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from ..utils.collections import strgen, split_iter, merge_lists, invert_dict
from .collections import CanonicalForm, Mapping
from .canonical_labeling import canonical_label
from itertools import combinations, product
from collections import Counter, ChainMap
from copy import deepcopy

def partition_canonical_form(labeling,group):
    # construct a line graph from the original graph
    #     see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_graph
    # partition it using Kernighan/Lin
    # reconstruct the halves of the original graph

    # trivial case: at most one edge, cannot subdivide further
    if len(labeling.edges) <= 1:
        return None,None

    lg_nodes, lg_edges,lg_orbits = line_graph(labeling.names,labeling.edges,group.orbits)
    partition = kernighan_lin(lg_nodes.values(),lg_edges,lg_orbits)
    g1, g2 = [deinduce(labeling,lg_nodes,x) for x in partition]
    CL1, CL2 = [canonical_label(x) for x in [g1,g2]]
    return CL1,CL2

def partition_until_edge(labeling,group,examined=set(),partitions=[]):
    # input: canonically labeled graph
    # repeatedly partition with partition_canonical_form until you obtain single-edge graphs
    # output: examined set of labels (hashed versions), successive partitions of the graph
    CL1, CL2 = partition_canonical_form(labeling,group)
    if CL1 is None:
        return examined,partitions
    m1,L1,G1 = CL1
    m2,L2,G2 = CL2

    arrow = "\u2192"
    g = labeling.build_graph_container()
    m1 = Mapping.create(m1.sources,[f"{s}{arrow}{t}" for s,t in zip(m1.sources,m1.targets)])
    g1 = L1.build_graph_container(m1)
    m2 = Mapping.create(m2.sources,[f"{s}{arrow}{t}" for s,t in zip(m2.sources,m2.targets)])
    g2 = L2.build_graph_container(m2)

    if L1 not in examined and len(L1.edges)>1:
        examined,partitions = partition_until_edge(L1,G1,examined,partitions)
    if L2 not in examined and len(L1.edges)>1:
        examined,partitions = partition_until_edge(L2,G2,examined,partitions)

    return examined,partitions

def recompose(m1,L1,m2,L2):
    L11 = L1.remap(m1._dict)
    L21 = L2.remap(m2._dict)
    # names classes attrs edges
    names = tuple(sorted(set(L11.names + L21.names)))
    classesdict = ChainMap(dict(zip(L11.names,L11.classes)), dict(zip(L21.names,L21.classes)))
    classes = tuple([classesdict[x] for x in names])
    attrs = tuple(sorted(set(L11.attrs + L21.attrs)))
    edges = tuple(sorted(set(L11.edges + L21.edges)))
    big_L = CanonicalForm(names,classes,attrs,edges)
    big_g = big_L.build_graph_container()
    return canonical_label(big_g)

def line_graph(nodes,edges,orbits):
    # nodes is a list of names
    # edges is a list of Edge tuples
    # orbits is a partition of nodes

    # line graph is a graph where edges have been transformed to nodes
    # lg_nodes: every edge from labeling.edges mapped to a name
    # lg_edges: a Counter of "interactions" between pairs of lg_nodes
    #    an "interaction" exists if the corresponding original edges share a node
    # lg_orbits: orbits on lg_nodes induced by node orbits
    labels = ['e_'+x for x in strgen(len(edges))]
    lg_nodes = dict(zip(edges,labels))
    lg_edges = Counter()
    for node in nodes:
        local_edges = [lg_nodes[e] for e in edges if node in e.nodes()]

    certs = dict()
    orbindex = {n:i for i,orb in enumerate(orbits) for n in orb}
    for e,L in lg_nodes.items():
        n1,a1,n2,a2 = e.unpack()
        certs[L] = tuple(sorted([(orbindex[n1],a1),(orbindex[n2],a2)]))
    lg_orbits = invert_dict(certs).values()
    return lg_nodes,lg_edges,lg_orbits
def deinduce(labeling,induced_map,edgelabels):
    edges = tuple([e for e,L in induced_map.items() if L in edgelabels])
    names = tuple(sorted(set(merge_lists([x.nodes() for x in edges]))))
    attrs = tuple(sorted([x for x in labeling.attrs if x.node in names]))
    classes = tuple([labeling.classes[labeling.names.index(x)] for x in names])
    g = CanonicalForm(names,classes,attrs,edges).build_graph_container()
    return g

def kernighan_lin(nodes,edges,orbits):
    # nodes is a list of names
    # edges is a Counter with pairs of nodes as keys
    # orbits is a partition of nodes

    # Algorithm.
    # Start with an initial bi-partition of nodes
    # Keep track of swappable node pairs
    # Greedily choose the best swap in the current available ones
    #    K/L only count crossover edges as cut cost
    #    Here, we also examine if the cut is symmetrically balanced w.r.t. node orbits
    # Fix the swap, eliminate other swapping choices involving the fixed nodes

    partition = split_iter(nodes,2)
    allowed_swaps = list(product(*partition))
    cost = evaluate_cut(partition,edges,orbits)

    while allowed_swaps:
        candidates = [implement_swap(partition,swap) for swap in allowed_swaps]
        costs = [evaluate_cut(p,edges,orbits) for p in candidates]
        if min(costs) >= cost:
        idx = costs.index(min(costs))
        partition,cost,swap = candidates[idx], costs[idx], allowed_swaps[idx]
        allowed_swaps = filter_swaps(allowed_swaps,swap)
    return partition

def filter_swaps(swaps,swap):
    return [(a,b) for (a,b) in swaps if not any([a in swap,b in swap])]

def implement_swap(partition,swap):
    p = deepcopy(partition)
    idx0, idx1 = p[0].index(swap[0]), p[1].index(swap[1])
    p[0][idx0], p[1][idx1] = p[1][idx1], p[0][idx0]
    return p

def evaluate_cut(partition,edge_wt,orbits):
    # Cut cost has two costs
    # Typical edgecut counting crossovers
    # Orbcut counting how balanced the orbits are
    edgecut = evaluate_edgecut(partition,edge_wt)
    if len(orbits) == 0:
        return edgecut
    orbcut = evaluate_orbcut(partition,orbits)
    return (edgecut,orbcut)

def evaluate_edgecut(partition,edge_wt):
    # sum weights of crossover edges
    edgecut = 0
    for e in product(*partition):
        edgecut += edge_wt[tuple(sorted(e))]
    return edgecut

def evaluate_orbcut(partition,orbits):
    # for each nontrivial orbit
    # calculate difference in membership between left and right of partition
    # sum over all orbits
    orbcut = 0
    for orb in orbits:
        left,right = [set(orb).intersection(set(x)) for x in partition]
        orbcut += abs(len(right)-len(left))
    return orbcut