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 * View Admin As - Role Manager Module
 * @author  Jory Hogeveen <>
 * @package View_Admin_As

if ( ! defined( 'VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DIR' ) ) {

 * Add or remove roles and grant or deny them capabilities.
 * Disable some PHPMD checks for this class.
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveClassLength)
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveClassComplexity)
 * @todo Refactor to enable above checks?
 * @author  Jory Hogeveen <>
 * @package View_Admin_As
 * @since   1.7.0
 * @version 1.8.4
 * @uses    \VAA_View_Admin_As_Module Extends class
final class VAA_View_Admin_As_Role_Manager extends VAA_View_Admin_As_Module
     * The single instance of the class.
     * @since  1.7.0
     * @static
     * @var    \VAA_View_Admin_As_Role_Manager
    private static $_instance = null;

     * Module key.
     * @since  1.7.2
     * @var    string
    protected $moduleKey = 'role_manager';

     * Option key.
     * @since  1.7.0
     * @var    string
    protected $optionKey = 'vaa_role_manager';

     * The WP_Roles object.
     * @since  1.7.0
     * @var    \WP_Roles
    public $wp_roles = null;

     * Protected roles.
     * These roles cannot be removed.
     * @since  1.7.0
     * @var    string[]
    private $protected_roles = array();

     * Construct function.
     * Protected to make sure it isn't declared elsewhere.
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  protected
     * @param   \VAA_View_Admin_As  $vaa  The main VAA object.
    protected function __construct( $vaa ) {
        self::$_instance = $this;
        parent::__construct( $vaa );

         * Only allow module for admin users.
         * @since  1.7.0
        if ( is_network_admin() || ! VAA_API::is_super_admin() ) {

        // Add this class to the modules in the main class.
        $this->vaa->register_module( array(
            'id'       => $this->moduleKey,
            'instance' => self::$_instance,
        ) );

        // Load data.
        $this->set_optionData( get_option( $this->get_optionKey() ) );

         * Checks if the management part of module should be enabled.
         * @since  1.7.0
        $this->set_enable( (bool) $this->get_optionData( 'enable' ), false );


        $this->add_action( 'vaa_view_admin_as_init', array( $this, 'vaa_init' ) );
        $this->add_filter( 'view_admin_as_handle_ajax_' . $this->moduleKey, array( $this, 'ajax_handler' ), 10, 2 );

     * Init function for global functions (not user dependent).
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  private
     * @global  \WP_Roles  $wp_roles
     * @return  void
    private function init() {

        // Check for the wp_roles() function in WP 4.3+.
        if ( function_exists( 'wp_roles' ) ) {
            $this->wp_roles = wp_roles();
        } else {
            global $wp_roles;
            $this->wp_roles = $wp_roles;

        if ( ! $this->wp_roles->use_db ) {
            $this->set_enable( false );
                    'type'    => 'warning',
                    'message' => __( 'The Role Manager module was disabled because database storage for roles is disabled in WordPress.', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),

        // Define protected roles.
        $default_role          = get_option( 'default_role' ); // Normally `subscriber`.
        $this->protected_roles = array(
            'administrator' => 'administrator',
            $default_role   => $default_role,

     * init function to store data from the main class and enable functionality based on the current view.
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @return  void
    public function vaa_init() {

        // Enabling this module can only be done by a super admin.
        if ( VAA_API::is_super_admin() ) {

            // Add adminbar menu items in settings section.
            $this->add_action( 'vaa_admin_bar_modules', array( $this, 'admin_bar_menu_modules' ), 10, 2 );

        // Add adminbar menu items in role section.
        if ( $this->is_enabled() ) {

            // Show the admin bar node.
            $this->add_action( 'vaa_admin_bar_menu', array( $this, 'admin_bar_menu' ), 6, 2 );
            $this->add_action( 'vaa_admin_bar_caps_manager_before', array( $this, 'admin_bar_menu_caps' ), 6, 2 );

            // Add custom capabilities.
            if ( $this->store->get_view( 'caps' ) ) {
                $this->add_filter( 'view_admin_as_get_capabilities', array( $this, 'filter_custom_view_capabilities' ), 11, 2 );

     * Data update handler (Ajax probably), called from main handler.
     * Disable some PHPMD checks for this method.
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
     * @todo Refactor to enable above checks?
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @param   null   $null  Null.
     * @param   array  $data  The ajax data for this module.
     * @return  array|string|bool
    public function ajax_handler( $null, $data ) {

        if ( ! $this->is_valid_ajax() ) {
            return $null;

        $success = false;

        // Validate super admin.
        if ( VAA_API::is_super_admin() ) {

            if ( isset( $data['enable'] ) ) {
                $success = $this->set_enable( (bool) $data['enable'] );
                // Prevent further processing.
                return $success;


        // From here all features need this module enabled.
        if ( ! $this->is_enabled() ) {
            return $success;

        // @since  1.7.3  Export.
        if ( VAA_API::array_has( $data, 'export_roles', array( 'validation' => 'is_array' ) ) ) {
            $content = $this->export_roles( $data['export_roles'] );
            if ( is_array( $content ) ) {
                $success = $this->ajax_data_popup( true, array(
                    'text'     => esc_attr__( 'Copy code', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ) . ': ',
                    'textarea' => wp_json_encode( $content ),
                    'filename' => esc_html__( 'Role manager', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ) . '.json',
                ) );
            } else {
                $success = $this->ajax_data_notice( false, array( 'text' => $content ), 'error' );

        // @since  1.7.3  Import.
        if ( VAA_API::array_has( $data, 'import_roles', array( 'validation' => 'is_array' ) ) ) {
            // $content format: array( 'text' => **text**, 'errors' => **error array** ).
            $content = $this->import_roles( $data['import_roles'] );
            if ( true === $content ) {
                $success = true;
            } else {
                if ( is_array( $content ) ) {
                    $success = $this->ajax_data_popup( false, (array) $content, 'error' );
                } else {
                    $success = $this->ajax_data_notice( false, array( 'text' => $content ), 'error' );

        $options = array(
            'apply_view_to_role' => array(
                'validation' => 'is_array',
                'values'     => array( 'role' => '', 'capabilities' => '' ),
                'callback'   => 'save_role',
            'save_role'          => array(
                'validation' => 'is_array',
                'values'     => array( 'role' => '', 'capabilities' => '' ),
                'callback'   => 'save_role',
            'rename_role'        => array(
                'validation' => 'is_array',
                'values'     => array( 'role' => '', 'new_name' => '' ),
                'callback'   => 'rename_role',
            'clone_role'         => array(
                'validation' => 'is_array',
                'values'     => array( 'role' => '', 'new_role' => '' ),
                'callback'   => 'clone_role',
            'delete_role'        => array(
                'validation'   => 'is_array',
                'values'       => array( 'role' => '', 'migrate' => false, 'new_role' => '' ),
                'required'     => array( 'role' => '' ),
                'callback'     => 'delete_role',
                'combine_from' => 1,

        foreach ( $options as $key => $val ) {
            if ( VAA_API::array_has( $data, $key, array( 'validation' => $val['validation'] ) ) ) {
                $val = wp_parse_args( $val, array(
                    'combine_from' => null,
                ) );
                if ( ! isset( $val['required'] ) ) {
                    $val['required'] = $val['values'];
                if ( 'is_array' === $val['validation'] && array_diff_key( $val['required'], $data[ $key ] ) ) {
                    $success = array(
                        'success' => false,
                        'data'    => __( 'No valid data found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                } else {
                    $args = (array) $data[ $key ];
                    if ( VAA_API::array_has( $val, 'values', array( 'validation' => 'is_array' ) ) ) {
                        // Make sure the arguments are in the right order.
                        $args = array_merge( $val['values'], $args );
                    if ( is_numeric( $val['combine_from'] ) ) {
                        $args[ $val['combine_from'] ] = array_splice( $args, $val['combine_from'] );
                    $success = call_user_func_array( array( $this, $val['callback'] ), $args );
                    if ( is_string( $success ) ) {
                        $success = array(
                            'success' => false,
                            'data'    => $success,
                // @todo Maybe allow more settings to be applied at the same time?

        return $success;

     * Add all current caps view capabilities to an array of existing capabilities.
     * Makes sure that if you add a custom capability to your view it is still visible after reload.
     * @since   1.7.3
     * @access  public
     * @param   array  $caps  Current capabilities.
     * @param   array  $args  Function arguments.
     * @return  array
    public function filter_custom_view_capabilities( $caps = array(), $args = array() ) {

        if ( isset( $args['vaa_role_manager'] ) && ! $args['vaa_role_manager'] ) {
            return $caps;

        $view_caps = $this->store->get_view( 'caps' );
        if ( ! $view_caps ) {
            return $caps;
        $cap_keys = array_keys( $view_caps );
        return array_merge( array_combine( $cap_keys, $cap_keys ), $caps );

     * Save a role.
     * Can also add a new role when it doesn't exist.
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  $role          The role name (ID).
     * @param   array   $capabilities  The new role capabilities.
     * @return  mixed
    public function save_role( $role, $capabilities ) {
        if ( ! is_string( $role ) || ! is_array( $capabilities ) ) {
            return array(
                'success' => false,
                'data'    => esc_html__( 'No valid data found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),

        // @see wp-includes/capabilities.php
        $existing_role = get_role( $role );
        // Build role name. (Only used for adding a new role).
        $role_name = self::sanitize_role_name( $role );
        // Sanitize capabilities.
        $capabilities = array_map( 'boolval', (array) $capabilities );

        if ( ! $existing_role ) {
            // Sanitize role slug/key.
            $role = self::sanitize_role_slug( $role );
            // Recheck for an existing role.
            $existing_role = get_role( $role );

        if ( $existing_role ) {
            // Update role.
            $role = $existing_role;
            $this->update_role_caps( $role, $capabilities );
        } else {
            // Add new role.
            // Only leave granted capabilities.
            // @todo Option to deny capability (like Members).
            $capabilities = array_filter( $capabilities );
            // @see  wp-includes/capabilities.php
            $new_role = add_role( $role, $role_name, $capabilities );

            if ( $new_role ) {
                return true;
            // Very unlikely that this will happen but still..
            return array(
                'success' => false,
                'data'    => esc_html__( 'Role already exists', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
        return true;

     * Update a role with new capabilities.
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @param   \WP_Role  $role          The role object.
     * @param   array     $capabilities  The new role capabilities.
     * @param   string    $method        Update method.
     * @return  bool
    public function update_role_caps( $role, $capabilities, $method = '' ) {
        if ( $role instanceof WP_Role && is_array( $capabilities ) ) {
            switch ( (string) $method ) {
                case 'append':
                    // Append any new cap keys.
                    $caps = array_merge( $capabilities, $role->capabilities );
                case 'merge':
                    // Ensure we have all the caps (even original ones).
                    $caps = array_merge( $role->capabilities, $capabilities );
                    // Set all current caps to false to make sure the new caps will overwrite everything.
                    $caps = array_map( '__return_false', $role->capabilities );
                    $caps = array_merge( $caps, $capabilities );
            // Update existing role.
            foreach ( $caps as $cap => $grant ) {
                // @todo Option to deny capability (like Members).
                // @todo Do this in one call (prevent a lot of queries).
                if ( ! empty( $caps[ $cap ] ) ) {
                    $role->add_cap( (string) $cap, (bool) $grant );
                } else {
                    $role->remove_cap( (string) $cap );
            return true;
        return false;

     * Migrate users from one role to another.
     * @since   1.7.6
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  $role      The role name.
     * @param   string  $new_role  The new role name.
     * @return  bool
    public function migrate_users( $role, $new_role ) {

        if ( $role === $new_role ) {
            return __( 'Cannot migrate to the same role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );
        if ( ! $this->store->get_roles( $role ) || ! $this->store->get_roles( $new_role ) ) {
            if ( get_role( $role ) || get_role( $new_role ) ) {
                return __( 'Migrate users not allowed', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );
            return __( 'Role not found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );

        /** @var \WP_User[] $users */
        $users = get_users( array(
            'role' => $role,
        ) );

        if ( $users ) {
            foreach ( $users as $user ) {
                // See also: WP_User::set_role().
                $user->add_role( $new_role );
                $user->remove_role( $role );
        return true;

     * Clone a role.
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  $role      The role name.
     * @param   string  $new_role  The new role name.
     * @return  mixed
    public function clone_role( $role, $new_role ) {
        // Do not use WP's get_role() because one can only clone a role it's allowed to see.
        $role = $this->store->get_roles( $role );
        if ( $role ) {
            $this->save_role( $new_role, $role->capabilities );
            return true;
        return __( 'Role not found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );

     * Rename a role.
     * @todo Check
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  $role      The source role slug/ID.
     * @param   string  $new_name  The new role label.
     * @return  bool|string
    public function rename_role( $role, $new_name ) {
        $slug = $role;
        // Do not use WP's get_role() because one can only clone a role it's allowed to see.
        $role = $this->store->get_roles( $role );
        if ( $role ) {
            $new_name = self::sanitize_role_name( $new_name );

            if ( empty( $new_name ) ) {
                return __( 'No valid data found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );

            $this->wp_roles->role_objects[ $slug ]->name = $new_name;
            $this->wp_roles->role_names[ $slug ]         = $new_name;
            $this->wp_roles->roles[ $slug ]['name']      = $new_name;

            update_option( $this->wp_roles->role_key, $this->wp_roles->roles );

            return true;
        return __( 'Role not found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );

     * Delete a role from the database.
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  $role             The role name.
     * @param   string  $migrate_to_role  Migrate users to a other role?
     * @return  bool|string
    public function delete_role( $role, $migrate_to_role = '' ) {
        if ( ! $this->store->get_roles( $role ) ) {
            return __( 'Role not found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );
        if ( in_array( $role, $this->protected_roles, true ) ) {
            return __( 'This role cannot be removed', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );
        if ( is_array( $migrate_to_role ) ) {
            $migrate_to_role = wp_parse_args( $migrate_to_role, array(
                'migrate'  => false,
                'new_role' => '',
            ) );
            if ( $migrate_to_role['migrate'] ) {
                $migrate_to_role = $migrate_to_role['new_role'];
            } else {
                $migrate_to_role = false;
        if ( $migrate_to_role ) {
            $success = $this->migrate_users( $role, $migrate_to_role );
            if ( true !== $success ) {
                return $success;

        remove_role( $role );
        return true;

     * Import role(s).
     * @since   1.7.3
     * @access  public
     * @param   array  $args  {
     *     @type  array   $data       The import data.
     *     @type  bool    $caps_data  Does the data only contains capabilities?
     *     @type  string  $role       The role to import the capabilities to.
     *     @type  string  $method     The import/update method. See update_role_caps().
     * }
     * @return  mixed
    public function import_roles( $args = array() ) {
        $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
            'data'      => null,
            'caps_data' => false,
            'role'      => '',
            'method'    => '',
        ) );
        $data = $args['data'];
        if ( ! $data || ! is_array( $data ) ) {
            return __( 'No valid data found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );

        if ( $args['caps_data'] ) {
            if ( ! get_role( $args['role'] ) ) {
                return __( 'Role not found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );
            $data = array( $args['role'] => $data );

        $error_list = array();
        foreach ( $data as $role_key => $role_data ) {
            $role         = get_role( $role_key );
            $capabilities = array_map( 'boolval', (array) $role_data );
            if ( ! VAA_API::array_equal( $role_data, $capabilities, false ) ) {
                $error_list[] = esc_attr__( 'No valid data found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ) . ': ' . (string) $role_key;
            } else {
                if ( $role ) {
                    $this->update_role_caps( $role, $capabilities, $args['method'] );
                } else {
                    $this->save_role( $role_key, $capabilities );

        if ( ! empty( $error_list ) ) {
            // Close enough!
            return array(
                'text' => esc_attr__( 'Data imported but there were some errors', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ) . ':',
                'list' => $error_list,
        return true; // Yay!

     * Export role(s).
     * @since   1.7.3
     * @access  public
     * @param   array   $args  {
     *     @type  string  $role       Role name or "__all__" for all roles.
     *     @type  bool    $caps_only  Only export caps for a single role? `__all__` is not supported.
     * }
     * @return  array|string
    public function export_roles( $args = array() ) {
        $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
            'role'      => null,
            'caps_only' => false,
        ) );
        $role = $args['role'];
        if ( ! $role ) {
            return __( 'No valid data found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );

        if ( $args['caps_only'] ) {
            $role = $this->store->get_roles( $role );
            if ( ! $role ) {
                return __( 'Role not found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );
            return $role->capabilities;

        $data = array();
        if ( '__all__' === $role ) {
            $roles = $this->store->get_roles();
            foreach ( $roles as $role_key => $role ) {
                $data[ $role_key ] = $role->capabilities;
        } else {
            $role_key = $role;
            $role     = $this->store->get_roles( $role );
            if ( ! $role ) {
                return __( 'Role not found', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN );
            $data[ $role_key ] = $role->capabilities;
        return $data;

     * Convert role slug into a role name.
     * Formats the name by default (capitalize and convert underscores to spaces).
     * @since   1.7.2
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  $role_name  The role ID/slug.
     * @param   bool    $format     Apply string formatting.
     * @return  string
    public static function sanitize_role_name( $role_name, $format = true ) {
        if ( ! is_string( $role_name ) ) {
            return null;
        $role_name = wp_strip_all_tags( $role_name );
        if ( $format ) {
            $role_name = str_replace( array( '_' ), ' ', $role_name );
            $role_name = ucwords( $role_name );
        return trim( $role_name );

     * Convert role name/label into a role slug.
     * Similar to sanitize_key but it converts spaces and dashed to underscores.
     * @since   1.7.1
     * @access  public
     * @param   string  $role_name  The role name/label.
     * @return  string
    public static function sanitize_role_slug( $role_name ) {
        if ( ! is_string( $role_name ) ) {
            return null;
        $role_name = sanitize_title_with_dashes( $role_name );
        $role_name = str_replace( array( ' ', '-' ), '_', $role_name );
        $role_name = trim( $role_name, '_' );
        //$role_name = sanitize_key( $role_name );
        return trim( $role_name );

     * Add admin bar module setting items.
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @see     'vaa_admin_bar_modules' action
     * @param   \WP_Admin_Bar  $admin_bar  The toolbar object.
     * @param   string         $root       The root item (vaa-settings).
     * @return  void
    public function admin_bar_menu_modules( $admin_bar, $root ) {

        $root_prefix = $root . '-role-manager';

        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root_prefix . '-enable',
            'parent' => $root,
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_checkbox( array(
                'name'        => $root_prefix . '-enable',
                'value'       => $this->get_optionData( 'enable' ),
                'compare'     => true,
                'label'       => __( 'Enable role manager', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'description' => __( 'Add or remove roles and grant or deny them capabilities', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'auto_js'     => array(
                    'setting' => $this->moduleKey,
                    'key'     => 'enable',
                    'refresh' => true,
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'auto-height',
        ) );


     * Add admin bar menu's.
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @see     'vaa_admin_bar_menu' action
     * @param   \WP_Admin_Bar  $admin_bar  The toolbar object.
     * @param   string         $root       The root item (vaa).
     * @return  void
    public function admin_bar_menu( $admin_bar, $root ) {

        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-role-manager',
            'parent' => $root,
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( 'dashicons-id-alt' ) . __( 'Role manager', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class'    => 'vaa-has-icon',
                'tabindex' => '0',
        ) );

        $root = $root . '-role-manager';

        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-docs',
            'parent' => $root,
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( 'dashicons-book-alt' ) . __( 'Documentation', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => '',
            'meta'   => array(
                'class'  => 'auto-height vaa-has-icon',
                'target' => '_blank',
        ) );

        $view_type = view_admin_as()->get_view_types( 'caps' );
        if ( $view_type instanceof VAA_View_Admin_As_Caps ) {
            $view_type_label = $view_type->get_label();

            // This module requires the capability view type to enable all it's features.
            if ( ! $view_type->is_enabled() ) {
                $admin_bar->add_node( array(
                    'id'     => $root . '-dependency',
                    'parent' => $root,
                    'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                        'name'    => $root . 'dependency-caps',
                        'label'   => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( 'dashicons-warning' )
                                     // Translators: %s stands for the translated view type label "Capabilities".
                                     . sprintf( __( 'Please enable the "%s" view type to add/edit roles', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ), $view_type_label ),
                        'auto_js' => array(
                            'setting' => 'setting',
                            'key'     => 'view_types',
                            'values'  => array(
                                'caps' => array(
                                    'values' => array(
                                        'enabled' => array(),
                            'refresh' => true,
                        'value'   => true,
                    ) ),
                    'href'   => false,
                    'meta'   => array(
                        'class' => 'vaa-button-container',
                ) );
            } else {
                // Notice for capability editor location.
                $admin_bar->add_node( array(
                    'id'     => $root . '-intro',
                    'parent' => $root,
                    // Translators: %s stands for the translated view type label "Capabilities".
                    'title'  => sprintf( __( 'You can add/edit roles under "%s"', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ), $view_type_label ),
                    'href'   => false,
                ) );

        $this->admin_bar_menu_bulk_actions( $admin_bar, $root );

     * Add admin bar menu bulk actions.
     * Disable some PHPMD checks for this method.
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
     * @todo Refactor to enable above checks?
     * @since   1.7.0  Separated the tools from the main function.
     * @access  public
     * @see     \VAA_View_Admin_As_Role_Manager::admin_bar_menu()
     * @param   \WP_Admin_Bar  $admin_bar  The toolbar object.
     * @param   string         $root       The root item (vaa).
     * @return  void
    private function admin_bar_menu_bulk_actions( $admin_bar, $root ) {

        $role_select_options = array(
            '' => array(
                'label' => ' --- ' . __( 'Select role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ) . ' --- ',
        foreach ( $this->store->get_rolenames() as $role_key => $role_name ) {
            // Add the default role names/keys for reference.
            $desc     = array();
            $org_name = $this->store->get_rolenames( $role_key, false );
            if ( $org_name !== $role_name ) {
                $desc[] = $org_name;
            if ( self::sanitize_role_slug( $org_name ) !== $role_key ) {
                $desc[] = $role_key;
            if ( $desc ) {
                $role_name .= ' &nbsp; (' . implode( ', ', $desc ) . ')';
            $role_select_options[ $role_key ] = array(
                'value' => esc_attr( $role_key ),
                'label' => esc_html( $role_name ),

         * @since  1.7.0  Apply current view capabilities to role.
        $icon = 'dashicons-hidden';
        if ( VAA_API::is_view_active() ) {
            $icon = 'dashicons-visibility';
        $admin_bar->add_group( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-apply-view',
            'parent' => $root,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-sub-secondary vaa-toggle-group',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-apply-view-title',
            'parent' => $root . '-apply-view',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( $icon ) . __( 'Apply current view capabilities to role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class'    => 'ab-bold vaa-has-icon ab-vaa-toggle',
                'tabindex' => '0',
        ) );

        if ( $this->store->get_selectedCaps() ) {
            $admin_bar->add_node( array(
                'id'     => $root . '-apply-view-select',
                'parent' => $root . '-apply-view',
                'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_select(
                        'name'   => $root . '-apply-view-select',
                        'values' => $role_select_options,
                'href'   => false,
                'meta'   => array(
                    'class' => 'ab-vaa-select select-role',
            ) );
            // @todo Find a way to get the current view server-side (view capabilities aren't available yet in ajax handling).
            $admin_bar->add_node( array(
                'id'     => $root . '-apply-view-apply',
                'parent' => $root . '-apply-view',
                'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                    'name'    => $root . '-apply-view-apply',
                    'label'   => __( 'Apply', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                    'class'   => 'button-primary',
                    'attr'    => array(
                        'vaa-view-caps' => wp_json_encode( $this->store->get_selectedCaps() ),
                    'auto_js' => array(
                        'setting' => $this->moduleKey,
                        'key'     => 'apply_view_to_role',
                        'refresh' => false,
                        'values'  => array(
                            'role'         => array(
                                'element' => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-apply-view-select select#' . $root . '-apply-view-select',
                                'parser'  => '', // Default.
                            'capabilities' => array(
                                'attr' => 'vaa-view-caps',
                                'json' => true,
                ) ),
                'href'   => false,
                'meta'   => array(
                    'class' => 'vaa-button-container',
            ) );
        } else {
            $admin_bar->add_node( array(
                'id'     => $root . '-apply-view-notice',
                'parent' => $root . '-apply-view',
                'title'  => __( 'No view selected', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'href'   => false,
            ) );
        } // End if().

         * @since  1.7.1  Rename role.
        $admin_bar->add_group( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-rename',
            'parent' => $root,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-sub-secondary vaa-toggle-group',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-rename-title',
            'parent' => $root . '-rename',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( 'dashicons-edit' ) . __( 'Rename role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class'    => 'ab-bold vaa-has-icon ab-vaa-toggle',
                'tabindex' => '0',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-rename-select',
            'parent' => $root . '-rename',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_select(
                    'name'   => $root . '-rename-select',
                    'values' => $role_select_options,
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-select select-role',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-rename-input',
            'parent' => $root . '-rename',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_input(
                    'name'        => $root . '-rename-input',
                    'placeholder' => __( 'New role name', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-input rename-role',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-rename-apply',
            'parent' => $root . '-rename',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                'name'    => $root . '-rename-apply',
                'label'   => __( 'Apply', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'class'   => 'button-primary',
                'auto_js' => array(
                    'setting' => $this->moduleKey,
                    'key'     => 'rename_role',
                    'refresh' => true,
                    'values'  => array(
                        'role'     => array(
                            'element' => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-rename-select select#' . $root . '-rename-select',
                            'parser'  => '', // Default.
                        'new_name' => array(
                            'element' => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-rename-input input#' . $root . '-rename-input',
                            'parser'  => '',
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'vaa-button-container',
        ) );

         * @since  1.7.0  Clone role.
        $admin_bar->add_group( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-clone',
            'parent' => $root,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-sub-secondary vaa-toggle-group',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-clone-title',
            'parent' => $root . '-clone',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( 'dashicons-pressthis' ) . __( 'Clone role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class'    => 'ab-bold vaa-has-icon ab-vaa-toggle',
                'tabindex' => '0',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-clone-select',
            'parent' => $root . '-clone',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_select(
                    'name'   => $root . '-clone-select',
                    'values' => $role_select_options,
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-select select-role',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-clone-input',
            'parent' => $root . '-clone',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_input(
                    'name'        => $root . '-clone-input',
                    'placeholder' => __( 'New role name', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-input clone-role',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-clone-apply',
            'parent' => $root . '-clone',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                'name'    => $root . '-clone-apply',
                'label'   => __( 'Apply', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'class'   => 'button-primary',
                'auto_js' => array(
                    'setting' => $this->moduleKey,
                    'key'     => 'clone_role',
                    'refresh' => true,
                    'values'  => array(
                        'role'     => array(
                            'element' => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-clone-select select#' . $root . '-clone-select',
                            'parser'  => '', // Default.
                        'new_role' => array(
                            'element' => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-clone-input input#' . $root . '-clone-input',
                            'parser'  => '',
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'vaa-button-container',
        ) );

         * @since  1.5.0  Export actions.
        $role_export_options         = $role_select_options;
        $all_roles_option['__all__'] = array(
            'value' => '__all__',
            'label' => ' - ' . __( 'All roles', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ) . ' - ',
        array_splice( $role_export_options, 1, 0, $all_roles_option );

        $admin_bar->add_group( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-export',
            'parent' => $root,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-sub-secondary vaa-toggle-group',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-export-roles',
            'parent' => $root . '-export',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( 'dashicons-upload' )
                        . __( 'Export roles', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class'    => 'ab-bold vaa-has-icon ab-vaa-toggle',
                'tabindex' => '0',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-export-roles-select',
            'parent' => $root . '-export',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_select( array(
                'name'   => $root . '-export-roles-select',
                'values' => $role_export_options,
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-select select-role', // vaa-column-one-half vaa-column-last .
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-export-roles-caps-only',
            'parent' => $root . '-export',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_checkbox( array(
                'name'        => $root . '-export-roles-caps-only',
                'label'       => __( 'Capabilities only', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'description' => __( 'Not compatible with the "All" option.', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'auto-height',
        ) );

        $auto_js = array(
            'setting' => $this->moduleKey,
            'key'     => 'export_roles',
            'refresh' => false,
            'values'  => array(
                'role'      => array(
                    'element' => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-export-roles-select select#' . $root . '-export-roles-select',
                    'parser'  => '', // Default.
                'caps_only' => array(
                    'element'  => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-export-roles-caps-only input#' . $root . '-export-roles-caps-only',
                    'parser'   => '', // Default.
                    'required' => false,
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-export-roles-export',
            'parent' => $root . '-export',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                'name'    => $root . '-export-roles-export',
                'label'   => __( 'Export', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'class'   => 'button-secondary',
                'auto_js' => $auto_js,
            ) ) . ' ' . VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                'name'    => $root . '-export-roles-download',
                'label'   => __( 'Download', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'class'   => 'button-secondary',
                'auto_js' => array_merge( $auto_js, array(
                    'download' => true,
                ) ),
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'vaa-button-container',
        ) );

         * @since  1.5.0  Import actions.
        $admin_bar->add_group( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-import',
            'parent' => $root,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-sub-secondary vaa-toggle-group',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-import-roles',
            'parent' => $root . '-import',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( 'dashicons-download' )
                        . __( 'Import roles', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class'    => 'ab-bold vaa-has-icon ab-vaa-toggle',
                'tabindex' => '0',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-import-roles-input',
            'parent' => $root . '-import',
            'title'  => '<textarea id="' . $root . '-import-roles-input" name="role-manager-import-roles-input" placeholder="'
                        . esc_attr__( 'Paste code here or select a file below', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ) . '"></textarea>',
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-textarea input-role',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-import-roles-file',
            'parent' => $root . '-import',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_input( array(
                'name'    => $root . '-import-roles-file',
                'type'    => 'file',
                'auto_js' => array(
                    'callback' => 'assign_file_content',
                    'param'    => array(
                        'target'  => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-import-roles-input textarea#' . $root . '-import-roles-input',
                        'element' => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-import-roles-file input#' . $root . '-import-roles-file',
                'attr'    => array(
                    'accept' => 'text/*,.json',
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-file',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-import-roles-caps-only',
            'parent' => $root . '-import',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_checkbox( array(
                'name'  => $root . '-import-roles-caps-only',
                'label' => __( 'Capabilities only', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'auto-height',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-import-roles-select',
            'parent' => $root . '-import',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_select( array(
                'name'   => $root . '-import-roles-select',
                'values' => $role_select_options,
                'attr'   => array(
                    'vaa-condition'        => true,
                    'vaa-condition-target' => '#' . $root . '-import-roles-caps-only',
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-select select-role', // vaa-column-one-half vaa-column-last .
        ) );

        $auto_js = array(
            'setting' => $this->moduleKey,
            'key'     => 'import_roles',
            'refresh' => true,
            'values'  => array(
                'data'      => array(
                    'element' => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-import-roles-input textarea#' . $root . '-import-roles-input',
                    'parser'  => '', // Default.
                    'json'    => true,
                'caps_data' => array(
                    'element'  => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-import-roles-caps-only input#' . $root . '-import-roles-caps-only',
                    'parser'   => '', // Default.
                    'required' => false,
                'role'      => array(
                    'element'  => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-import-roles-select select#' . $root . '-import-roles-select',
                    'parser'   => '', // Default.
                    'required' => false,
                'method'    => array(
                    'attr' => 'vaa-method',
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-import-roles-import',
            'parent' => $root . '-import',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                'name'    => $root . '-import-roles-import',
                'label'   => __( 'Import', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'class'   => 'button-secondary ab-vaa-showhide vaa-import-role-manager',
                'auto_js' => $auto_js,
                'attr'    => array(
                    'vaa-method'   => 'import',
                    'vaa-showhide' => 'p.vaa-import-role-manager-desc',
            ) ) . ' '
            . VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                'name'    => $root . '-import-roles-import-merge',
                'label'   => __( 'Merge', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'class'   => 'button-secondary ab-vaa-showhide vaa-import-role-defaults',
                'auto_js' => $auto_js,
                'attr'    => array(
                    'vaa-method'   => 'merge',
                    'vaa-showhide' => 'p.vaa-import-role-manager-merge-desc',
            ) ) . ' '
            . VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                'name'    => $root . '-import-roles-import-append',
                'label'   => __( 'Append', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'class'   => 'button-secondary ab-vaa-showhide vaa-import-role-manager',
                'auto_js' => $auto_js,
                'attr'    => array(
                    'vaa-method'   => 'append',
                    'vaa-showhide' => 'p.vaa-import-role-manager-append-desc',
            ) )
            . VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_description(
                __( 'Fully overwrite capabilities', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                array( 'class' => 'vaa-import-role-manager-desc' )
            . VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_description(
                __( 'Merge and overwrite existing capabilities', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                array( 'class' => 'vaa-import-role-manager-merge-desc' )
            . VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_description(
                __( 'Append without overwriting the existing capabilities', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                array( 'class' => 'vaa-import-role-manager-append-desc' )
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'vaa-button-container',
        ) );

         * @since  1.7.0  Delete role.
        $role_delete_options = array_diff_key( $role_select_options, $this->protected_roles );
        $admin_bar->add_group( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-delete',
            'parent' => $root,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-sub-secondary vaa-toggle-group vaa-sub-transparent',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-delete-title',
            'parent' => $root . '-delete',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( 'dashicons-trash' ) . __( 'Delete role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class'    => 'ab-bold vaa-has-icon ab-vaa-toggle',
                'tabindex' => '0',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-delete-select',
            'parent' => $root . '-delete',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_select(
                    'name'   => $root . '-delete-select',
                    'values' => $role_delete_options,
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-select select-role',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-delete-migrate',
            'parent' => $root . '-delete',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_checkbox( array(
                'name'  => $root . '-delete-migrate',
                'label' => __( 'Migrate users to role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'auto-height',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-delete-migrate-select',
            'parent' => $root . '-delete',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_select( array(
                'name'   => $root . '-delete-migrate-select',
                'values' => $role_select_options,
                'attr'   => array(
                    'vaa-condition'        => true,
                    'vaa-condition-target' => '#' . $root . '-delete-migrate',
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-select select-role',
        ) );
        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-delete-apply',
            'parent' => $root . '-delete',
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                'name'    => $root . '-delete-apply',
                'label'   => __( 'Delete', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'class'   => 'button-primary',
                'auto_js' => array(
                    'setting' => $this->moduleKey,
                    'key'     => 'delete_role',
                    'confirm' => true,
                    'refresh' => true,
                    'values'  => array(
                        'role'     => array(
                            'element' => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-delete-select select#' . $root . '-delete-select',
                            'parser'  => '', // Default.
                        'migrate'  => array(
                            'element'  => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-delete-migrate input#' . $root . '-delete-migrate',
                            'parser'   => '', // Default.
                            'required' => false,
                        'new_role' => array(
                            'element'  => '#wp-admin-bar-' . $root . '-delete-migrate-select select#' . $root . '-delete-migrate-select',
                            'parser'   => '', // Default.
                            'required' => false,
            ) ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'vaa-button-container',
        ) );

     * Add admin bar items to the capability node.
     * Disable some PHPMD checks for this method.
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
     * @todo Refactor to enable above checks?
     * @since   1.7.0
     * @access  public
     * @see     'vaa_admin_bar_caps_manager_before' action
     * @param   \WP_Admin_Bar  $admin_bar  The toolbar object.
     * @param   string         $root       The root item (vaa).
     * @return  void
    public function admin_bar_menu_caps( $admin_bar, $root ) {

        $admin_bar->add_group( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-role-manager',
            'parent' => $root,
        ) );

        $root = $root . '-role-manager';

        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-title',
            'parent' => $root,
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_icon( 'dashicons-id-alt' ) . __( 'Role manager', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class'    => 'ab-bold vaa-has-icon ab-vaa-toggle',
                'tabindex' => '0',
        ) );

        $caps = $this->store->get_curUser()->allcaps;
        if ( VAA_API::is_view_active() ) {
            $caps = $this->store->get_selectedCaps();
        $role_select_options = array(
            ''        => array(
                'label' => ' --- ' . __( 'Add/Edit role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ) . ' --- ',
                'attr'  => array(
                    'data-caps' => wp_json_encode( $caps ),
            '__new__' => array(
                'value' => '__new__',
                'label' => ' ++ ' . __( 'New role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ) . ' ++ ',
        foreach ( $this->store->get_roles() as $role_key => $role ) {
            $role_select_options[ $role_key ] = array(
                'compare' => esc_attr( $role_key ),
                'label'   => $this->store->get_rolenames( $role_key ),
                'attr'    => array(
                    'data-caps' => wp_json_encode( $role->capabilities ),

        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-edit-role',
            'parent' => $root,
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_select(
                    'name'   => $root . '-edit-role',
                    'values' => $role_select_options,
            ) . VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button(
                    'name'  => $root . '-save-role',
                    'label' => __( 'Save role', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                    'class' => 'button-primary input-overlay',
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-select',
        ) );

        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-new-role',
            'parent' => $root,
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_input(
                    'name'        => $root . '-new-role',
                    'placeholder' => __( 'New role name', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                    'class'       => 'ab-vaa-conditional',
                    'attr'        => array(
                        'vaa-condition'        => '__new__',
                        'vaa-condition-target' => '#' . $root . '-edit-role',
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-input vaa-hidden',
        ) );

        $admin_bar->add_node( array(
            'id'     => $root . '-new-cap',
            'parent' => $root,
            'title'  => VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_input( array(
                'name'        => $root . '-new-cap',
                'placeholder' => esc_attr__( 'Add new custom capability', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
            ) ) . VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_button( array(
                'name'  => $root . '-add-cap',
                'label' => __( 'Add', VIEW_ADMIN_AS_DOMAIN ),
                'class' => 'button-primary input-overlay',
            ) )
            . '<div id="' . $root . '-cap-template" style="display: none;"><div class="ab-item vaa-cap-item">'
            . VAA_View_Admin_As_Form::do_checkbox( array(
                'name'           => 'vaa_cap_vaa_new_item',
                'value'          => true,
                'compare'        => true,
                'checkbox_value' => 'vaa_new_item',
                'label'          => 'vaa_new_item',
                'removable'      => true,
            ) ) . '</div></div>',
            'href'   => false,
            'meta'   => array(
                'class' => 'ab-vaa-input',
        ) );

     * Main Instance.
     * Ensures only one instance of this class is loaded or can be loaded.
     * @since   1.5.0
     * @access  public
     * @static
     * @param   \VAA_View_Admin_As  $caller  The referrer class.
     * @return  \VAA_View_Admin_As_Role_Manager  $this
    public static function get_instance( $caller = null ) {
        if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) {
            self::$_instance = new self( $caller );
        return self::$_instance;

} // End class VAA_View_Admin_As_Role_Manager.