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 * JPGraph v4.0.3

namespace Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot;

 * This class represent a plotting of a contour outline of data given as a X-Y matrice.
class ContourPlot extends Plot
    private $contour;
    private $contourCoord;
    private $contourVal;
    private $contourColor;
    private $nbrCountours       = 0;
    private $dataMatrix         = [];
    private $invertLegend       = false;
    private $interpFactor       = 1;
    private $flipData           = false;
    private $isobar             = 10;
    private $showLegend         = false;
    private $highcontrast       = false;
    private $highcontrastbw     = false;
    private $manualIsobarColors = [];

     * Construct a contour plotting algorithm. The end result of the algorithm is a sequence of
     * line segments for each isobar given as two vertices.
     * @param $aDataMatrix    The Z-data to be used
     * @param $aIsobar A mixed variable, if it is an integer then this specified the number of isobars to use.
     * The values of the isobars are automatically detrmined to be equ-spaced between the min/max value of the
     * data. If it is an array then it explicetely gives the isobar values
     * @param $aInvert By default the matrice with row index 0 corresponds to Y-value 0, i.e. in the bottom of
     * the plot. If this argument is true then the row with the highest index in the matrice corresponds  to
     * Y-value 0. In affect flipping the matrice around an imaginary horizontal axis.
     * @param $aHighContrast Use high contrast colors (blue/red:ish)
     * @param $aHighContrastBW Use only black colors for contours
     * @param mixed $aFactor
     * @param mixed $aIsobarColors
     * @return an instance of the contour plot algorithm
    public function __construct($aDataMatrix, $aIsobar = 10, $aFactor = 1, $aInvert = false, $aIsobarColors = [])
        $this->dataMatrix   = $aDataMatrix;
        $this->flipData     = $aInvert;
        $this->isobar       = $aIsobar;
        $this->interpFactor = $aFactor;

        if ($this->interpFactor > 1) {
            if ($this->interpFactor > 5) {
                Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(28007); // ContourPlot interpolation factor is too large (>5)

            $ip               = new MeshInterpolate();
            $this->dataMatrix = $ip->Linear($this->dataMatrix, $this->interpFactor);

        $this->contour = new Contour($this->dataMatrix, $this->isobar, $aIsobarColors);

        if (is_array($aIsobar)) {
            $this->nbrContours = safe_count($aIsobar);
        } else {
            $this->nbrContours = $aIsobar;

     * Flipe the data around the center.
     * @param $aFlg
    public function SetInvert($aFlg = true)
        $this->flipData = $aFlg;

     * Set the colors for the isobar lines.
     * @param $aColorArray
    public function SetIsobarColors($aColorArray)
        $this->manualIsobarColors = $aColorArray;

     * Show the legend.
     * @param $aFlg true if the legend should be shown
    public function ShowLegend($aFlg = true)
        $this->showLegend = $aFlg;

     * @param $aFlg true if the legend should start with the lowest isobar on top
     * @return unknown_type
    public function Invertlegend($aFlg = true)
        $this->invertLegend = $aFlg;

    /* Internal method. Give the min value to be used for the scaling
    public function Min()
        return [0, 0];

    /* Internal method. Give the max value to be used for the scaling
    public function Max()
        return [count($this->dataMatrix[0]) - 1, safe_count($this->dataMatrix) - 1];

     * Internal ramewrok method to setup the legend to be used for this plot.
     * @param $aGraph The parent graph class
    public function Legend($aGraph)
        if (!$this->showLegend) {

        if ($this->invertLegend) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < $this->nbrContours; ++$i) {
                $aGraph->legend->Add(sprintf('%.1f', $this->contourVal[$i]), $this->contourColor[$i]);
        } else {
            for ($i = $this->nbrContours - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
                $aGraph->legend->Add(sprintf('%.1f', $this->contourVal[$i]), $this->contourColor[$i]);

     *  Framework function which gets called before the Stroke() method is called.
     *  @see Plot#PreScaleSetup($aGraph)
     * @param mixed $aGraph
    public function PreScaleSetup($aGraph)
        $xn = safe_count($this->dataMatrix[0]) - 1;
        $yn = safe_count($this->dataMatrix) - 1;

        $aGraph->xaxis->scale->Update($aGraph->img, 0, $xn);
        $aGraph->yaxis->scale->Update($aGraph->img, 0, $yn);

        list($this->contourCoord, $this->contourVal, $this->contourColor) = $this->contour->getIsobars();

     * Use high contrast color schema.
     * @param $aFlg True, to use high contrast color
     * @param $aBW True, Use only black and white color schema
    public function UseHighContrastColor($aFlg = true, $aBW = false)
        $this->highcontrast   = $aFlg;
        $this->highcontrastbw = $aBW;
        $this->contour->UseHighContrastColor($this->highcontrast, $this->highcontrastbw);

     * Internal method. Stroke the contour plot to the graph.
     * @param $img Image handler
     * @param $xscale Instance of the xscale to use
     * @param $yscale Instance of the yscale to use
    public function Stroke($img, $xscale, $yscale)
        if (safe_count($this->manualIsobarColors) > 0) {
            $this->contourColor = $this->manualIsobarColors;
            if (safe_count($this->manualIsobarColors) != $this->nbrContours) {


        for ($c = 0; $c < $this->nbrContours; ++$c) {

            $n = safe_count($this->contourCoord[$c]);
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < $n) {
                list($x1, $y1) = $this->contourCoord[$c][$i][0];
                $x1t           = $xscale->Translate($x1);
                $y1t           = $yscale->Translate($y1);

                list($x2, $y2) = $this->contourCoord[$c][$i++][1];
                $x2t           = $xscale->Translate($x2);
                $y2t           = $yscale->Translate($y2);

                $img->Line($x1t, $y1t, $x2t, $y2t);