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== Adapter Inbound File
This adapter open file streams and send them out as messages.
It could listen on directories for new files or it could be externally triggered.

=== Configuration
The configuration for this step is as follows.

.Message formats
  "regEx" : ".*\\.csv",      <1>
  "filter": filterFunction,  <2>
  "watchDir": directory      <3>
  "onlyReadNewFiles" : true  <4>
<1> (Optional)  A regular expression which will be matched against the file names changed. If the regEx did not
match no message will be generated.
<2> (Optional)  A custom function to filter the file names. The function looks like ''function (fileName){return true}''.
The function gets the file name as parameter and must return true or false.
<3> (Optional)  The directory which should be watched for changes.
<4> (Optional)  If set to true (default) then only new files added will be send. Else it will also
send the already existing files.

=== Endpoints
This Adapter has two endpoints. One 'out' endpoint which send out the messages with
the red stream and one 'in' endpoint for external trigger events.

==== out
This endpoint send out file read messages.

.Endpoint description
[options="header", cols="2"]

.Message Format
  "header": {
    "file_name": fileName,   <1>
    "directory": directory,  <2>
    "file_stat": stat        <3>
  "payload": stream          <4>
<1> The Name of the file. Without the path.
<2> The directory the file is in. Full qualified name.
<3> The file stat as generated by 'fs.stat'.
<4> The opene read stream to the file

==== inFileTrigger
This endpoint could be used to trigger files for reading.

.Endpoint description
[options="header", cols="2"]

.Message formats
  "header": {},
  "payload": filename          <1>

  "header": {},
  "payload": [file1, fileN]    <2>

  "header": {},
  "payload": {
    "directory" : directory,   <3>
    "files" : file             <4>

  "header": {},
  "payload": {
    "directory" : directory,
    "files" : [file1, fileN]   <5>
<1> The payload has just one file name. This file name must be a full qualified file name.
<2> The payload has a list of full qualified file names.
<3> The payload is an object. This is the directory containing the files. If a directory is
given the filenames may be relative to this directory.
<4> One single file.
<5> An array of files.