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Test Coverage
 * Copyright © 2017-2023  Kynetics  LLC
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made
 * available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0


import android.os.Bundle
import android.os.Message
import android.os.Messenger
 import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json

 * Transform an instance of [Message] to [Communication.V1.Out]
 * @receiver [Message] to be converted into a [Communication.V1.Out]
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the message can't be transformed to an
 *   [Communication.V1.Out] instance.
fun Message.toOutV1Message(): Communication.V1.Out {
    return runCatching {
        when (this.what) {
            Communication.V1.Out.ServiceNotification.ID ->

            Communication.V1.Out.CurrentServiceConfiguration.ID ->
                ) as UFServiceConfiguration)

            Communication.V1.Out.AuthorizationRequest.ID ->

            Communication.V1.Out.CurrentServiceConfigurationV2.ID -> Communication.V1.Out.CurrentServiceConfigurationV2(

            else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("This message isn't sent by UF client (with api v1)")
    }.onFailure {
        throw IllegalArgumentException("This message isn't sent by UF client (with api v1)", it)

 * Class that maps all messages that are exchanged with the []
sealed class Communication(val id: Int) {

    companion object {
         * [android.os.Bundle] key where the ApiCommunicationVersion of the message is stored
         * @property id message code so that the recipient can identify what this message is about
         *  ([android.os.Message.what])

     * Communication messages available in V1.x communication api
    sealed class V1(id: Int) : Communication(id) {

        companion object {
             * [android.os.Bundle] key where the additional info are stored
            const val SERVICE_DATA_KEY = "DATA_KEY"

         * Class that maps all the messages that are sent to
         * @property id message code so that the recipient can identify what this message is about
         *  ([android.os.Message.what])
        sealed class In(
             * message code so that the recipient can identify what this message is about
            id: Int
        ) : V1(id) {

             * Convert the object to the corresponding [android.os.Message] instance.
            open fun toMessage(): Message {
                val msg = Message.obtain(null, id)
                val bundleWithApiVersion = bundle()
                bundleWithApiVersion.putInt(SERVICE_API_VERSION_KEY, ApiCommunicationVersion.latest().versionCode)
       = bundleWithApiVersion
                return msg

             * Class that maps all messages that are sent to []
             * that must receive a response.
             * @property replyTo [Messenger] where replies to this message are sent
             * @property id message code so that the recipient can identify what this message is about
             *  ([android.os.Message.what])
            abstract class WithReplyTo(
                 * [Messenger] where replies to this message are sent
                val replyTo: Messenger,
                 * message code so that the recipient can identify what this message is about
                id: Int
            ) : In(id) {
                override fun toMessage(): Message {
                    val msg = super.toMessage()
                    msg.replyTo = replyTo
                    return msg

             * @suppress
            internal open fun bundle(): Bundle = Bundle()

             * Class to build a message to configure the service.
             * When the new configuration can be applied live, a [UFServiceMessageV1.Event.ConfigurationUpdated] is notified.
             * When the new configuration requires a restart of the service, a [UFServiceMessageV1.Event.Stopped] and a
             * [UFServiceMessageV1.Event.Started] are notified.
             *  @property conf the service configuration
             *  @see UFServiceConfiguration
            @Deprecated("As of release 1.3.0 replaced by")
            class ConfigureService(
                 * the service configuration
                @Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate") val conf: UFServiceConfiguration) : In(ID) {
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 1

                 * @suppress
                override fun bundle(): Bundle {
                    return super.bundle().apply {
                        putSerializable(SERVICE_DATA_KEY, conf)

             * Class to build a message to configure the service.
             * When the new configuration can be applied live, a [UFServiceMessageV1.Event.ConfigurationUpdated] is notified.
             * When the new configuration requires a restart of the service, a [UFServiceMessageV1.Event.Stopped] and a
             * [UFServiceMessageV1.Event.Started] are notified.
             *  @property conf the service configuration
             *  @see UFServiceConfigurationV2
            class ConfigureServiceV2(
                 * the service configuration
                val conf: UFServiceConfigurationV2) : In(ID) {
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 10

                 * @suppress
                override fun bundle(): Bundle {
                    return super.bundle().apply {
                        putSerializable(SERVICE_DATA_KEY, conf.toJson())

             * Class to build a message to subscribe a [Messenger] to the service notification
             * system.
             * @property replyTo the [Messenger] to subscribe to the service notification system
            class RegisterClient(
                 * [Messenger] where replies to this message are sent
                replyTo: Messenger
            ) : WithReplyTo(replyTo, ID) {
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 2

             * Class to build a message to unsubscribe a [Messenger] from the service notification
             * system.
             * @property replyTo the [Messenger] to unsubscribe from the service notification system
            class UnregisterClient(
                 * [Messenger] where replies to this message are sent
                replyTo: Messenger
            ) : WithReplyTo(replyTo, ID) {
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 3

             * Class to build a message to grant / deny an authorization
             * @property granted, true to grant the authorization, false otherwise
            class AuthorizationResponse(
                 * true to grant the authorization, false otherwise
                val granted: Boolean
            ) : In(ID) {
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 6

                 * @suppress
                override fun bundle(): Bundle {
                    return super.bundle().apply {
                        putBoolean(SERVICE_DATA_KEY, granted)

             * Class to build a sync message.
             * When the service receives a sync message it replies with two messages,
             * the first message contains the service state and the second message contains the
             * service configuration
             * @property replyTo the [Messenger] to unsubscribe from the service notification system
             * @see Communication.V1.Out.ServiceNotification
             * @see Communication.V1.Out.CurrentServiceConfiguration
            class Sync(
                 * [Messenger] to use for replies to this message
                replyTo: Messenger
            ) : WithReplyTo(replyTo, ID) {
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 8

             * Class to build ForcePing message.
             * When the service receives a force ping message it polls the server
            object ForcePing : In(7)

             * Class to build a message to add target attributes
             * @property targetAttributesWithPolicy, a Map of target attributes with an aggregation policy
            class AddTargetAttributes(
                 * @property targetAttributesWithPolicy, the target attributes with the aggregation policy
                val targetAttributesWithPolicy: TargetAttributesWithPolicy
            ) : In(ID) {
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 12

                 * @suppress
                override fun bundle(): Bundle {
                    return super.bundle().apply {


         * Class that maps all messages that the []
         * sends to the clients
         * @property id message code so that the recipient can identify what this message is about
         *  ([android.os.Message.what])
        sealed class Out(
             * message code so that the recipient can identify what this message is about
            id: Int
        ) : V1(id) {
             * This class represents a message that the []
             * sends to clients with the information about its state. This message is sent after each
             * polling request or as response of a [Communication.V1.In.Sync] message.
             * @property content is the representation of the current service state
             * @see UFServiceMessageV1
            class ServiceNotification(
                 * The notification content
                val content: UFServiceMessageV1) : Out(ID) {
                 * @suppress
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 4

             * This class represents a message that the []
             * sends to clients when it is waiting for an user authorization
             * @property authName is the kind of authorization, it is one between *DOWNLOAD* and *UPDATE*
            class AuthorizationRequest(
                 *  the kind of authorization, it is one between *DOWNLOAD* and *UPDATE*
                val authName: String) : Out(ID) {
                 * @suppress
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 5

             * This class represents a message that the []
             * sends to the client as response of a [Communication.V1.In.Sync] message.
             * @property conf is the service configuration
             * @see UFServiceConfiguration
            @Deprecated("As of release 1.3.0 replaced by")
            @Suppress("DEPRECATION", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
            class CurrentServiceConfiguration(
                 * the service configuration
                val conf: UFServiceConfiguration
            ) : Out(ID) {
                 * @suppress
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 9

             * This class represents a message that the []
             * sends to the client as response of a [Communication.V1.In.Sync] message.
             * @property conf is the service configuration
             * @see UFServiceConfigurationV2
            class CurrentServiceConfigurationV2(
                 * the service configuration
                val conf: UFServiceConfigurationV2
            ) : Out(ID) {
                 * @suppress
                companion object {
                    const val ID = 11



 * A Map of target attributes with an aggregation policy
 * @property attributes, a map [String] to [String] of target attributes
 * @property policy, an aggregation policy
data class TargetAttributesWithPolicy(
     * @property attributes, a map [String] to [String] of target attributes
    val attributes: Map<String,String>,
     * @property policy, an aggregation policy
    val policy: AggregationPolicy = AggregationPolicy.REPLACE

    companion object{
        private val json = Json { encodeDefaults = true }
        fun parse(jsonData:String): TargetAttributesWithPolicy = json.decodeFromString(serializer(), jsonData)

    fun toJson():String = json.encodeToString(serializer(), this)

 *  The aggregation policy of targetAttributes
enum class AggregationPolicy{
     * Merge previous target attributes added using the AddTargetAttributes message.
     * (Old target attributes with same key are updated with the new values, the others
     * are keep unchanged)

     * Replace previous target attributes added using the AddTargetAttributes message
     * (Old target attributes are removed)