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# Sinopia Indexing Pipeline

This is the repository for the Sinopia Indexing Pipeline. The pipeline is a Node application that
responds to MongoDB [Change Streams](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/changeStreams/) and
indexes parts of the document into ElasticSearch:

* Extracts the JSON-LD representation from the `data` property in the MongoDB document
* Indexes the JSON-LD, or a derivative thereof, in ElasticSearch.

The pipeline also includes a `bin/reindex` command that will wipe all ElasticSearch indices and reindex by crawling MongoDB.

## Testing

Using `docker-compose`, you can spin up containers for MongoDB, ElasticSearch, and
the pipeline:

$ docker-compose up pipeline # add -d to run in background

You should also run the MongoDB setup to create the collections and load the
supporting files for resource templates:

$ docker-compose run mongo-setup

To shut it down and clean up, run:

$ docker-compose down

### Run the linter and tests

$ npm run ci

Or, to run the linter and unit tests separately:

$ npm run lint
$ npm test

There are two linters/formatters used in this project: eslint and prettier. They can be run together or individually.

To run both:
`npm run lint`

To auto-fix errors in both (where possible):
`npm run fix`

To run just eslint:
`npm run eslint`

To automatically fix just eslint problems (where possible):
`npm run eslint-fix`

To run just prettier:
`npm run pretty`

To automatically fix just prettier problems (where possible):
`npm run pretty-fix`

### Continuous Integration

We are using CircleCI to run continuous integration.

## Development

For development purposes, you may wish to spin up all the components other than the

$ docker-compose up -d mongo search searchui

And then spin up the pipeline using:

$ npm run dev-start

Note that if you want to view the ElasticSearch index, you can browse to http://localhost:1358/.

## Build and push image

The CircleCI build is configured to perform these steps automatically on any successful build on the `main` branch. If you need to manually build and push an image, you can do this:

$ docker build -t ld4p/sinopia_indexing_pipeline .
$ docker push ld4p/sinopia_indexing_pipeline