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import logging

import numpy as np

from libertem.common.math import prod, count_nonzero
from libertem.udf import UDF

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PickUDF(UDF):
    Load raw data from ROI

    This UDF is meant for frame picking with a very small ROI, usually a single frame.

    .. versionadded:: 0.4.0

    >>> udf = PickUDF()
    >>> roi = np.zeros(dataset.shape.nav, dtype=bool)
    >>> roi[0] = True
    >>> result = ctx.run_udf(dataset=dataset, udf=udf, roi=roi)
    >>> result["intensity"].raw_data[0].shape
    (32, 32)
    def __init__(self):

    def get_preferred_input_dtype(self):
        return self.USE_NATIVE_DTYPE

    def get_result_buffers(self):
        dtype = self.meta.input_dtype
        sigshape = tuple(self.meta.dataset_shape.sig)
        if self.meta.roi is not None:
            navsize = count_nonzero(self.meta.roi)
            navsize = prod(self.meta.dataset_shape.nav)
        warn_limit = 2**28
        loaded_size = prod(sigshape) * navsize * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize
        if loaded_size > warn_limit:
            log.warning("PickUDF is loading %s bytes, exceeding warning limit %s. "
                "Consider using or implementing an UDF to process data on the worker "
                "nodes instead." % (loaded_size, warn_limit))
        # We are using a "single" buffer since we mostly load single frames. A
        # "sig" buffer would work as well, but would require a transpose to
        # accomodate multiple frames in the last and not first dimension.
        # A "nav" buffer would allocate a NaN-filled buffer for the whole dataset.
        return {
            'intensity': self.buffer(
                kind='single', extra_shape=(navsize, ) + sigshape, dtype=dtype

    def process_tile(self, tile):
        # We work in flattened nav space with ROI applied
        sl = self.meta.slice.get()
        self.results.intensity[sl] = tile

    def merge(self, dest, src):
        # We receive full-size buffers from each node that
        # contributes at least one frame and rely on the rest being filled
        # with zeros correctly.
        dest.intensity[:] += src.intensity

    def merge_all(self, ordered_results):
        intensity_chunks = [b.intensity for b in ordered_results.values()]
        intensity_sum = np.stack(intensity_chunks, axis=0).sum(axis=0)
        return {'intensity': intensity_sum}