         * which is equivalent to the week that contains the fourth day of January.
         * In other words, the first week of a new year is the week that has the majority of its
         * days in the new year.".
         * Be carefull, with PHP, -3 % 7 = -3, instead of 4 !!!
         * day of year             = date("z", $day) + 1
         * offset to thursday      = 3 - (date("w", $day) + 6) % 7
         * first thursday of year  = 1 + (11 - date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date("Y", $day)))) % 7
         * week number             = (thursday's day of year - first thursday's day of year) / 7 + 1
         * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
        $thursday = $day + 60 * 60 * 24 * (3 - (date('w', $day) + 6) % 7); // take week's thursday
        $week     = 1 + (date('z', $thursday) - (11 - date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date('Y', $thursday)))) % 7) / 7;

        return $week;

    // Is year a leap year?
    public function IsLeap($aYear)
        // Is the year a leap year?
        //$year = 0+date("Y",$aDate);
        if ($aYear % 4 == 0) {
            if (!($aYear % 100 == 0) || ($aYear % 400 == 0)) {
                return true;

        return false;

    // Get current year
    public function GetYear($aDate)
        return 0 + date('Y', $aDate);

    // Return number of days in a year
    public function GetNumDaysInMonth($aMonth, $aYear)
        $days  = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
        $daysl = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
        if ($this->IsLeap($aYear)) {
            return $daysl[$aMonth];

        return $days[$aMonth];

    // Get day in month
    public function GetMonthDayNbr($aDate)
        return 0 + strftime('%d', $aDate);

    // Get day in year
    public function GetYearDayNbr($aDate)
        return 0 + strftime('%j', $aDate);

    // Get month number
    public function GetMonthNbr($aDate)
        return 0 + strftime('%m', $aDate);

    // Translate a date to screen coordinates (horizontal scale)
    public function TranslateDate($aDate)
        // In order to handle the problem with Daylight savings time
        // the scale written with equal number of seconds per day beginning
        // with the start date. This means that we "cement" the state of
        // DST as it is in the start date. If later the scale includes the
        // switchover date (depends on the locale) we need to adjust back
        // if the date we try to translate has a different DST status since
        // we would otherwise be off by one hour.
        $aDate  = $this->NormalizeDate($aDate);
        $tmp    = localtime($aDate);
        $cloc   = $tmp[8];
        $tmp    = localtime($this->iStartDate);
        $sloc   = $tmp[8];
        $offset = 0;
        if ($sloc != $cloc) {
            if ($sloc) {
                $offset = 3600;
            } else {
                $offset = -3600;
        $img = $this->iImg;

        return ($aDate - $this->iStartDate - $offset) / SECPERDAY * $this->GetDayWidth() + $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;

    // Get screen coordinatesz for the vertical position for a bar
    public function TranslateVertPos($aPos, $atTop = false)
        $img = $this->iImg;
        if ($aPos > $this->iVertLines) {
            Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6015, $aPos);

        // 'Illegal vertical position %d'
        if ($this->iVertLayout == GANTT_EVEN) {
            // Position the top bar at 1 vert spacing from the scale
            $pos = round($img->top_margin + $this->iVertHeaderSize + ($aPos + 1) * $this->iVertSpacing);
        } else {
            // position the top bar at 1/2 a vert spacing from the scale
            $pos = round($img->top_margin + $this->iVertHeaderSize + $this->iTopPlotMargin + ($aPos + 1) * $this->iVertSpacing);

        if ($atTop) {
            $pos -= $this->iVertSpacing;

        return $pos;

    // What is the vertical spacing?
    public function GetVertSpacing()
        return $this->iVertSpacing;

    // Convert a date to timestamp
    public function NormalizeDate($aDate)
        if ($aDate === false) {
            return false;

        if (is_string($aDate)) {
            $t = strtotime($aDate);
            if ($t === false || $t === -1) {
                Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6016, $aDate);
                //("Date string ($aDate) specified for Gantt activity can not be interpretated. Please make sure it is a valid time string, e.g. 2005-04-23 13:30");

            return $t;
        if (is_int($aDate) || is_float($aDate)) {
            return $aDate;
        Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6017, $aDate);

        //Unknown date format in GanttScale ($aDate).");

    // Convert a time string to minutes

    public function TimeToMinutes($aTimeString)
        // Split in hours and minutes
        $pos    = strpos($aTimeString, ':');
        $minint = 60;
        if ($pos === false) {
            $hourint = $aTimeString;
            $minint  = 0;
        } else {
            $hourint = floor(substr($aTimeString, 0, $pos));
            $minint  = floor(substr($aTimeString, $pos + 1));
        $minint += 60 * $hourint;

        return $minint;

    // Stroke the day scale (including gridlines)
    public function StrokeMinutes($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
        $img = $this->iImg;
        $xt  = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
        $yt  = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
        if ($this->minute->iShowLabels) {
            $img->SetFont($this->minute->iFFamily, $this->minute->iFStyle, $this->minute->iFSize);
            $yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() +
            $this->minute->iTitleVertMargin + $this->minute->iFrameWeight;
            if ($getHeight) {
                return $yb - $img->top_margin;
            $xb = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
            $img->FilledRectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            $x = $xt;
            $day    = date('w', $this->iStartDate);
            $minint = $this->minute->GetIntervall();

            if (60 % $minint !== 0) {
                Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6018, $minint);
                //'Intervall for minutes must divide the hour evenly, e.g. 1,5,10,12,15,20,30 etc You have specified an intervall of '.$minint.' minutes.');

            $n         = 60 / $minint;
            $datestamp = $this->iStartDate;
            $width     = $this->GetHourWidth() / $n;
            if ($width < 8) {
                // TO small width to draw minute scale
                Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6019, $width);
                //('The available width ('.$width.') for minutes are to small for this scale to be displayed. Please use auto-sizing or increase the width of the graph.');

            $nh = ceil(24 * 60 / $this->TimeToMinutes($this->hour->GetIntervall()));
            $nd = $this->GetNumberOfDays();
            // Convert to intervall to seconds
            $minint *= 60;
            for ($j = 0; $j < $nd; ++$j, ++$day, $day %= 7) {
                for ($k = 0; $k < $nh; ++$k) {
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i, $x += $width, $datestamp += $minint) {
                        if ($day == 6 || $day == 0) {
                            if ($this->iUsePlotWeekendBackground) {
                                $img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
                            } else {
                                $img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $yb - $this->day->iFrameWeight);


                        if ($day == 0) {
                        } else {

                        switch ($this->minute->iStyle) {
                            case MINUTESTYLE_CUSTOM:
                                $txt = date($this->minute->iLabelFormStr, $datestamp);

                            case MINUTESTYLE_MM:
                                // 15
                                $txt = date('i', $datestamp);

                        $img->StrokeText(round($x + $width / 2), round($yb - $this->minute->iTitleVertMargin), $txt);

                        // Fix a rounding problem the wrong way ..
                        // If we also have hour scale then don't draw the firsta or last
                        // gridline since that will be overwritten by the hour scale gridline if such exists.
                        // However, due to the propagation of rounding of the 'x+=width' term in the loop
                        // this might sometimes be one pixel of so we fix this by not drawing it.
                        // The proper way to fix it would be to re-calculate the scale for each step and
                        // not using the additive term.
                        if (!(($i == $n || $i == 0) && $this->hour->iShowLabels && $this->hour->grid->iShow)) {
                            $img->Line($x, $yt, $x, $yb);
                            $this->minute->grid->Stroke($img, $x, $yb, $x, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
            $img->Rectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            return $yb - $img->top_margin;

        return $aYCoord;

    // Stroke the day scale (including gridlines)
    public function StrokeHours($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
        $img = $this->iImg;
        $xt  = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
        $yt  = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
        if ($this->hour->iShowLabels) {
            $img->SetFont($this->hour->iFFamily, $this->hour->iFStyle, $this->hour->iFSize);
            $yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() +
            $this->hour->iTitleVertMargin + $this->hour->iFrameWeight;
            if ($getHeight) {
                return $yb - $img->top_margin;
            $xb = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
            $img->FilledRectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            $x = $xt;
            $tmp    = $this->hour->GetIntervall();
            $minint = $this->TimeToMinutes($tmp);
            if (1440 % $minint !== 0) {
                Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(6020, $tmp);
                //('Intervall for hours must divide the day evenly, e.g. 0:30, 1:00, 1:30, 4:00 etc. You have specified an intervall of '.$tmp);

            $n         = ceil(24 * 60 / $minint);
            $datestamp = $this->iStartDate;
            $day       = date('w', $this->iStartDate);
            $doback    = !$this->minute->iShowLabels;
            $width     = $this->GetDayWidth() / $n;
            for ($j = 0; $j < $this->GetNumberOfDays(); ++$j, ++$day, $day %= 7) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i, $x += $width) {
                    if ($day == 6 || $day == 0) {
                        if ($this->iUsePlotWeekendBackground && $doback) {
                            $img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
                        } else {
                            $img->FilledRectangle($x, $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight, $x + $width, $yb - $this->day->iFrameWeight);


                    if ($day == 0) {
                    } else {

                    switch ($this->hour->iStyle) {
                        case HOURSTYLE_HMAMPM:
                            // 1:35pm
                            $txt = date('g:ia', $datestamp);

                        case HOURSTYLE_H24:
                            // 13
                            $txt = date('H', $datestamp);

                        case HOURSTYLE_HAMPM:
                            $txt = date('ga', $datestamp);

                        case HOURSTYLE_CUSTOM:
                            $txt = date($this->hour->iLabelFormStr, $datestamp);

                        case HOURSTYLE_HM24:
                            $txt = date('H:i', $datestamp);

                    $img->StrokeText(round($x + $width / 2), round($yb - $this->hour->iTitleVertMargin), $txt);
                    $img->Line($x, $yt, $x, $yb);
                    $this->hour->grid->Stroke($img, $x, $yb, $x, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
                    //$datestamp += $minint*60
                    $datestamp = mktime(
                        date('H', $datestamp),
                        date('i', $datestamp) + $minint,
                        date('m', $datestamp),
                        date('d', $datestamp) + 1,
                        date('Y', $datestamp)
            $img->Rectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            return $yb - $img->top_margin;

        return $aYCoord;

    // Stroke the day scale (including gridlines)
    public function StrokeDays($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
        $img      = $this->iImg;
        $daywidth = $this->GetDayWidth();
        $xt       = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
        $yt       = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
        if ($this->day->iShowLabels) {
            $img->SetFont($this->day->iFFamily, $this->day->iFStyle, $this->day->iFSize);
            $yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->day->iTitleVertMargin + $this->day->iFrameWeight;
            if ($getHeight) {
                return $yb - $img->top_margin;
            $xb = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
            $img->FilledRectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            $x = $xt;
            $day       = date('w', $this->iStartDate);
            $datestamp = $this->iStartDate;

            $doback = !($this->hour->iShowLabels || $this->minute->iShowLabels);

            setlocale(LC_TIME, $this->iDateLocale->iLocale);

            for ($i = 0; $i < $this->GetNumberOfDays(); ++$i, $x += $daywidth, ++$day, $day %= 7) {
                if ($day == 6 || $day == 0) {
                    if ($this->iUsePlotWeekendBackground && $doback) {
                            $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight,
                            $x + $daywidth,
                            $img->height - $img->bottom_margin
                    } else {
                            $yt + $this->day->iFrameWeight,
                            $x + $daywidth,
                            $yb - $this->day->iFrameWeight

                $mn = strftime('%m', $datestamp);
                if ($mn[0] == '0') {
                    $mn = $mn[1];

                switch ($this->day->iStyle) {
                    case DAYSTYLE_LONG:
                        // "Monday"
                        $txt = strftime('%A', $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_SHORT:
                        // "Mon"
                        $txt = strftime('%a', $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_SHORTDAYDATE1:
                        // "Mon 23/6"
                        $txt = strftime('%a %d/' . $mn, $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_SHORTDAYDATE2:
                        // "Mon 23 Jun"
                        $txt = strftime('%a %d %b', $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_SHORTDAYDATE3:
                        // "Mon 23 Jun 2003"
                        $txt = strftime('%a %d %b %Y', $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_LONGDAYDATE1:
                        // "Monday 23 Jun"
                        $txt = strftime('%A %d %b', $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_LONGDAYDATE2:
                        // "Monday 23 Jun 2003"
                        $txt = strftime('%A %d %b %Y', $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_SHORTDATE1:
                        // "23/6"
                        $txt = strftime('%d/' . $mn, $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_SHORTDATE2:
                        // "23 Jun"
                        $txt = strftime('%d %b', $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_SHORTDATE3:
                        // "Mon 23"
                        $txt = strftime('%a %d', $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_SHORTDATE4:
                        // "23"
                        $txt = strftime('%d', $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_CUSTOM:
                        // Custom format
                        $txt = strftime($this->day->iLabelFormStr, $datestamp);

                    case DAYSTYLE_ONELETTER:
                        // "M"
                        $txt = strftime('%A', $datestamp);
                        $txt = strtoupper($txt[0]);


                if ($day == 0) {
                } else {

                    round($x + $daywidth / 2 + 1),
                    round($yb - $this->day->iTitleVertMargin),
                $img->Line($x, $yt, $x, $yb);
                $this->day->grid->Stroke($img, $x, $yb, $x, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
                $datestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $datestamp), date('d', $datestamp) + 1, date('Y', $datestamp));
                //$datestamp += SECPERDAY;
            $img->Rectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            return $yb - $img->top_margin;

        return $aYCoord;

    // Stroke week header and grid
    public function StrokeWeeks($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
        if ($this->week->iShowLabels) {
            $img = $this->iImg;
            $yt  = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
            $img->SetFont($this->week->iFFamily, $this->week->iFStyle, $this->week->iFSize);
            $yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->week->iTitleVertMargin + $this->week->iFrameWeight;

            if ($getHeight) {
                return $yb - $img->top_margin;

            $xt        = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
            $weekwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * 7;
            $wdays     = $this->iDateLocale->GetDayAbb();
            $xb        = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
            $week      = $this->iStartDate;
            $weeknbr   = $this->GetWeekNbr($week);
            $img->FilledRectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);
            $x = $xt;
            if ($this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_WNBR) {
                $txtOffset = $weekwidth / 2 + 1;
            } elseif ($this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY ||
                $this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2 ||
                $this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAYWNBR ||
                $this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2WNBR) {
                $txtOffset = 3;
            } else {
                //("Unknown formatting style for week.");

            for ($i = 0; $i < $this->GetNumberOfDays() / 7; ++$i, $x += $weekwidth) {

                if ($this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_WNBR) {
                    $txt = sprintf($this->week->iLabelFormStr, $weeknbr);
                } elseif ($this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY ||
                    $this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAYWNBR) {
                    $txt = date('j/n', $week);
                } elseif ($this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2 ||
                    $this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2WNBR) {
                    $monthnbr   = date('n', $week) - 1;
                    $shortmonth = $this->iDateLocale->GetShortMonthName($monthnbr);
                    $txt        = date('j', $week) . ' ' . $shortmonth;

                if ($this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAYWNBR ||
                    $this->week->iStyle == WEEKSTYLE_FIRSTDAY2WNBR) {
                    $w = sprintf($this->week->iLabelFormStr, $weeknbr);
                    $txt .= ' ' . $w;

                    round($x + $txtOffset),
                    round($yb - $this->week->iTitleVertMargin),

                $week    = strtotime('+7 day', $week);
                $weeknbr = $this->GetWeekNbr($week);
                $img->Line($x, $yt, $x, $yb);
                $this->week->grid->Stroke($img, $x, $yb, $x, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
            $img->Rectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            return $yb - $img->top_margin;

        return $aYCoord;

    // Format the mont scale header string
    public function GetMonthLabel($aMonthNbr, $year)
        $sn = $this->iDateLocale->GetShortMonthName($aMonthNbr);
        $ln = $this->iDateLocale->GetLongMonthName($aMonthNbr);
        switch ($this->month->iStyle) {
            case MONTHSTYLE_SHORTNAME:
                $m = $sn;

            case MONTHSTYLE_LONGNAME:
                $m = $ln;

                $m = $sn . " '" . substr('' . $year, 2);

                $m = $sn . ' ' . $year;

                $m = $ln . " '" . substr('' . $year, 2);

                $m = $ln . ' ' . $year;

                $m = $sn[0];


        return $m;

    // Stroke month scale and gridlines
    public function StrokeMonths($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
        if ($this->month->iShowLabels) {
            $img = $this->iImg;
            $img->SetFont($this->month->iFFamily, $this->month->iFStyle, $this->month->iFSize);
            $yt = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
            $yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->month->iTitleVertMargin + $this->month->iFrameWeight;
            if ($getHeight) {
                return $yb - $img->top_margin;
            $monthnbr = $this->GetMonthNbr($this->iStartDate) - 1;
            $xt       = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
            $xb       = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;

            $img->FilledRectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            $year = 0 + strftime('%Y', $this->iStartDate);
            if ($this->GetMonthNbr($this->iStartDate) == $this->GetMonthNbr($this->iEndDate)
                && $this->GetYear($this->iStartDate) == $this->GetYear($this->iEndDate)) {
                $monthwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iEndDate) - $this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
            } else {
                $monthwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetNumDaysInMonth($monthnbr, $year) - $this->GetMonthDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
            // Is it enough space to stroke the first month?
            $monthName = $this->GetMonthLabel($monthnbr, $year);
            if ($monthwidth >= 1.2 * $img->GetTextWidth($monthName)) {
                    round($xt + $monthwidth / 2 + 1),
                    round($yb - $this->month->iTitleVertMargin),
            $x = $xt + $monthwidth;
            while ($x < $xb) {
                $img->Line($x, $yt, $x, $yb);
                $this->month->grid->Stroke($img, $x, $yb, $x, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
                if ($monthnbr == 12) {
                    $monthnbr = 0;
                $monthName  = $this->GetMonthLabel($monthnbr, $year);
                $monthwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * $this->GetNumDaysInMonth($monthnbr, $year);
                if ($x + $monthwidth < $xb) {
                    $w = $monthwidth;
                } else {
                    $w = $xb - $x;

                if ($w >= 1.2 * $img->GetTextWidth($monthName)) {
                        round($x + $w / 2 + 1),
                        round($yb - $this->month->iTitleVertMargin),
                $x += $monthwidth;
            $img->Rectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            return $yb - $img->top_margin;

        return $aYCoord;

    // Stroke year scale and gridlines
    public function StrokeYears($aYCoord, $getHeight = false)
        if ($this->year->iShowLabels) {
            $img = $this->iImg;
            $yt  = $aYCoord + $img->top_margin;
            $img->SetFont($this->year->iFFamily, $this->year->iFStyle, $this->year->iFSize);
            $yb = $yt + $img->GetFontHeight() + $this->year->iTitleVertMargin + $this->year->iFrameWeight;

            if ($getHeight) {
                return $yb - $img->top_margin;

            $xb   = $img->width - $img->right_margin + 1;
            $xt   = $img->left_margin + $this->iLabelWidth;
            $year = $this->GetYear($this->iStartDate);
            $img->FilledRectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);
            if ($year == $this->GetYear($this->iEndDate)) {
                $yearwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iEndDate) - $this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);
            } else {
                $yearwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * ($this->GetNumDaysInYear($year) - $this->GetYearDayNbr($this->iStartDate) + 1);

            // The space for a year must be at least 20% bigger than the actual text
            // so we allow 10% margin on each side
            if ($yearwidth >= 1.20 * $img->GetTextWidth('' . $year)) {
                    round($xt + $yearwidth / 2 + 1),
                    round($yb - $this->year->iTitleVertMargin),
            $x = $xt + $yearwidth;
            while ($x < $xb) {
                $img->Line($x, $yt, $x, $yb);
                $this->year->grid->Stroke($img, $x, $yb, $x, $img->height - $img->bottom_margin);
                $yearwidth = $this->GetDayWidth() * $this->GetNumDaysInYear($year);
                if ($x + $yearwidth < $xb) {
                    $w = $yearwidth;
                } else {
                    $w = $xb - $x;

                if ($w >= 1.2 * $img->GetTextWidth('' . $year)) {
                        round($x + $w / 2 + 1),
                        round($yb - $this->year->iTitleVertMargin),
                $x += $yearwidth;
            $img->Rectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

            return $yb - $img->top_margin;

        return $aYCoord;

    // Stroke table title (upper left corner)
    public function StrokeTableHeaders($aYBottom)
        $img = $this->iImg;
        $xt  = $img->left_margin;
        $yt  = $img->top_margin;
        $xb  = $xt + $this->iLabelWidth;
        $yb  = $aYBottom + $img->top_margin;

        if ($this->tableTitle->iShow) {
            $img->FilledRectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);
            $this->tableTitle->Align('center', 'top');
            $this->tableTitle->Stroke($img, $xt + ($xb - $xt) / 2 + 1, $yt + 2);
            $img->Rectangle($xt, $yt, $xb, $yb);

        $this->actinfo->Stroke($img, $xt, $yt, $xb, $yb, $this->tableTitle->iShow);

        // Draw the horizontal dividing line
        $this->dividerh->Stroke($img, $xt, $yb, $img->width - $img->right_margin, $yb);

        // Draw the vertical dividing line
        // We do the width "manually" since we want the line only to grow
        // to the left
        $fancy = $this->divider->iStyle == 'fancy';
        if ($fancy) {
            $this->divider->iStyle = 'solid';

        $tmp                    = $this->divider->iWeight;
        $this->divider->iWeight = 1;
        $y                      = $img->height - $img->bottom_margin;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $tmp; ++$i) {
            $this->divider->Stroke($img, $xb - $i, $yt, $xb - $i, $y);

        // Should we draw "fancy" divider
        if ($fancy) {
            $img->Line($xb, $yt, $xb, $y);
            $img->Line($xb - $tmp + 1, $yt, $xb - $tmp + 1, $y);
            $img->Line($xb - $tmp + 2, $yt, $xb - $tmp + 2, $y);

    // Main entry point to stroke scale
    public function Stroke()
        if (!$this->IsRangeSet()) {
            //("Gantt scale has not been specified.");
        $img = $this->iImg;

        // If minutes are displayed then hour interval must be 1
        if ($this->IsDisplayMinute() && $this->hour->GetIntervall() > 1) {
            //('If you display both hour and minutes the hour intervall must be 1 (Otherwise it doesn\' make sense to display minutes).');

        // Stroke all headers. As argument we supply the offset from the
        // top which depends on any previous headers

        // First find out the height of each header
        $offy   = $this->StrokeYears(0, true);
        $offm   = $this->StrokeMonths($offy, true);
        $offw   = $this->StrokeWeeks($offm, true);
        $offd   = $this->StrokeDays($offw, true);
        $offh   = $this->StrokeHours($offd, true);
        $offmin = $this->StrokeMinutes($offh, true);

        // ... then we can stroke them in the "backwards order to ensure that
        // the larger scale gridlines is stroked over the smaller scale gridline

        // Now when we now the oaverall size of the scale headers
        // we can stroke the overall table headers

        // Now we can calculate the correct scaling factor for each vertical position
        $this->iAvailableHeight = $img->height - $img->top_margin - $img->bottom_margin - $offd;

        $this->iVertHeaderSize = $offmin;
        if ($this->iVertSpacing == -1) {
            $this->iVertSpacing = $this->iAvailableHeight / $this->iVertLines;