module Api class BaseController module Manager def update_collection(type, id) case @req.method when :put return edit_resource(type, id, @req.json_body) when :patch return patch_resource(type, id) end unless id || @req.subcollection? || @req.json_body.key?("resources") collection_target = "#{@req.action}_collection" return send(collection_target, type, @req.json_body.except("action")) if respond_to?(collection_target) end action = @req.action target = target_resource_method(type, action) raise BadRequestError, "Unimplemented Action #{action} for #{type} resources" unless respond_to?(target) if id update_one_collection(@req.subcollection?, target, type, id, @req.resource) else update_multiple_collections(@req.subcollection?, target, type, @req.resources) end end def parent_resource_obj type = @req.collection.to_sym resource_search(@req.collection_id, type) end def collection_class(type) @collection_klasses[type.to_sym] || collection_config.klass(type) end # # Patching a resource, post syntax # # [ # { # "action" : "add" | "edit" | "remove" # "path" : "attribute_name", # "value" : "value to add or edit" # } # ... # ] #Method `patch_resource` has a Cognitive Complexity of 12 (exceeds 11 allowed). Consider refactoring. def patch_resource(type, id) patched_attrs = {} return edit_resource(type, id, @req.json_body) if @req.json_body.kind_of?(Hash) @req.json_body.each do |patch_cmd| action = patch_cmd["action"] path = patch_cmd["path"] value = patch_cmd["value"] if action.nil? api_log_info("Must specify an attribute action for each path command for the resource #{type}/#{id}") elsif path.nil? api_log_info("Must specify an attribute path for each patch method action for the resource #{type}/#{id}") elsif path.split('/').size > 1 api_log_info("Can only patch attributes of the resource #{type}/#{id}") else attr = path.split('/')[0]Avoid immutable Array literals in loops. It is better to extract it into a local variable or a constant. patched_attrs[attr] = value if %w(edit add).include?(action) patched_attrs[attr] = nil if action == "remove" end end edit_resource(type, id, patched_attrs) end def delete_subcollection_resource(type, id) parent_resource = parent_resource_obj typed_target = "delete_resource_#{type}" raise BadRequestError, "Cannot delete subcollection resources of type #{type}" unless respond_to?(typed_target) resource = @req.json_body["resource"] resource = {"href" => "#{@req.base}#{@req.path}"} if !resource || resource.empty? send(typed_target, parent_resource, type, id.to_i, resource) end private def target_resource_method(type, action) if @req.subcollection? "#{type}_#{action}_resource" else target = "#{action}_resource" return target if respond_to?(target) collection_config.custom_actions?(type) ? "custom_action_resource" : "undefined_api_method" end end def update_one_collection(is_subcollection, target, type, id, resource) id = id.to_i if id.kind_of?(String) && id =~ /\A\d+\z/ parent_resource = parent_resource_obj if is_subcollection if is_subcollection send(target, parent_resource, type, id, resource) else send(target, type, id, resource) end end def update_multiple_collections(is_subcollection, target, type, resources) action = @req.action processed = 0 results = resources.each.collect do |r| next if r.blank? rid = parse_id(r, type)Avoid immutable Array literals in loops. It is better to extract it into a local variable or a constant. create_or_add_action = %w(create add).include?(action) if rid && create_or_add_action raise BadRequestError, "Resource id or href should not be specified for creating a new #{type}" elsif !rid && !create_or_add_action rid = parse_by_attr(r, type) end r.except!(*ID_ATTRS) if rid processed += 1 update_one_collection(is_subcollection, target, type, rid, r) end.flatten raise BadRequestError, "No #{type} resources were specified for the #{action} action" if processed == 0 {"results" => results} end end endend