module Api class ConfigurationScriptPayloadsController < BaseController include Subcollections::Authentications def api_resource_action_options # ConfigurationScriptPayloads do not have any passwords stored directly # in the record, they reference the Authentication model via the # credentials jsonb mapping. The names of these mappings are user defined # and can include e.g. "api_password" => {"credential_ref" => ..} and this # entire key would be removed from the payload. # # Since there aren't any encrypted attributes in this record it is safe # to include encrypted attributes in the payload response. %w[include_encrypted_attributes] end Cyclomatic complexity for edit_resource is too high. [13/11]
Method `edit_resource` has a Cognitive Complexity of 15 (exceeds 11 allowed). Consider refactoring. def edit_resource(type, id, data) resource = resource_search(id, type) allowed_params = %w[description credentials] allowed_params += %w[name payload payload_type] if resource.configuration_script_source.nil? unpermitted_params = - allowed_params raise BadRequestError, _("Invalid parameters: %{params}" % {:params => unpermitted_params.join(", ")}) if unpermitted_params.any? # If a credentials payload is provided, map any requested authentication # records to the configuration_script_payload via the # authentications_configuration_script_payloads join table. unless data["credentials"].nil? # Credentials can be a static string or a payload with an external # Authentication record referenced by credential_ref and credential_field. auth_references = data["credentials"] { |val| val.kind_of?(Hash) } credential_refs = auth_references.pluck("credential_ref") # Lookup the Authentication record by ems_ref in the parent manager's # list of authentications. credentials = resource.manager&.authentications&.where(:ems_ref => credential_refs) || [] # Filter the collection based on the current user's RBAC roles. credentials, _ = collection_filterer(credentials, "authentications", ::Authentication) credentials_by_ems_ref = credentials.index_by(&:ems_ref) # If any requested authentications were unable to be found, either due # to a bad credential_ref or due to RBAC then raise a 400 BadRequestError. missing_credential_refs = credential_refs - credentials.pluck(:ems_ref) if missing_credential_refs.any? raise BadRequestError, _("Could not find credentials %{missing_credential_refs}") % {:missing_credential_refs => missing_credential_refs} end # Ensure that the only values allowed in credential_field are attributes # which the credential class allows the user to set. These values # are present in the API_ATTRIBUTES and are already used for DDF # parameters and API payload validation. auth_references.each do |ref| credential_ref, credential_field = ref.values_at("credential_ref", "credential_field") credential_class = credentials_by_ems_ref[credential_ref].class allowed_credential_fields = defined?(credential_class::API_ATTRIBUTES) ? credential_class::API_ATTRIBUTES.pluck(:id) : [] next if allowed_credential_fields.include?(credential_field) raise BadRequestError, _("Invalid credential_field %{field}, allowed values are %{allowed_fields}" % {:field => credential_field, :allowed_fields => allowed_credential_fields.join(", ")}) end # Reset the authentications collection with the current set of credentials. # This will also remove any credential references not in the new payload. resource.authentications = credentials end resource.update!(data.except(*ID_ATTRS)) resource end endend