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Version 3.2.0 - 2020/04/22

This is a feature release. It contains a lot of bug fixes and improvements and makes the communication between Auth0 and TYPO3
easier and even more secure. This is the last release introducing deprecations that will be dropped with version 4 of this


Download this version from the `TYPO3 extension repository <https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/auth0/>`__ or from
`GitHub <https://github.com/Leuchtfeuer/auth0-for-typo3/releases/tag/v3.2.0>`__.


* Separate sessions for frontend and backend log ins are now be used
* Dedicated class :php:`\Bitmotion\Auth0\ErrorCode` containing all valid Auth0 error codes
* A default value for the redirect URI within oauth2 requests will now be used when there is no valid callback URI
* A new PSR-15 Middleware will take care of all Auth0 :ref:`callbacks <admin-callback>`
* JSON Web Tokens are used for transmitting information between TYPO3 and Auth0
* The configuration key, where to retrieve Auth0 :ref:`roles <admin-typoscript-roleMapping>` from, is now configurable


* A dedicated factory class is now responsible for creating user sessions
* User related data is now retrieved from the frontend user aspect (where possible)
* Logging levels of :php:`\Bitmotion\Auth0\Service\AuthenticationService`
* Warnings and errors will be logged into dedicated log file. :ref:`Learn <admin-logging>` how to configure logging.
* Constants of class :php:`\Bitmotion\Auth0\Api\Auth0` were moved into dedicated class :php:`\Bitmotion\Auth0\ErrorCode`
* :ref:`Plugin <editor-plugin>` can now be found in the forms tab (was plugins)


* Unused properties of :php:`\Bitmotion\Auth0\Service\AuthenticationService`

   * :php:`$auth0Response`
   * :php:`$auth0Data`
   * :php:`$tokenInfo`

* All constants containing error codes of class :php:`\Bitmotion\Auth0\Api\Auth0`
* Following TypoScript settings and constants are now deprecated. You should consider to use the newly introduced generic
  :ref:`callbacks <admin-callback>`

   * :typoscript:`plugin.tx_auth0.settings.frontend.logout.targetPageUid`
   * :typoscript:`plugin.tx_auth0.settings.frontend.logout.targetPageType`
   * :typoscript:`plugin.tx_auth0.settings.frontend.callback.targetPageUid`
   * :typoscript:`plugin.tx_auth0.settings.frontend.callback.targetPageType`

* The TypoScript page type 1547536919 is now deprecated. You should consider to use the newly introduced generic
  :ref:`callbacks <admin-callback>`

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release::

   2020-04-22 [DOC] Update version matrix (Commit d3ee159 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-22 [TASK] Apply cs (Commit 3f494d9 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-22 [DOC] Update documentation (Commit 7136366 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-22 Revert "[TASK] Remove obsolete middleware" (Commit e8e042e by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Adapt links to repository (Commit 2367596 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Update libraries (Commit ea470fb by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Remove github section for now (Commit 0081a3d by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Adapt dependencies for TYPO3 v10 LTS (Commit 98b6aa2 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Add funding file (Commit 13fd06b by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Adapt links to GitHub repository (Commit 2db6867 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Use extension key as variable (Commit 4290007 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [BUGFIX] Fix links in documentation (Commit 535d92d by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Remove obsolete middleware (Commit 5ae4f1f by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Use table name as constant (Commit 4ace718 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-21 [TASK] Move CE wizard TSconfig (Commit 5b1e378 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-08 [CLEAN-UP] Remove obsolete images (Commit 496a6cb by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-08 [TASK] Minor wording changes (Commit dd3175a by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-08 [REVERT][FEATURE] Allow to create login links to other Auth0 applications (Commit ad44bc1 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-07 [TASK] Remove obsolete @throw annotations (Commit d635a6c by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-07 [FEATURE] Allow to create login links to other Auth0 applications (Commit addbf86 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-06 [BUGFIX] Prepend full domain when base of site configuration is just a slash (Commit b728bea by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-06 [TASK] Write errors into dedicated logfile (Commit 80a3164 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-06 [DOC] Minor wording changes (Commit 9847449 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-06 [DOC] Add hint for TYPO3 as identity provider (Commit 42753a2 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-06 [BUGFIX] Add plugin to view (Commit 3072027 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-06 [DOC] Exchange images and fix some minor bugs (Commit f5bfebf by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-05 [DOC][FOLLOW-UP] Add new features to documentation (Commit b0f1ea1 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-05 [DOC] Add new features to documentation (Commit a5e0636 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-05 [TASK] Do not catch global exceptions (Commit b82e64a by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-05 [TASK] Add deprecation notices (Commit a290c9c by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-05 [FEATURE] Allow to configure key of path to Auth0 roles (Commit 91c534f by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-05 [TASK] Improve condition (Commit 1a6e57b by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-05 [TASK] Move CE wizard from plugins to forms tab (Commit 7487b5b by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-04 [FEATURE] Introduce generic callback for Auth0 requests (Commit b5042de by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-04 [TASK] Dependent libraries updated (Commit 985ec4b by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [TASK] Refactor authUser method (Commit 43c4ad2 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [TASK] Take care of all possible oauth2 errors (Commit f8a1f1f by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [TASK] Adapt logging levels (Commit 20aae4c by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [BUGFIX] Do not authenticate user when there is no application (Commit 2bea68d by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [TASK] Mark unused properties as deprecated (Commit 09c3620 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [TASK] Use default value for redirectUri (Commit df3880e by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [TASK] Introduce dedicated class containing Auth0 error codes (Commit 69d809b by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [TASK] Use session factory (Commit 5fc3bec by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [TASK] Use  property from UserAspect (Commit 241048b by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [TASK] Set current application uid during initialization (Commit c7e2580 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [FEATURE] Introduce factory for building sessions (Commit 6d9bbba by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [CLEAN-UP] Forcing int is not necessary as method returns an int (Commit 142c7ba by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [BUGFIX] Assign proper value to view (Commit c7a70a2 by Florian Wessels)
   2020-04-02 [BUGFIX] Use get parameter when there are no settings (Commit e4fc43b by Florian Wessels)
   2020-03-13 [TASK] Set version to 3.1.2-dev (Commit d65c1c2 by Florian Wessels)