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from ..utils.collections import Mapping, merge_lists, remap_values, invert_dict, tuplify, index_dict
from itertools import combinations, product
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Tuple
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import Counter
import math
from backports.cached_property import cached_property

def print_cycles(cycles,lb=r'(',rb=r')',sep=','):
    return ''.join([f"{lb}{sep.join(x)}{rb}" for x in cycles])

class Permutation(Mapping):

    ### INSIGHT
    # if sources are sorted,
    # then x*y for any permutation will always produce
    # a permutation with sorted sources
    # However, the responsibility of sorting a permutation is elsewhere

    def cyclic_form(self,simple=False):
        values, orbits = list(self.sources), []
        while values:
            orb = [values.pop(0)]
            while values:
                t = self._dict[orb[-1]]
                if t in orb:
        if simple:
            return print_cycles(orbits)
        return tuplify(orbits)

    def is_identity(self):
        return self.sources == self.targets

    def validate(self):
        assert set(self.sources) == set(self.targets), f"{self.sources}->{self.targets} not a valid permutation."

    def duplicate(self,mapping):
        return self.__class__.create(mapping*self.sources,mapping*self.targets)

    def remove(self,variable):
        target = self.get(variable)
        sources = [x for x in self.sources if x!=variable]
        targets = [x for x in self.targets if x!=target]
        return self.__class__.create(sources,targets)

class PermutationGroup:
    generators: Tuple[Permutation]

    def create(cls,generators):
        # permutation groups always have ordered permutations
        generators = tuple(sorted([g.sort() for g in generators]))
        return PermutationGroup(generators)

    def expand(self):
        new,visited = SortedSet(self.generators), SortedSet()
        while new:
            visited |= new
            new = SortedSet([x*y for x,y in product(new,visited)]) - visited
        return list(visited)

    def validate(self):
        for x in self.generators:
            assert isinstance(x,Permutation), "Generators must be valid permutations."
        assert self.generators[0].is_identity(), f"Atleast one generator must be an identity permutation."
    def orbits(self):
        orbindex = index_dict(self.generators[0].sources)
        for g in self.generators:
            for cyc in g.cyclic_form():
                if len(cyc) > 1:
                    nums = [orbindex[x] for x in cyc]
                    orbindex = remap_values(orbindex,nums,min(nums))    
        orbits = list(invert_dict(orbindex).values())
        return tuplify(orbits)
    def iter_subgroups(self):
        # returns subgroups of self
        # a BFS exploration of the resolution diagram
        # e.g. if [0,1,2] are the generators of the group, 0 being identity
        # then iter_subgroups() yields groups:
        # [0], [0,1], [0,2], [0,1,2]

        identity, remaining = self.generators[0:1], self.generators[1:]
        yield PermutationGroup(identity)
        for n in range(1,len(remaining)+1):
            for gens in combinations(remaining,n):
                yield PermutationGroup.create(identity + gens)

    def is_trivial(self):
        return len(self.generators)==1

    def duplicate(self,mapping):
        return self.__class__.create([g.duplicate(mapping) for g in self.generators])

    def pprint(self,simple=True):
        s = 'Permutation Group\n'
        for g in self.generators:
            s += str(g.cyclic_form(simple=simple)) + '\n'
        return s

    def stabilizer(self,variable):
        gens = [g.remove(variable) for g in self.generators if g.get(variable)==variable]
        return self.__class__.create(gens)

    def orbit(self,variable):
        for orb in self.orbits:
            if variable in orb:
                return orb

    def count_symmetries(self):
        # use orbit stabilizer theorem
        # take the first variable
        # compute its orbit length in self
        # compute the stabilizer group of that variable
        # recurse and multiply
        if self.is_trivial():
            return 1
        variable = self.generators[0].sources[0]
        norbits = len(self.orbit(variable)) 
        stabilizer = self.stabilizer(variable)
        return norbits*stabilizer.count_symmetries()

    def restrict(self,variables):
        return self.__class__.create([x.restrict(variables) for x in self.generators])

    def verify_symmetry_breaking(self,match):
        if self.is_trivial():
            return True
        elems = [[match[x].id for x in orb] for orb in self.orbits if len(orb)>1]
        return all([elem==sorted(elem) for elem in elems])