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Test Coverage
# Linked List - An Abstract Data Type

## Linked List Example

      value: 'Ready Player One',
      next: {
        value: '1982',
        next: {
          value: 'Neuromancer',
          next: {
            value: 'Snow Crash',
            next: null

## Methods

### getHead()
Returns the value of the first node of the list

    linkedListExample.getHead(); // returns a node object...
      value: 'Ready Player One'
      next: { ... }

### getTail()
Returns the value of the last node of a list.

    linkedListExample.getTail(); // returns a node object...
      value: 'Snow Crash',
      next: null

### add(Value)
Takes in any data value and adds a new node to the end of a list. Returns the new node that was created.

    linkedListExample.add('The Stranger'); // returns the newly created and appended node...
      value: 'The Stranger',
      next: null

### get(Number)
Takes in a Number value and searches for the **Nth node** in a list and returns that node

    linkedListExample.get(2); // returns a node object...
      value: 'Neuromancer',
      next: { ... }

### remove(Number)
Takes in a Number value and searches for the Nth node removes it from the list. Should return `false` if the the position is outside the length of the list.


### insert(Value, Number)
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right. Cannot be used to append a node to the end of a list, if attempted, should return `false`.