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package eaopt

import (


// Individuals is a convenience type, methods that belong to an Individual can
// be called declaratively.
type Individuals []Individual

// String representation of a slice of Individuals.
func (indis Individuals) String() string {
    var str string
    for _, indi := range indis {
        str += indi.String() + "\n"
    return strings.TrimSuffix(str, "\n")

// Clone returns the same exact same slice of individuals but with different
// pointers and ID fields.
func (indis Individuals) Clone(rng *rand.Rand) Individuals {
    var clones = make(Individuals, len(indis))
    for i, indi := range indis {
        clones[i] = indi.Clone(rng)
    return clones

// Generate a slice of n new individuals.
func newIndividuals(n uint, parallel bool, newGenome func(rng *rand.Rand) Genome, rng *rand.Rand) Individuals {
    var indis = make(Individuals, n)
    if !parallel {
        for i := range indis {
            indis[i] = NewIndividual(newGenome(rng), rng)
        return indis
    var (
        nWorkers  = uint(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1))
        chunkSize = (n + nWorkers - 1) / nWorkers
        g         errgroup.Group

    for a := uint(0); a < n; a += chunkSize {
        a := a //
        var b = minUint(a+chunkSize, n)
        seed := rng.Int63()
        g.Go(func() error {
            indRNG := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
            for i := a; i < b; i++ {
                indis[i] = NewIndividual(newGenome(indRNG), indRNG)
            return nil
    return indis

// Evaluate each Individual in a slice.
func (indis Individuals) Evaluate(parallel bool) error {
    if !parallel {
        var err error
        for i := range indis {
            err = indis[i].Evaluate()
            if err != nil {
                return err
        return nil

    var (
        nWorkers  = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)
        n         = len(indis)
        chunkSize = (n + nWorkers - 1) / nWorkers
        g         errgroup.Group

    for a := 0; a < n; a += chunkSize {
        a := a //
        var b = minInt(a+chunkSize, n)
        g.Go(func() error {
            return indis[a:b].Evaluate(false)

    return g.Wait()

// Mutate each individual.
func (indis Individuals) Mutate(mutRate float64, rng *rand.Rand) {
    for i := range indis {
        if rng.Float64() < mutRate {

// SortByFitness ascendingly sorts individuals by fitness.
func (indis Individuals) SortByFitness() {
    var less = func(i, j int) bool { return indis[i].Fitness < indis[j].Fitness }
    sort.Slice(indis, less)

// IsSortedByFitness checks if individuals are ascendingly sorted by fitness.
func (indis Individuals) IsSortedByFitness() bool {
    var less = func(i, j int) bool { return indis[i].Fitness < indis[j].Fitness }
    return sort.SliceIsSorted(indis, less)

// SortByDistanceToMedoid sorts Individuals according to their distance to the
// medoid. The medoid is the Individual that has the lowest average distance to
// the rest of the Individuals.
func (indis Individuals) SortByDistanceToMedoid(dm DistanceMemoizer) {
    var (
        avgDists = calcAvgDistances(indis, dm)
        less     = func(i, j int) bool {
            return avgDists[indis[i].ID] < avgDists[indis[j].ID]
    sort.Slice(indis, less)

// Extract the fitness of a slice of individuals into a float64 slice.
func (indis Individuals) getFitnesses() []float64 {
    var fitnesses = make([]float64, len(indis))
    for i, indi := range indis {
        fitnesses[i] = indi.Fitness
    return fitnesses

// FitMin returns the best fitness of a slice of individuals.
func (indis Individuals) FitMin() float64 {
    if indis.IsSortedByFitness() {
        return indis[0].Fitness
    return minFloat64s(indis.getFitnesses())

// FitMax returns the worst fitness of a slice of individuals.
func (indis Individuals) FitMax() float64 {
    if indis.IsSortedByFitness() {
        return indis[len(indis)-1].Fitness
    return maxFloat64s(indis.getFitnesses())

// FitAvg returns the average fitness of a slice of individuals.
func (indis Individuals) FitAvg() float64 {
    return meanFloat64s(indis.getFitnesses())

// FitStd returns the standard deviation of the fitness of a slice of
// individuals.
func (indis Individuals) FitStd() float64 {
    return math.Sqrt(varianceFloat64s(indis.getFitnesses()))