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function BinaryHeap(scoreFunction){
  this.content = [];
  this.scoreFunction = scoreFunction;

BinaryHeap.prototype = {
  push: function(element) {
    // Add the new element to the end of the array.
    // Allow it to bubble up.
    this.bubbleUp(this.content.length - 1);

  pop: function() {
    // Store the first element so we can return it later.
    let result = this.content[0];
    // Get the element at the end of the array.
    let end = this.content.pop();
    // If there are any elements left, put the end element at the
    // start, and let it sink down.
    if (this.content.length > 0) {
      this.content[0] = end;
    return result;

  remove: function(node) {
    const length = this.content.length;
    // To remove a value, we must search through the array to find
    // it.
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      if (this.content[i] != node) continue;
      // When it is found, the process seen in 'pop' is repeated
      // to fill up the hole.
      const end = this.content.pop();
      // If the element we popped was the one we needed to remove,
      // we're done.
      if (i == length - 1) break;
      // Otherwise, we replace the removed element with the popped
      // one, and allow it to float up or sink down as appropriate.
      this.content[i] = end;

  size: function() {
    return this.content.length;

  bubbleUp: function(n) {
    // Fetch the element that has to be moved.
    const element = this.content[n], score = this.scoreFunction(element);
    // When at 0, an element can not go up any further.
    while (n > 0) {
      // Compute the parent element's index, and fetch it.
      const parentN = Math.floor((n + 1) / 2) - 1,
      parent = this.content[parentN];
      // If the parent has a lesser score, things are in order and we
      // are done.
      if (score >= this.scoreFunction(parent))

      // Otherwise, swap the parent with the current element and
      // continue.
      this.content[parentN] = element;
      this.content[n] = parent;
      n = parentN;

  sinkDown: function(n) {
    // Look up the target element and its score.
    const length = this.content.length,
    element = this.content[n],
    elemScore = this.scoreFunction(element);

    while(true) {
      let child1;
      // Compute the indices of the child elements.
      const child2N = (n + 1) * 2, child1N = child2N - 1;
      // This is used to store the new position of the element,
      // if any.
      let swap = null;
      // If the first child exists (is inside the array)...
      if (child1N < length) {
        // Look it up and compute its score.
        child1 = this.content[child1N],
        child1Score = this.scoreFunction(child1);
        // If the score is less than our element's, we need to swap.
        if (child1Score < elemScore)
          swap = child1N;
      // Do the same checks for the other child.
      if (child2N < length) {
        let child2 = this.content[child2N],
        child2Score = this.scoreFunction(child2);
        if (child2Score < (swap == null ? elemScore : child1Score))
          swap = child2N;

      // No need to swap further, we are done.
      if (swap == null) break;

      // Otherwise, swap and continue.
      this.content[n] = this.content[swap];
      this.content[swap] = element;
      n = swap;

module.exports = BinaryHeap;

// Test
// const heap = new BinaryHeap((x) => x);
// const data = [10, 3, 4, 8, 2, 9, 7, 1, 2, 6, 5];

// data.forEach((el) => {
//   heap.push(el)
// });

// heap.remove(2);
// while (heap.size() > 0) {
//   console.log(heap.pop());
// };