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Visibility must be declared on method "checkSql"

    function checkSql($sql) {

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_PREFIX_HELP",  "Questo prefisso sarà aggiunto a tutte le nuove tabelle create nel database per evitare un conflitto di nomi. Se non sei sicuro, non cambiare nulla."); // L63

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_NAME_HELP",  "De naam van de database op de database server.Het installatieprogramma zal proberen er een aan te maken als er geen database bestaat"); // L64

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_COLLATION_HELP",  "Een collation is een set regels die gebruikt worden om karakters te vergelijking.");

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_SALT_HELP",  "Deze salt key zal worden gebruikt om paswoorden te beveiligen, en is nodig om totaal unieke en veilige paswoorden te bekomen. Verander deze sleutel niet, anders worden alle paswoorden onmiddellijk niet meer geldig. In geval van twijfel, behoud de voorgestelde waarde"); // L97

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_HOST_HELP",  "Nome host o numero IP del server database. Se non siete sicuri, <em>localhost</em> funziona in molti casi"); // L67

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_PREFIX_HELP",  "Deze prefix zal toegevoegd worden aan alle nieuwe tabellen die worden aangemaakt om zo naam conflicten te vermijden tussen meerdere ImpressCMS installaties in dezelfde database. Als je niet zeker bent, behoud wat is voorgesteld"); // L63

PHP keywords must be lowercase; expected "or" but found "OR"

        if ($myrow['side'] == 1 OR $myrow['side'] == 2 OR $myrow['side'] == 7) {
Severity: Minor
Found in htdocs/install/makedata.php by phpcodesniffer

Tabs must be used to indent lines; spaces are not allowed

                                   'span', 'strike', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr', 'tt', 'u', 'ul', 'var')))."',
Severity: Minor
Found in htdocs/install/makedata.php by phpcodesniffer

Visibility must be declared on method "execute"

    function execute($type) {

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_HOST_HELP",  "Nom du serveur de la base de donn&eacute;es. Si vous n'&ecirc;tes pas s&ucirc;r, <em>localhost</em> fonctionne dans la plupart des cas"); // L67

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_PCONNECT_HELPS",  "Le connessioni persistenti sono utili con connessioni internet lente. Non sono generalmente richieste per la maggior parte delle installazioni."); // L69

The var keyword must not be used to declare a property

        var $_latest_token = '';

Visibility must be declared on method "issue"

        function issue($salt = '', $timeout = 1800, $area = '') {

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_SALT_HELP",  "Questa salt key sar&agrave; apposta alla password nella funzione icms_encryptPass() e usata per crere un'unica password sicura. Non cambiare questa chiave se il tuo sito &egrave; gi&agrave; attivo, facendo cos&igrave; tutte le password gi&agrave; esistenti saranno cambiate e rese non valide. Se tu non sei sicuro lascia il dato di default."); // L97

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_USER_HELP",  "Nome dell'utente che sar&agrave; utilizzato per la connessione al server del database"); // L65

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_USER_HELP",  "Gebruikersnaam die wordt gebruikt voor toegang tot de database server"); // L65

Expected 1 space after comma in function call; 2 found

define( "DB_PASS_HELP",  "Pasword van uw database gebruikersaccount"); // L68

Tabs must be used to indent lines; spaces are not allowed

    $tables = array();
Severity: Minor
Found in htdocs/install/makedata.php by phpcodesniffer

Visibility must be declared on property "$filters_base"

    var $filters_base = '';