"use strict";
//disable warnings about unnecessary semicolons
/*jshint -W032 */
* @external EventEmitter
* @see
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
var util = require("util");
var assert = require("assert");
var path = require("path");
var utils = require("./utils");
var Message = require("./message");
* Transport defines an interface to be implemented by all concrete message bus transports.
* @param {!Object} options - Provider specific options for the connection setup. See the respective plugin providers for
* the list of possible options. The options argument should not be null or undefined. An empty options object is fine.
* @class
* @extends {EventEmitter}
* @abstract
* @public
function Transport(options) {
"You must provide a valid options object (can be an empty object ({}) )");;
* @private
* @readonly
this._options = options;
this._isConnecting = false;
this._isDisconnecting = false;
util.inherits(Transport, EventEmitter);
module.exports = Transport;
const transportModulesPath = path.join(path.dirname(module.filename), "./transportproviders");
Transport.providers = utils.findModulesSync(transportModulesPath, Transport);
* Called when a connection attempt has finished.
* @callback ErrorCallback
* @param {?Error} error - the error that occurred; null if there was no error
* @public
* @static
* Called when a connection attempt has finished.
* @callback ConnectCallback
* @this Transport
* @param {?Error} error - the error that occurred; null if there was no error
* @memberof Transport
* @public
* @alias Transport.ConnectCallback
* Called when a connection has been closed, either by manually calling disconnect() or by the backend service.
* @callback DisconnectCallback
* @this Transport
* @param {?Error} error - the error that occurred; null if there was no error.
* @memberof Transport
* @public
* @alias Transport.DisconnectCallback
* Called when publication of a message has finished.
* @callback PublishCallback
* @this Transport
* @param {?Error} error - the error that occurred; null if there was no error
* @memberof Transport
* @public
* @alias Transport.PublishCallback
* @callback ChannelCallback
* @this Transport
* @param {?Error} error - the error that occurred; null if there was no error
* @param {?Channel} channel - the retrieved channel
* @memberof Transport
* @public
* @alias Transport.ChannelCallback
* Emitted when a succesful connection to the backend message bus service is established. The event takes no arguments.
* @event connected
* @memberof Transport
* @public
* @alias Transport.connected
* Emitted when a connection to the backend message bus service is closed. The event takes no arguments.
* @event disconnected
* @memberof Transport
* @public
* @alias Transport.disconnected
* Connects to the message bus backend service and calls callback when ready or on error.
* This method also emits a 'connected' event when the connection has been established.
* If the connection was already open, then the callback is called with the current connection. In the latter case
* no 'connected' event is emitted.
* @param {Transport.ConnectCallback} [callback] - called when the connection is established.
* @fires Transport.connected
* @fires EventEmitter.error
* @public
* @final
Transport.prototype.connect = function(callback) {
const self = this;
if (this._isConnecting) {
this.once("connected", function () {
utils.callLater(callback, null);
this.once("connectionFailed", function(err) {
utils.callLater(callback, err);
//note: _doConnect is never called when there is already a valid connection
if (this.isConnected()) {
utils.callLater(callback, null);
} else {
this._isConnecting = true;
// jscs:disable jsDoc
self._doConnect(function _doConnectCallback(err) {
// jscs:enable jsDoc
self._isConnecting = false;
if (util.isFunction(callback)) {
utils.callLater(callback, err);
if (err) {
self.emit("connectionFailed", err);
} else {
self.emit("connected", self);
* Returns true if a connection is established with the backend message bus service.
* @returns {Boolean}
* @public
* @final
Transport.prototype.isConnected = function() {
return this._doIsConnected();
* Disconnects from the message bus backend service. If there was no connection this method does nothing.
* @param {Transport.DisconnectCallback} [callback] - Optional callback called when
* the provider has been disconnected or when an error occurred.
* @fires Transport.event:disconnected
* @public
* @final
* @see Transport#isConnected
Transport.prototype.disconnect = function(callback) {
const self = this;
if (this._isDisconnecting) {
if (util.isFunction(callback)) {
this.once("disconnected", function() {
utils.callLater(callback, null);
if (this.isConnected()) {
this._isDisconnecting = true;
// jscs:disable jsDoc
this._doDisconnect(function _doDisconnectCallback(err) {
self._isDisconnecting = false;
// jscs:enable jsDoc
if (util.isFunction(callback)) {
utils.callLater(callback, err);
} else {
if (util.isFunction(callback)) {
utils.callLater(callback, null);
* Requests a dispatch channel with the given name. When done, the given callback is called,
* either with an error (first argument) or with the requested channel.
* @param {!String} dispatchChannelName - Name of the dispatch channel to retrieve.
* @param {!Transport.ChannelCallback} callback - Called when dispatchChannel is retrieved.
* @see ConsumeChannel
* @public
* @final
Transport.prototype.dispatchChannel = function(dispatchChannelName, callback) {
assert.ok(util.isString(dispatchChannelName), "Must provide a valid name.");
assert.ok(dispatchChannelName.length > 0, "Must provide a valid name.");
assert.ok(util.isFunction(callback), "'dispatchChannel()' must have a valid callback");
"Must have an open connection before a dispatch channel can be retrieved.");
this._doGetDispatchChannel(dispatchChannelName, {}, function(err, channel) {
utils.callLater(callback, err, channel);
* Retrieve a {@link ConsumeChannel} with the given parameters.
* @param {!String} consumeChannelName - Name of the consume channel to retrieve.
* @param {!String} dispatchChannelName - Name of the dispatch channel from which this consume channel
* must consume.
* @param {!function(?err, ?Channel)} callback - Called when consumeChannel has finished.
* @example
* var rmq = new RabbitMQTransport();
* rmq.consumeChannel("myConsumeChannel", "someDispatchChannel", function(err, consumeChannel) {
* if (err) {
* //some error occurred
* } else {
* consumeChannel.publish("happyMessage", "Hi, I got a consumeChannel!");
* }
* });
* @public
* @final
Transport.prototype.consumeChannel = function(consumeChannelName,
callback) {
assert.ok(util.isString(consumeChannelName), "Must provide a valid consume channel name.");
assert(consumeChannelName.length > 0, "Must provide a valid consume channel name.");
assert.ok(util.isString(dispatchChannelName), "Must provide a valid dispatch channel name.");
assert.ok(util.isFunction(callback), "'consumeChannel()' must have a valid callback");
"Must have an open connection before a consume channel can be retrieved.");
this._doGetConsumeChannel(consumeChannelName, dispatchChannelName, {}, function(err, channel) {
utils.callLater(callback, err, channel);
* Called by a lower level implementation.
* @param {!String} exchangeName - Name of the distribution endpoint to post the message to.
* @param {!Message} msg - Message to be published.
* @param {!String} routingKey - routing key to be used to distribute the message to its endpoint(s).
* @param {Function} [callback] - called when the publication finished (successful or not).
* @protected
* @final
Transport.prototype.publish = function(exchangeName, msg, routingKey, callback) {
assert.ok(util.isString(exchangeName), "Must provide a valid exchange name.");
assert.ok(msg, "Must provide a valid 'msg'.");
assert(msg instanceof Message, "'msg' must be a Message object.");
assert.ok(util.isString(routingKey), "'routingKey' must be a valid string.");
assert.ok(routingKey.length > 0, "'routingKey' must not be an empty string.");
assert.ok(util.isFunction(callback), "publish() must have a valid callback.");
"Must have an open connection before a message can be published.");
// jscs:disable jsDoc
this._doPublish(exchangeName, msg, routingKey, function _doPublishCallback(err) {
// jscs:enable jsDoc
utils.callLater(callback, err);
* Called by a lower level implementation
* @param {!String} queueName - name of the queue to purge.
* @param {Function} [callback] - called when the queue has been purged (successful or not)
* @protected
* @final
Transport.prototype.purge = function(queueName, callback) {
assert.ok(util.isString(queueName), "Must provide a valid queue name.");
assert.ok(queueName.length > 0, "Must provide a valid queue name.");
assert(!callback || util.isFunction(callback), "Must provide a valid callback");
this._doPurge(queueName, function(err) {
if (callback) {
utils.callLater(callback, err);
* @protected
* @final
Transport.prototype.consume = function(queueName, options, callback, successCallback) {
assert.ok(util.isString(queueName), "Must provide a valid queue name.");
assert.ok(util.isFunction(callback), "'consume()' must have a valid callback.");
assert.ok(this.isConnected(), "Must have an open connection before a queue can be consumed.");
this._doConsume(queueName, options, callback, function(err, subscriptionId) {
if (successCallback) {
utils.callLater(successCallback, err, subscriptionId);
* @protected
* @final
Transport.prototype.cancelConsume = function(subscriptionId, callback) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (this.isConnected()) {
this._doCancelConsume(subscriptionId, callback);
} else {
* @protected
* @final
Transport.prototype.bind = function(consumeChannelName,
callback) {
assert.ok(util.isString(consumeChannelName), "Must provide a valid consumer name.");
assert.ok(util.isString(dispatcherChannelName), "Must provide a valid dispatcher name.");
assert.ok(util.isString(bindingKey), "Must provide a valid binding key.");
assert.ok(util.isFunction(callback), "'bind()' must have a valid callback.");
assert.ok(this.isConnected(), "Must have an open connection before a queue can be bound.");
this._doBind(consumeChannelName, dispatcherChannelName, bindingKey, function(err) {
utils.callLater(callback, err);
* @protected
* @final
Transport.prototype.unbind = function(consumeChannelName,
callback) {
assert.ok(util.isString(consumeChannelName), "Must provide a valid consume name.");
assert.ok(util.isString(dispatcherChannelName), "Must provide a valid dispatcher name.");
assert.ok(util.isString(bindingKey), "Must provide a valid binding key.");
assert.ok(util.isFunction(callback), "'unbind()' must have a valid callback.");
assert.ok(this.isConnected(), "Must have an open connection before a queue can be bound.");
this._doUnbind(consumeChannelName, dispatcherChannelName, bindingKey, function(err) {
utils.callLater(callback, err);
* Returns the provider specific options used to setup a connection to the
* backend message queue service.
* @returns {Object} The provider specific options used to setup a connection
* @public
* @final
Transport.prototype.options = function options() {
return this._options;
/* istanbul ignore next */
* Actual implementation of connecting to the backend. This method must
* be implemented by a concrete message queue provider.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} callback - called when the connection is established.
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doConnect = function(callback) {
throw new Error("Method _doConnect() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* Actual implementation of disconnecting from the backend. This method must
* be implemented by a concrete message queue provider.
* @param {function(?Error, ?Object)} callback - called when the connection is established.
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doDisconnect = function(callback) {
throw new Error("Method _doDisconnect() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* Actual implementation of querying whether the backend is connected. This method must
* be implemented by a concrete message queue provider.
* @returns {Boolean} true when connected, otherwise false.
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doIsConnected = function() {
throw new Error("Method _doIsConnected() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* Actual implementation of retrieving a dispatch channel for the specific transport.
* This method must
* be implemented by a concrete message queue provider.
* @param {!String} dispatchChannelName - Name of the dispatch channel to retrieve.
* @param {!Object} options - Options for the dispatch channel.
* @param {!Function} callback - called when the connection is established.
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doGetDispatchChannel = function(dispatchChannelName,
callback) {
throw new Error("Method _doGetDispatchChannel() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doGetConsumeChannel = function(consumeChannelName,
callback) {
throw new Error("Method _doGetConsumeChannel() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doConsume = function(queueName,
successCallback) {
throw new Error("Method _doConsume() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doCancelConsume = function(subscriptionId, callback) {
throw new Error("Method _doCancelConsume() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doPublish = function(exchangeName, msg, callback) {
throw new Error("Method _doPublish() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doPurge = function(queueName, callback) {
throw new Error("Method _doPurge() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doBind = function(consumerName,
callback) {
throw new Error("Method _doBind() must be implemented by subclasses.");
/* istanbul ignore next */
* @abstract
* @private
Transport.prototype._doUnbind = function(consumerName,
callback) {
throw new Error("Method _doUnbind() must be implemented by subclasses.");