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1 wk
Test Coverage
from lark import Lark, Transformer,Visitor, v_args, Tree,Token
from ..utils.collections import merge_lists, merge_dicts, pipe_map,listmap
from operator import itemgetter,attrgetter
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

grammarfile = Path(__file__).parent / 'expression.lark'
grammar = grammarfile.read_text()

LITERALS = ['number','true','false','string']
VARIABLES = ['variable','declared_variable','subvariable']
FNAMES = ['function_name','attribute']
ORDERED_OPERATORS = ['ge','geq','le','leq']
GROUP_BY_LEADERS = ['sum','term']

### process constraint string
def process_expression_string(string_input,start='start'):
    #### This is the main method
    # parses a string input to generate a tree, prunes new lines,
    # simplifies based on basic arithmetic,
    # analyzes dependencies,
    parser = Lark(grammar, start=start)
    tree = parser.parse(string_input)
    tree,modified = simplify_tree(tree) 
    deps = Dependency_Analyzer().transform(tree=tree)

    return tree,deps

def simplify_tree(tree): 
    # PURPOSE: simplify and standardize expressions using arithmetic rules
    # Rules for simplification
    # parent ->factor -> noflip,item ==> parent -> item AKA +x ==> x
    # parent ->factor1 -> flipsign,factor2 -> flipsign,item  ==> parent->item AKA --x ==> x
    # parent -> multiply,term -> items ==> parent -> items AKA x*(y*z) ==> x*y*z
    # parent -> divide,term -> items ==> parent -> flipped(items) AKA 1/(/(x)) ==> x
    # sum -> add,sum -> items ==> sum -> items AKA x+(y+z) ==> x+y+z
    # sum -> subtract,sum -> items ==> sum -> flipped(items) AKA x-(y+z) ==> x-y-z
    def node_to_str(node):
        return node.children[0].__str__()

    def find_parents_of(tree,data):
        f = lambda t: any([getattr(x,'data','')==data for x in t.children])
        return tree.find_pred(f)    

    # here, we reshape and simplify the tree
    modified = False
    # find parent->factor->noflip,item
    # replace with parent->item
    # e.g., +x to x
    nodes = find_parents_of(tree,'factor')
    for node in nodes:
        # get their factor children that have noflip children
        factors = [x for x in node.children 
            if getattr(x,'data','')=='factor'
            and x.children[0].data=='noflip'
        modified = modified or len(factors)>0
        for factor in factors:
            ind = node.children.index(factor)
            node.children[ind] = factor.children[1]

    # find parent->factor1->flipsign,factor2->flipsign,item
    # replace with parent->item
    # e.g., --x to x
    nodes = find_parents_of(tree,'factor')
    ignored = []
    for node in nodes:
        if node in ignored:
        factors = [x for x in node.children 
            if getattr(x,'data','')=='factor'
            and x.children[0].data=='flipsign'
            and x.children[1].data=='factor'
            and x.children[1].children[0].data =='flipsign'
        modified = modified or len(factors)>0
        for factor in factors:
            ind = node.children.index(factor)
            node.children[ind] = factor.children[1].children[1]

    # insert 'multiply' as first item in all data=='term'
    nodes = list(tree.find_data('term'))
    for node in nodes:
        if getattr(node.children[0],'data','') not in ['multiply','divide']:

    # identify parent -> multiply, term -> items 
    # replace with parent -> items
    # identify parent -> divide,term -> items
    # replace with parent -> flipped(items)
    collapsible = False
    for node in nodes:
        for i in range(len(node.children)-1):
            if getattr(node.children[i],'data','')=='multiply' and getattr(node.children[i+1],'data','')=='term':
                collapsible = True
                insert_this = node.children[i+1].children
            if getattr(node.children[i],'data','')=='divide' and getattr(node.children[i+1],'data','')=='term':
                collapsible = True
                insert_this = []
                for term in node.children[i+1].children:
                    if getattr(term,'data','')=='multiply':
                    elif getattr(term,'data','')=='divide':
            if collapsible:
                del node.children[i:i+2]
                node.children[i:i] = insert_this
        if collapsible:
    modified = modified or collapsible

    #first insert 'add' as first token of sums
    nodes = list(tree.find_data('sum'))
    for node in nodes:
        if getattr(node.children[0],'data','') not in ['add','subtract']:
    # find sum -> add, sum -> items
    # replace with sum -> items
    # e.g., x + (y+z) to x + y + z
    # find sum -> subtract, sum -> items
    # replace with sum -> flipped(items)
    # e.g., x - (y+z) to x - y - z
    collapsible = False
    for node in nodes:
        for i in range(len(node.children)-1):
            if getattr(node.children[i],'data','')=='add' and getattr(node.children[i+1],'data','')=='sum':
                collapsible = True
                insert_this = node.children[i+1].children
            if getattr(node.children[i],'data','')=='subtract' and getattr(node.children[i+1],'data','')=='sum':
                collapsible = True
                insert_this = []
                for term in node.children[i+1].children:
                    if getattr(term,'data','')=='add':
                    elif getattr(term,'data','')=='subtract':
            if collapsible:
                del node.children[i:i+2]
                node.children[i:i] = insert_this
        if collapsible:
    modified = modified or collapsible

    # find sum -> subtract,factor->flipsign,item
    # replace with sum -> add, item
    # e.g., x - (-y) + z to x + y + z
    nodes = list(tree.find_data('sum'))
    for node in nodes:
        subtract_index = [
        i for i,x in enumerate(node.children)
            if getattr(x,'data','')=='subtract'
            and getattr(node.children[i+1],'data','')=='factor'
            and getattr(node.children[i+1].children[0],'data','')=='flipsign'

        modified = modified or len(subtract_index)>0
        for i in subtract_index:
            item = node.children[i+1].children[1]
            node.children[i] = Tree(data='add',children=[])
            node.children[i+1] = item

    return (tree,modified)

class Dependency_Analyzer(Transformer):
    # PURPOSE:
    # Analyzes a tree for dependencies
    # Returns a list, with length equal to number of constraints
    # Each element is a nested list, with each item a dictionary or nested list
    # Dictionaries hold information on variables, attributes, function calls, declared variables
    # 'arg' attribute of dictionary is a nested list 

    # literals and operators, return None
    def return_None(x,y): return None
    number = string = true = false = return_None
    geq = leq = ge = le = ne = eq = return_None
    flipsign = subtract = add = multiply = divide = return_None

    #def return_list_minus_None(x,y): return [i for i in y if i is not None]
    def return_list(x,y): return y
    # these terms return nested lists, eliminating None terms
    sum = term = factor = return_list
    boolean_expression = return_list
    arg = kwarg = return_list
    assignment = return_list

    def return_dict(keyword): return lambda x,y: {keyword:y[0].__str__()}

    # these terms return dicts
    variable = return_dict('variable')
    declared_variable = return_dict('declared_variable')
    subvariable = return_dict('subvariable')
    attribute = return_dict('attribute')
    function_name = return_dict('function_name')
    subvariable = return_dict('subvariable')
    kw = return_dict('kw')
    def args(x,y): 
        # joins a list of lists
        #return dict(args=list(chain(*y)))
        return dict(args = merge_lists(y))

    def kwargs(x,y):
        # joins list of lists of args
        # plucks and joins keywords
        args = merge_lists(map(itemgetter(1),y))
        kws = list(pipe_map([itemgetter(0),itemgetter('kw')], y))
        return dict(kws=kws,args=args)
    def function_call(x,y):
        return merge_dicts(y)
    expression = return_list

class Serializer(Transformer):

    def n2s(self,arg): return arg[0].__str__()
    def constant(s): return lambda x,y: s
    # literals and operators, convert to string
    number = string = n2s
    geq = constant('>=')
    leq = constant('<=')
    ge = constant('>')
    le = constant('<')
    ne = constant('!=')
    eq = constant('==')
    true = constant("True")
    false = constant("False")
    flipsign = subtract = constant("-")
    add = constant("+")
    multiply = constant("*")
    divide = constant("/")

    # declared vars
    # note that we're ignoring the declared variable here
    # because the goal is to make a valid lambda object
    declared_variable = constant('')
    assignment = lambda x,y:y[1]

    # algebraic and boolean expressions
    sum  = lambda x,y: ' '.join(y[1:])
    term  = lambda x,y: ''.join(y[1:])
    factor = lambda x,y: '({z})'.format(z=''.join(y))
    boolean_expression = lambda x,y: ' '.join(y)

    # variables, attributes, function_name
    def category_pair(cat):
        return lambda x,y: (cat,y[0].__str__())
    variable = category_pair('variable')
    attribute = category_pair('attribute')
    function_name = category_pair('function_name')
    subvariable = category_pair('subvariable')
    arg = lambda x,y: y[0]
    args = lambda x,y: ('args',','.join(y))
    kw = n2s
    kwarg = lambda x,y: '='.join(y)
    kwargs = args
    def function_call(self,args):
        d,s = dict(args), ''
        if 'function_name' in d and 'args' not in d:
            d['args'] = ''
        keys = sorted(d.keys())
        if keys==['variable']:
            s = '{variable}'.format(**d)
        elif keys==['attribute','variable']:
            s = '{variable}.{attribute}'.format(**d)
        elif keys==['attribute','subvariable','variable']:
            s = '{variable}.{subvariable}.{attribute}'.format(**d)
        elif keys== ['args','function_name']:
            s = '{function_name}({args})'.format(**d)
        elif keys== ['args','function_name','variable']:
            s = '{variable}.{function_name}({args})'.format(**d)
        elif keys== ['args','function_name','subvariable','variable']:
            s = '{variable}.{subvariable}.{function_name}({args})'.format(**d)
        return s

def serialize(tree):
    s = Serializer().transform(tree=tree)
    return s