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6 hrs
Test Coverage
// jeffCoin 4. WALLET wallet-interface.go

package wallet

import (

    errors ""

    log ""

// WALLET ****************************************************************************************************************

// GetWallet - Gets the wallet
func GetWallet() walletStruct {

    s := "START  GetWallet() - Gets the wallet"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    theWallet := getWallet()

    s = "END    GetWallet() - Gets the wallet"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    return theWallet


// GenesisWallet - Creates the wallet and writes to file (Keys and jeffCoin Address)
func GenesisWallet(nodeName string, passwordString string) {

    s := "START  GenesisWallet() - Creates the wallet and writes to file (Keys and jeffCoin Address)"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    theWallet := makeWallet(nodeName, passwordString)

    s = "Congrats, you created your wallet (-loglevel trace to display)"
    log.Info("ROUTINGNODE: I/F             " + s)
    js, _ := json.MarshalIndent(theWallet, "", "    ")
    log.Trace("\n\n" + string(js) + "\n\n")

    s = "END    GenesisWallet() - Creates the wallet and writes to file (Keys and jeffCoin Address)"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)


// ReadWalletFile - Reads the wallet from a file and puts in struct
func ReadWalletFile(nodeName string, passwordString string) {

    s := "START  ReadWalletFile() - Reads the wallet from a file and puts in struct"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    theWallet := readWalletFile(nodeName, passwordString)

    s = "Congrats, you loaded your old wallet from a file (-loglevel trace to display)"
    log.Info("ROUTINGNODE: I/F             " + s)
    js, _ := json.MarshalIndent(theWallet, "", "    ")
    log.Trace("\n\n" + string(js) + "\n\n")

    s = "END    ReadWalletFile() - Reads the wallet from a file and puts in struct"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)


// KEYS ******************************************************************************************************************

// EncodeKeys - Encodes privateKeyRaw & publicKeyRaw to privateKeyHex & publicKeyHex
func EncodeKeys(privateKeyRaw *ecdsa.PrivateKey, publicKeyRaw *ecdsa.PublicKey) (string, string) {

    s := "START  EncodeKeys() - Encodes privateKeyRaw & publicKeyRaw to privateKeyHex & publicKeyHex"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    privateKeyHex, publicKeyHex := encodeKeys(privateKeyRaw, publicKeyRaw)

    s = "END    EncodeKeys() - Encodes privateKeyRaw & publicKeyRaw to privateKeyHex & publicKeyHex"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    return privateKeyHex, publicKeyHex


// DecodeKeys - Decodes privateKeyHex & publicKeyHex to privateKeyRaw & publicKeyRaw
func DecodeKeys(privateKeyHex string, publicKeyHex string) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, *ecdsa.PublicKey) {

    s := "START  DecodeKeys() - Decodes privateKeyHex & publicKeyHex to privateKeyRaw & publicKeyRaw"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    privateKeyRaw, publicKeyRaw := decodeKeys(privateKeyHex, publicKeyHex)

    s = "END    DecodeKeys() - Decodes privateKeyHex & publicKeyHex to privateKeyRaw & publicKeyRaw"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    return privateKeyRaw, publicKeyRaw


// JEFFCOINS *************************************************************************************************************

// RequestAddressBalance - Requests the jeffCoin balance for a jeffCoin Address
func RequestAddressBalance(IP string, TCPPort string, jeffCoinAddress string) (string, error) {

    s := "START  RequestAddressBalance() - Requests the jeffCoin balance for a jeffCoin Address"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    s = "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "CLIENT - Requesting a connection"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "-C conn   TCP Connection on " + IP + ":" + TCPPort
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", IP+":"+TCPPort)

    // RCV - GET THE RESPONSE MESSAGE (Waiting for Command)
    message, _ := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
    s = "-C rcv    Message from Network Node: " + message
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    if message == "ERROR" {
        s = "ERROR: Waiting for Command"
        log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F                   " + s)
        return "error", errors.New(s)

    s = "-C req    - SEND-ADDRESS-BALANCE"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, "SEND-ADDRESS-BALANCE\n")

    // RCV - GET THE RESPONSE (ASKING TO SEND jeffCoin Address)
    message, _ = bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
    s = "-C rcv    Message from Network Node: " + message
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    if message == "ERROR" {
        s = "ERROR: ASKING TO SEND jeffCoin Address"
        log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F                   " + s)
        return "error", errors.New(s)

    // SEND - jeffCoinAddress
    s = "-C send   SEND jeffCoinAddress " + jeffCoinAddress
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, jeffCoinAddress+"\n")

    theBalance, _ := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
    theBalance = strings.Trim(theBalance, "--- ")
    theBalance = strings.Trim(theBalance, "\n")
    s = "-C rcv    Message from Network Node: " + theBalance
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    if message == "ERROR" {
        s = "ERROR: Could not get balance"
        log.Debug("WALLET: I/F                 " + s)
        return "error", errors.New(s)

    s = "-C send   - Thank you"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Thank You\n")

    // RCV - GET THE RESPONSE MESSAGE (Waiting for Command)
    message, _ = bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
    s = "-C rcv    Message from Network Node: " + message
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    if message == "ERROR" {
        s = "ERROR: Waiting for Command"
        log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F              " + s)
        return "error", errors.New(s)

    s = "-C req    - EOF (CLOSE CONNECTION)"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, "EOF\n")
    time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
    s = "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "CLIENT - Closed a connection"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)

    s = "END    RequestAddressBalance() - Requests the jeffCoin balance for a jeffCoin Address"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    return theBalance, nil


// TransactionRequest - Request to transfer jeffCoins to a jeffCoin Address
func TransactionRequest(nodeIP string, nodeTCPPort string, transactionRequestMessageSigned string) (string, error) {

    s := "START  TransactionRequest() - Request to transfer Coins to a jeffCoin Address"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    s = "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "CLIENT - Requesting a connection"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "-C conn   TCP Connection on " + nodeIP + ":" + nodeTCPPort
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", nodeIP+":"+nodeTCPPort)

    // RCV - GET THE RESPONSE MESSAGE (Waiting for Command)
    message, _ := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
    s = "-C rcv    Message from Network Node: " + message
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    if message == "ERROR" {
        s = "ERROR: Waiting for Command"
        log.Debug("WALLET: I/F                 " + s)
        return "error", errors.New(s)

    s = "-C req    - TRANSACTION-REQUEST"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, "TRANSACTION-REQUEST\n")

    // RCV - GET THE RESPONSE MESSAGE (???????????????????????)
    message, _ = bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
    s = "-C rcv    Message from Network Node: " + message
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    if message == "ERROR" {
        s = "ERROR: ?????????????????????????????"
        log.Debug("WALLET: I/F                 " + s)
        return "error", errors.New(s)

    // SEND - transactionRequestMessageSigned
    s = "-C send   SEND transactionRequestMessageSigned (-loglevel trace to display)"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    log.Trace("\n\n" + transactionRequestMessageSigned + "\n\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, transactionRequestMessageSigned+"\n")

    status, _ := bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
    status = strings.Trim(status, "--- ")
    status = strings.Trim(status, "\n")
    s = "-C rcv    Message from Network Node: " + status
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)

    if status == "ERROR" {
        s = "ERROR: Could not get the status from node"
        log.Debug("WALLET: I/F                 " + s)
        return "error", errors.New(s)

    s = "-C send   - Thank you"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, "Thank You\n")

    // RCV - GET THE RESPONSE MESSAGE (Waiting for Command)
    message, _ = bufio.NewReader(conn).ReadString('\n')
    s = "-C rcv    Message from Network Node: " + message
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    if message == "ERROR" {
        s = "ERROR: Waiting for Command"
        log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F              " + s)
        return "error", errors.New(s)

    s = "-C req    - EOF (CLOSE CONNECTION)"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F   " + s)
    fmt.Fprintf(conn, "EOF\n")
    time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
    s = "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "CLIENT - Closed a connection"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)
    s = "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    log.Info("WALLET:      I/F             " + s)

    s = "END    TransactionRequest() - Request to transfer Coins to a jeffCoin Address"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    return status, nil


// SIGNATURE *************************************************************************************************************

// CreateSignature - Creates a ECDSA Digital Signature
func CreateSignature(senderPrivateKeyHex string, plainText string) string {

    s := "START  CreateSignature() - Creates a ECDSA Digital Signature"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    signature := createSignature(senderPrivateKeyHex, plainText)

    s = "END    CreateSignature() - Creates a ECDSA Digital Signature"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    return signature


// ENCRYPT/DECRYPT TEXT **************************************************************************************************

// EncryptAES - AES-256 GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) mode encryption
func EncryptAES(keyByte []byte, plaintext string, additionalData string) string {

    s := "START  EncryptAES() - AES-256 GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) mode encryption"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    // ENCRYPT
    cipherText := encryptAES(keyByte, plaintext, additionalData)

    s = "END    EncryptAES() - AES-256 GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) mode encryption"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    return cipherText


// DecryptAES - AES-256 GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) mode decryption
func DecryptAES(keyByte []byte, cipherText string, additionalData string) string {

    s := "START  DecryptAES() - AES-256 GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) mode decryption"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    plainText := decryptAES(keyByte, cipherText, additionalData)

    s = "END    DecryptAES() - AES-256 GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) mode decryption"
    log.Debug("WALLET:      I/F      " + s)

    return plainText
