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Test Coverage
# 1.0.0

  * Upgrade to jQuery to 1.12.4, Backbone to 1.3.3, and drop Underscore for Lodash
  * Drop Grunt for npm scripts
  * Drop Bower for npm
  * Frop YUIDoc for JSDoc
  * Drop PhantomJS test runner infrastructure for mocha CLI
  * Drop RequireJS build tool for Webpack
  * Drop AMD module format for ES6 (with UMD wrapped build artifacts)
  * Rename scripts/ to src/
  * Untrack dist from source control
  * Convert to comma-last formatting

# 0.9.1

  * Add support for Lodash 3.10.1

# 0.9.0

  * Add memory management utilities:
    * Lateralus.Component.Model#destroy
    * Lateralus.Component.Model#dispose
    * Lateralus.Component.Collection#remove

# 0.8.0

  * Implement provide, collect and collectOne.

# 0.7.1

  * Fix issue around inadvertently modifying Lateralus core prototypes.

# 0.7.0

  * Add capability to use a custom Lateralus.Model subclass.

# 0.6.0

  * Add mixins.amplify.
  * Add Lateralus.prototype.dispose.
  * Lateralus.Component#dispose triggers "beforeDispose" event.
  * Extend Lateralus.Component.Model from Backbone.Model, not Lateralus.Model.
  * Bug fixes.

# 0.5.0

  * Add Lateralus.Router.
  * Set up testing infrastructure and some tests/
  * Prevent redundant global model change events.

# 0.4.0

  * Emit events for all Lateralus.Model attribute changes.
  * Add modelEvents map support to delegateLateralusEvents.
  * Expose LateralusModel as Lateralus.Model.
  * Add globalRenderData map.
  * Add globalPartials map.
  * Make generator-lateralus configurable.
  * Drop @protected JSDoc annotation from most members that have it.

# 0.3.1

  * Add missing jQuery reference.

# 0.3.0

  * Improve generator-lateralus.  Added Grunt tasks:
    * grunt-gh-pages
    * grunt-bump
    * grunt-rev
  * Move "mixin" method to the mixins object.
  * Add support for templatePartials map.

# 0.2.0

  * Convert Component#delegateEvents to mixins.delegateLateralusEvents.
  * Remove map support.
  * Add mixin.initModel and mixin.initCollection.
  * Add Component.Collection.
  * Add Component.prototype.dispose.
  * Add Component.View deferredInitialize hook.

# 0.1.0

  * Consolidate ComponentModel and LateralusModel.
  * Properly mix in mixins module to all other modules.
  * Fix build process.
  * Remove _super.

# 0.0.7

  * Don't attach View constructor classnames for subviews.
  * Deprecate _super.
  * Add Component.prototype.delegateEvents, and events and lateralusEvents
  * Add opt_base parameter to _super.
  * Introduce Lateralus.Model.

# 0.0.6

  * Introduce Lateralus.Component.Model.
  * Add support for providing a component-level Model constructor to Views.

# 0.0.5

  * Adds listenFor mixin method.
  * Makes Lateralus#toString @final.
  * Make Lateralus.Component.View#getTemplateRenderData return model data.

# 0.0.4

  * Adds displayName to beget constructor.
  * generator-lateralus sets up ContainerComponent.

# 0.0.3

  * Don't append subcomponents when they are added.
  * Get rid of the $appendTo option parameter for addComponent.
  * If a Lateralus.Component.View has a className defined on the prototype,
    attach it to $el in the initialize method.
  * generator-lateralus creates styles/main.sass for new components.
  * Add Lateralus#(log|warn|error) methods.

# 0.0.2

  * Lateralus.Component no longer requires a View parameter.
  * All protoProps properties are mixed into the Lateralus.Component subclass
    by Lateralus.Component.extend.
  * Adds options parameter to Lateralus.Component constructor and passes it to
    initialize function.
  * Adds build tasks and provides compiled binaries in dist/.

# 0.0.1

Initial open source release.