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//  VideosViewController.swift
//  Aerial
//  Created by Guillaume Louel on 15/07/2020.
//  Copyright © 2020 Guillaume Louel. All rights reserved.

import Cocoa
import AVKit

// swiftlint:disable:next type_body_length
class VideosViewController: NSViewController {
    // Top rotation view
    @IBOutlet var rotationView: NSView!
    @IBOutlet var rotationPopup: NSPopUpButton!
    @IBOutlet var rotationImage: NSImageView!
    @IBOutlet var rotationCacheNow: NSButton!

    @IBOutlet var rotationSecondaryPopup: NSPopUpButton!
    @IBOutlet var rotationSecondaryMenu: NSMenu!

    @IBOutlet var videoListTableView: NSTableView!
    @IBOutlet var videoListRuntimeLabel: NSTextField!

    @IBOutlet var heroPlayerView: AVPlayerView!
    @IBOutlet var heroImageView: NSImageView!

    @IBOutlet var titleLabel: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet var locationLabel: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet var durationLabel: NSTextField!

    @IBOutlet var sourceLabel: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet var formatLabel: NSTextField!

    @IBOutlet var timeImageView: NSImageView!
    @IBOutlet var sceneTypeImageView: NSImageView!

    @IBOutlet var downloadButton: NSButton!
    @IBOutlet var hideButton: NSButton!
    @IBOutlet var showButton: NSButton!

    @IBOutlet var isCachedImageView: NSImageView!

    @IBOutlet var vibrancyLabel: NSTextField!
    @IBOutlet var vibrancySlider: NSSlider!

    @IBOutlet var playbackSpeedLabel: NSTextField!

    @IBOutlet var playbackSpeedSlider: NSSlider!

    var path: String?
    var mode: String?

    var currentVibrancy: Double = 0

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        rotationView.isHidden = false

        // Our video list
        videoListTableView.delegate = self
        videoListTableView.dataSource = self

        // Our large player view
        heroPlayerView.player = AVPlayer()
        heroPlayerView.controlsStyle = .none
        if #available(OSX 10.10, *) {
            heroPlayerView.videoGravity = .resizeAspectFill



        // This needs cleanup someday
        rotationSecondaryPopup.isHidden = true
        rotationCacheNow.isHidden = true

    @objc func playerItemDidReachEnd(_ aNotification: Notification) {
        debugLog("\(self.description) played did reach end")
        debugLog("\(self.description) notification: \(aNotification)")

        debugLog("Rewinding video!")
        if let playerItem = aNotification.object as? AVPlayerItem {
  , completionHandler: nil)

    // MARK: - UI init
    /// Set the shadows for the various UI elements that needs them
    func setShadows() {
        // Drop shadow we use on the overlayed items
        let shadow: NSShadow = NSShadow()
        shadow.shadowBlurRadius = 2
        shadow.shadowOffset = NSSize(width: 0, height: 3)
        shadow.shadowColor =
        // For images the height coordinates are reversed, obviously...
        let imgShadow: NSShadow = NSShadow()
        imgShadow.shadowBlurRadius = 2
        imgShadow.shadowOffset = NSSize(width: 0, height: -3)
        imgShadow.shadowColor =

        titleLabel.shadow = shadow
        locationLabel.shadow = shadow
        durationLabel.shadow = shadow
        hideButton.shadow = shadow
        showButton.shadow = shadow
        downloadButton.shadow = shadow
        vibrancyLabel.shadow = shadow
        vibrancySlider.shadow = shadow
        playbackSpeedLabel.shadow = shadow
        playbackSpeedSlider.shadow = shadow

        timeImageView.shadow = imgShadow
        sceneTypeImageView.shadow = imgShadow
        isCachedImageView.shadow = imgShadow

    /// Since we can't directly use SF Symbols, we use our own icon wrappers
    func fixIcons() {
        // rotationPopup.item(at: 0)?.setIcons("film")
        // rotationPopup.item(at: 1)?.setIcons("star")
        // rotationPopup.item(at: 2)?.setIcons("mappin.and.ellipse")
        // rotationPopup.item(at: 3)?.setIcons("clock")
        // rotationPopup.item(at: 4)?.setIcons("tram.fill")
        // rotationPopup.item(at: 5)?.setIcons("antenna.radiowaves.left.and.right")
        rotationImage.image = Aerial.helper.getAccentedSymbol("film")

    func switchMainTo(filter: VideoList.FilterMode) {
        switch filter {
        case .location:
            rotationPopup.selectItem(at: 2)
        case .time:
            rotationPopup.selectItem(at: 3)
        case .scene:
            rotationPopup.selectItem(at: 4)
        case .source:
            rotationPopup.selectItem(at: 5)
        case .favorite:
            rotationPopup.selectItem(at: 1)
        case .hidden:
            rotationPopup.selectItem(at: 6)
            rotationPopup.selectItem(at: 1)
    /// Reload with a named path
    /// This is used by the
    func reloadPath(path: String) {
        if let foundMode = VideoList.instance.modeFromPath(path) {
            switchMainTo(filter: foundMode)


            let subpath = path.split(separator: ":")[1]


            // Very unswift
            var index = 0
            for item in VideoList.instance.getSources(mode: foundMode) {
                if subpath == item {
                    rotationSecondaryPopup.selectItem(at: index)
                index += 1

    /// Reload the video view for a given path
    func reloadFor(path: String) {
        self.path = path


        // Reload data and scroll back up
        if videoListTableView != nil {
            videoListTableView.selectRowIndexes([0], byExtendingSelection: false)

            if videoListTableView.numberOfRows == 0 {

    /// Update the total runtime for the current view
    func updateRuntimeLabel() {
        guard let path = self.path else {
            videoListRuntimeLabel.stringValue = ""

        // Grab all videos in the path
        var videos: [AerialVideo]
        if let mode = VideoList.instance.modeFromPath(path) {
            let index = Int(path.split(separator: ":")[1])!
            videos = VideoList.instance.getVideosForSource(index, mode: mode)
        } else {
            // all
            videos = VideoList.instance.videos.filter({ !PrefsVideos.hidden.contains($ }).sorted { $0.secondaryName < $1.secondaryName }

        // Calculate their duration in minutes
        var duration: Double = 0
        for video in videos {
            duration += video.duration

        let minutes: Int = Int(duration) / 60

        var minutesString: String
        if minutes < 2 {
            minutesString = "1 minute"
        } else {
            minutesString = "\(minutes) minutes"

        // Update the label
        if videos.isEmpty {
            videoListRuntimeLabel.stringValue = ""
        } else if videos.count == 1 {
            videoListRuntimeLabel.stringValue = "1 video, \(minutesString)"
        } else {
            videoListRuntimeLabel.stringValue = "\(videos.count) videos, \(minutesString)"

    // MARK: - Rotation menu

    /// Cache missing rotation now !
    @IBAction func rotationCacheNowClick(_ sender: NSButton) {
        Cache.ensureDownload {
            for video in VideoList.instance.currentRotation().filter({ !$0.isAvailableOffline }) {

    /// Main popup change event
    @IBAction func rotationPopupChange(_ sender: NSPopUpButton) {

        switch sender.indexOfSelectedItem {
        case 0:
            mode = "all"
        case 1:
            mode = "favorites"
        case 2:
            mode = "location"
        case 3:
            mode = "time"
        case 4:
            mode = "scene"
        case 5:
            mode = "source"
        case 6:
            mode = "hidden"
            mode = "all"

        // Cascade to a secondary popup for the various filters
        if mode == "all" || mode == "favorites" || mode == "hidden" {
            rotationSecondaryPopup.isHidden = true
            path = mode! + ":0"
            reloadFor(path: path!)
        } else {
            rotationSecondaryPopup.isHidden = false

    /// Secondary popup change event
    @IBAction func rotationSecondaryPopupChange(_ sender: NSPopUpButton) {
        // PrefsVideos.shouldPlayString = sender.selectedItem!.title
        path = mode! + ":\(sender.indexOfSelectedItem)"
        reloadFor(path: path!)

    func updateRotationMenu() {
        // rotationPopup.selectItem(at: PrefsVideos.intShouldPlay)

        // Cascade to a secondary popup for the various filters
       /* if PrefsVideos.shouldPlay == .everything || PrefsVideos.shouldPlay == .favorites {
            rotationSecondaryPopup.isHidden = true
        } else {
            rotationSecondaryPopup.isHidden = false
            // updateRotationSecondaryMenu()
        if VideoList.instance.currentRotation().filter({ !$0.isAvailableOffline }).isEmpty {
            rotationCacheNow.isHidden = true
        } else {
            rotationCacheNow.isHidden = false

    func updateRotationSecondaryMenu() {
        var filter: VideoList.FilterMode

        filter = VideoList.instance.modeFromPath(mode!) ?? .location

        // Very unswift
        var index = 0
        for item in VideoList.instance.getSources(mode: filter) {
            rotationSecondaryPopup.addItem(withTitle: item)

            index += 1

        // We select the first one
        if rotationSecondaryPopup.numberOfItems > 0 {
            // PrefsVideos.shouldPlayString = rotationSecondaryPopup.itemTitle(at: 0)
            rotationSecondaryPopup.selectItem(at: 0)
            path = mode! + ":0"
            reloadFor(path: path!)

    // MARK: - Video view
    func updateVideoView() {
        if let video = getSelectedVideo() {
            debugLog("\"\(\": \"sunrise\", // \( - \(video.secondaryName)")
            debugLog("\"\(\": \"sunset\", // \( - \(video.secondaryName)")
            debugLog("\"\(\": \"night\", // \( - \(video.secondaryName)")

            titleLabel.isHidden = false
            locationLabel.isHidden = false
            sourceLabel.isHidden = false
            formatLabel.isHidden = false

            titleLabel.stringValue = video.secondaryName
            locationLabel.stringValue =
            sourceLabel.stringValue =
            formatLabel.stringValue = video.getCurrentFormat()

            if PrefsVideos.hidden.contains( {
                hideButton.isHidden = true
                showButton.isHidden = false
            } else {
                hideButton.isHidden = false
                showButton.isHidden = true

            if video.isAvailableOffline {
                // System settings crash under macOS 13 with HDR videos
                if !Aerial.helper.canHDR() {
                    if !Aerial.helper.underCompanion && (PrefsVideos.videoFormat == .v4KHDR || PrefsVideos.videoFormat == .v1080pHDR) {
                    } else {
                } else {
            } else {

        } else {

    func stopVideo() {
        if let player = heroPlayerView.player {
            debugLog("Stopping player")

    func updateDurationLabel(_ video: AerialVideo) {
        let speed = PlaybackSpeed.forVideo(
        if speed == 1 {
            durationLabel.stringValue = "Duration: " + timeString(video.duration)
        } else if speed > 1 {
            durationLabel.stringValue = "Duration(sped up): " + timeString(video.duration/Double(speed))
        } else {
            durationLabel.stringValue = "Duration(slowed down): " + timeString(video.duration/Double(speed))

    /// Show video player
    func showVideo(_ video: AerialVideo) {
        playbackSpeedLabel.isHidden = false
        playbackSpeedSlider.isHidden = false

        heroPlayerView.isHidden = false
        heroImageView.isHidden = true
        isCachedImageView.isHidden = false

        durationLabel.isHidden = false


        downloadButton.isHidden = true

        if let player = heroPlayerView.player {
            let path = VideoList.instance.localPathFor(video: video)
            debugLog("heropath : \(path)")

            let asset = AVAsset(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
            let localitem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)

            // Set slider for the playback speed
            playbackSpeedSlider.doubleValue = Double(PlaybackSpeed.forVideo(

            // Vibrancy filter requires 10.14, and doesn't work on HDR content
            if #available(OSX 10.14, *), !video.isHDR() {
                if PrefsVideos.allowPerVideoVibrance {
                    vibrancyLabel.isHidden = false
                    vibrancySlider.isHidden = false
                    if let value = PrefsVideos.vibrance[] {
                        vibrancySlider.doubleValue = value
                    } else {
                        vibrancySlider.doubleValue = 0.0
                    if vibrancySlider.doubleValue == 0 {
                        currentVibrancy = PrefsVideos.globalVibrance
                    } else {
                        currentVibrancy = vibrancySlider.doubleValue
                } else {
                    vibrancyLabel.isHidden = true
                    vibrancySlider.isHidden = true

                let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIVibrance")!
                localitem.videoComposition = AVVideoComposition(asset: asset, applyingCIFiltersWithHandler: { request in
                    let source = request.sourceImage.clampedToExtent()
                    filter.setValue(source, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
                    filter.setValue(self.currentVibrancy, forKey: kCIInputAmountKey)
                    let output = filter.outputImage

                    request.finish(with: output!, context: nil)
            } else {
                vibrancyLabel.isHidden = true
                vibrancySlider.isHidden = true

            player.replaceCurrentItem(with: localitem)
            // We may not auto play the video
            if PrefsAdvanced.autoPlayPreviews {

                // Set the playback speed if changed, it defaults to normal speed if not overriden
                player.rate = PlaybackSpeed.forVideo(

            // Set notification...
                                           selector: #selector(playerItemDidReachEnd(_:)),
                                           name: NSNotification.Name.AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime,
                                           object: localitem)

    /// Show image
    func showImage(_ video: AerialVideo) {
        heroPlayerView.isHidden = true
        heroImageView.isHidden = false
        isCachedImageView.isHidden = true

        vibrancyLabel.isHidden = true
        vibrancySlider.isHidden = true

        playbackSpeedLabel.isHidden = true
        playbackSpeedSlider.isHidden = true

        durationLabel.isHidden = true
        if PrefsCache.enableManagement {
            downloadButton.isHidden = true  // Always hide in managed mode
        } else {
            downloadButton.isHidden = false

        // Clear up any playing video
        if let player = heroPlayerView.player {
            player.replaceCurrentItem(with: nil)

        heroImageView.imageScaling = .scaleProportionallyDown

        Thumbnails.getLarge(forVideo: video) { [weak self] (img) in
            guard let _ = self else { return }
            if let img = img {
                self!.heroImageView.image = img
            } else {
                self!.heroImageView.image = nil

    /// Hide everything !
    func hideEverything() {
        titleLabel.isHidden = true
        locationLabel.isHidden = true
        durationLabel.isHidden = true
        sourceLabel.isHidden = true
        formatLabel.isHidden = true

        heroPlayerView.isHidden = true
        heroImageView.isHidden = true
        isCachedImageView.isHidden = true

        downloadButton.isHidden = true
        hideButton.isHidden = true
        showButton.isHidden = true

        vibrancyLabel.isHidden = true
        vibrancySlider.isHidden = true

        // Clear up any playing video
        if let player = heroPlayerView.player {
            player.replaceCurrentItem(with: nil)


    @IBAction func vibrancySliderChange(_ sender: NSSlider) {
        currentVibrancy = vibrancySlider.doubleValue
        PrefsVideos.vibrance[getSelectedVideo()!.id] = vibrancySlider.doubleValue

    @IBAction func playbackSpeedSliderChange(_ sender: NSSlider) {
        PlaybackSpeed.update(video: getSelectedVideo()!.id,
                             value: playbackSpeedSlider.floatValue)

        // Make sure we update the duration
        if PrefsAdvanced.autoPlayPreviews {
            if heroPlayerView.player?.rate != 0 {
                heroPlayerView.player?.rate = PlaybackSpeed.forVideo(getSelectedVideo()!.id)

    // MARK: - Helpers
    func timeString(_ double: Double) -> String {
        let intValue = Int(double)
        if intValue % 60 < 10 {
            return String(intValue / 60) + ":0" + String(intValue % 60)
        } else {
            return String(intValue / 60) + ":" + String(intValue % 60)

    func getSelectedVideo() -> AerialVideo? {
        if let path = path {
            if videoListTableView.selectedRow > -1 {
                if let mode = VideoList.instance.modeFromPath(path) {
                    let index = Int(path.split(separator: ":")[1])!
                    if index >= 0 && videoListTableView.selectedRow >= 0 {
                        return VideoList.instance.getVideoForSource(index, item: videoListTableView.selectedRow, mode: mode)
                } else {
                    // all
                    if VideoList.instance.videos.count > 0 {
                        return VideoList.instance.videos
                            .filter({ !PrefsVideos.hidden.contains($ })
                            .sorted { $0.secondaryName < $1.secondaryName }[videoListTableView.selectedRow]

        return nil

    // Set the time icon
    func setTimeIcon(_ video: AerialVideo?) {
        guard let tvideo = video else {
            timeImageView.image = nil

        switch tvideo.timeOfDay {
        case "sunset":
            timeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("sunset")
        case "sunrise":
            timeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("sunrise")
        case "night":
            timeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("moon.stars")
        default:    // day
            timeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("sun.max")

    // Set the scene icon (landscape...)
    func setSceneIcon(_ video: AerialVideo?) {
        guard let tvideo = video else {
            sceneTypeImageView.image = nil

        switch tvideo.scene {
        case .nature:
            sceneTypeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("leaf")
        case .beach:
            sceneTypeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("leaf")
        case .countryside:
            sceneTypeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("leaf")
        case .city:
            sceneTypeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("tram.fill")
        case .space:
            sceneTypeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("sparkles")
        case .sea:
            sceneTypeImageView.image = Aerial.helper.getSymbol("helm")

    // MARK: - Buttons
    @IBAction func downloadButton(_ sender: Any) {
        downloadButton.isHidden = true
        if let video = getSelectedVideo() {
            let videoManager = VideoManager.sharedInstance
            Cache.ensureDownload {

    @IBAction func hideButtonClick(_ sender: Any) {
        if let video = getSelectedVideo() {
            hideButton.isHidden = true
            showButton.isHidden = false

    @IBAction func showButtonClick(_ sender: Any) {
        if let video = getSelectedVideo() {
            if let index = PrefsVideos.hidden.firstIndex(of: {
                PrefsVideos.hidden.remove(at: index)
                hideButton.isHidden = false
                showButton.isHidden = true
            } else {
                errorLog("Can't find video when unhiding, please report")

    func updateInPlace() {
        let row = videoListTableView.selectedRow

        if videoListTableView != nil {
            videoListTableView.selectRowIndexes([row], byExtendingSelection: false)

extension VideosViewController: NSTableViewDataSource {
    func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
        guard let path = path else {
            return 0

        //print("nor path : " + path)

        if let mode = VideoList.instance.modeFromPath(path) {
            let index = Int(path.split(separator: ":")[1])!
            return VideoList.instance.getVideosCountForSource(index, mode: mode)
        } else {
            // all
            return VideoList.instance.videos.filter({ !PrefsVideos.hidden.contains($ }).count

extension VideosViewController: NSTableViewDelegate {
    func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {
        guard let path = path else {
            return nil

        //print("tv path : " + path)

        var video: AerialVideo
        if let mode = VideoList.instance.modeFromPath(path) {
            let index = Int(path.split(separator: ":")[1])!
            video = VideoList.instance.getVideoForSource(index, item: row, mode: mode)
        } else {
            // all
            video = VideoList.instance.videos.filter({ !PrefsVideos.hidden.contains($ }).sorted { $0.secondaryName < $1.secondaryName }[row]

        if let cell = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier:
            NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: "ImageCellID"), owner: nil) as? VideoCellView {
   = video
            cell.label.stringValue = video.secondaryName
            cell.checkButton.state = PrefsVideos.favorites.contains( ? .on : .off

            if PrefsVideos.hidden.contains( {
                cell.checkButton.isHidden = true
            } else {
                cell.checkButton.isHidden = false

            if PrefsCache.enableManagement {
                cell.downloadButton.isHidden = true
            } else {
                cell.downloadButton.isHidden = video.isAvailableOffline

            Thumbnails.get(forVideo: video) { [weak self] (img) in
                guard let _ = self else { return }
                if let img = img {
                    cell.thumbView.image = img
                } else {
                    cell.thumbView.image = nil

            return cell
        return nil

    func tableViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {