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package eaopt

import (

var (
    errNilSelector      = errors.New("selector cannot be nil")
    errInvalidMutRate   = errors.New("mutRate should be between 0 and 1")
    errInvalidCrossRate = errors.New("crossRate should be between 0 and 1")

// Two parents are selected from a pool of individuals, crossover is then
// applied to generate two offsprings. The selection and crossover process is
// repeated until n offsprings have been generated. If n is uneven then the
// second offspring of the last crossover is discarded.
func generateOffsprings(n uint, indis Individuals, sel Selector, crossRate float64,
    rng *rand.Rand) (Individuals, error) {
    var (
        offsprings = make(Individuals, n)
        i          = 0
    for i < len(offsprings) {
        // Select 2 parents
        var selected, _, err = sel.Apply(2, indis, rng)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        // Generate 2 offsprings from the parents
        if rng.Float64() < crossRate {
            selected[0].Crossover(selected[1], rng)
        if i < len(offsprings) {
            offsprings[i] = selected[0]
        if i < len(offsprings) {
            offsprings[i] = selected[1]
    return offsprings, nil

// A Model specifies a protocol for applying genetic operators to a
// population at generation i in order for it obtain better individuals at
// generation i+1.
type Model interface {
    Apply(pop *Population) error
    Validate() error

// ModGenerational implements the generational model.
type ModGenerational struct {
    Selector  Selector
    MutRate   float64
    CrossRate float64

// Apply ModGenerational.
func (mod ModGenerational) Apply(pop *Population) error {
    // Generate as many offsprings as there are of individuals in the current population
    var offsprings, err = generateOffsprings(
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Apply mutation to the offsprings
    if mod.MutRate > 0 {
        offsprings.Mutate(mod.MutRate, pop.RNG)
    // Replace the old population with the new one
    copy(pop.Individuals, offsprings)
    return nil

// Validate ModGenerational fields.
func (mod ModGenerational) Validate() error {
    // Check the selection method presence
    if mod.Selector == nil {
        return errNilSelector
    // Check the selection method parameters
    var errSelector = mod.Selector.Validate()
    if errSelector != nil {
        return errSelector
    // Check the mutation rate
    if mod.MutRate < 0 || mod.MutRate > 1 {
        return errInvalidMutRate
    // Check the crossover rate
    if mod.CrossRate < 0 || mod.CrossRate > 1 {
        return errInvalidCrossRate
    return nil

// ModSteadyState implements the steady state model.
type ModSteadyState struct {
    Selector  Selector
    KeepBest  bool
    MutRate   float64
    CrossRate float64

// Apply ModSteadyState.
func (mod ModSteadyState) Apply(pop *Population) error {
    var selected, indexes, err = mod.Selector.Apply(2, pop.Individuals, pop.RNG)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    var offsprings = selected.Clone(pop.RNG)
    if pop.RNG.Float64() < mod.CrossRate {
        offsprings[0].Crossover(offsprings[1], pop.RNG)
    // Apply mutation to the offsprings
    if mod.MutRate > 0 {
        if pop.RNG.Float64() < mod.MutRate {
        if pop.RNG.Float64() < mod.MutRate {
    if mod.KeepBest {
        // Replace the chosen individuals with the best individuals
        err = offsprings[0].Evaluate()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        err = offsprings[1].Evaluate()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        var indis = Individuals{selected[0], selected[1], offsprings[0], offsprings[1]}
        pop.Individuals[indexes[0]] = indis[0]
        pop.Individuals[indexes[1]] = indis[1]
    } else {
        // Replace the chosen parents with the offsprings
        pop.Individuals[indexes[0]] = offsprings[0]
        pop.Individuals[indexes[1]] = offsprings[1]
    return nil

// Validate ModSteadyState fields.
func (mod ModSteadyState) Validate() error {
    // Check the selection method presence
    if mod.Selector == nil {
        return errNilSelector
    // Check the selection method parameters
    var errSelector = mod.Selector.Validate()
    if errSelector != nil {
        return errSelector
    // Check the mutation rate in the presence of a mutator
    if mod.MutRate < 0 || mod.MutRate > 1 {
        return errInvalidMutRate
    // Check the crossover rate
    if mod.CrossRate < 0 || mod.CrossRate > 1 {
        return errInvalidCrossRate
    return nil

// ModDownToSize implements the select down to size model.
type ModDownToSize struct {
    NOffsprings uint
    SelectorA   Selector
    SelectorB   Selector
    MutRate     float64
    CrossRate   float64

// Apply ModDownToSize.
func (mod ModDownToSize) Apply(pop *Population) error {
    var offsprings, err = generateOffsprings(
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Apply mutation to the offsprings
    if mod.MutRate > 0 {
        offsprings.Mutate(mod.MutRate, pop.RNG)
    err = offsprings.Evaluate(false)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Merge the current population with the offsprings
    offsprings = append(offsprings, pop.Individuals...)
    // Select down to size
    var selected, _, _ = mod.SelectorB.Apply(uint(len(pop.Individuals)), offsprings, pop.RNG)
    // Replace the current population of individuals
    copy(pop.Individuals, selected)
    return nil

// Validate ModDownToSize fields.
func (mod ModDownToSize) Validate() error {
    // Check the number of offsprings value
    if mod.NOffsprings <= 0 {
        return errors.New("NOffsprings has to higher than 0")
    // Check the first selection method presence
    if mod.SelectorA == nil {
        return errNilSelector
    // Check the first selection method parameters
    var errSelectorA = mod.SelectorA.Validate()
    if errSelectorA != nil {
        return errSelectorA
    // Check the second selection method presence
    if mod.SelectorB == nil {
        return errNilSelector
    // Check the second selection method parameters
    var errSelectorB = mod.SelectorB.Validate()
    if errSelectorB != nil {
        return errSelectorB
    // Check the mutation rate in the presence of a mutator
    if mod.MutRate < 0 || mod.MutRate > 1 {
        return errInvalidMutRate
    return nil

// ModRing implements the island ring model.
type ModRing struct {
    Selector Selector
    MutRate  float64

// Apply ModRing.
func (mod ModRing) Apply(pop *Population) error {
    for i := range pop.Individuals {
        var (
            indi      = pop.Individuals[i].Clone(pop.RNG)
            neighbour = pop.Individuals[(i+1)%len(pop.Individuals)]
        indi.Crossover(neighbour, pop.RNG)
        // Apply mutation to the offsprings
        if mod.MutRate > 0 {
            if pop.RNG.Float64() < mod.MutRate {
            if pop.RNG.Float64() < mod.MutRate {
        err := indi.Evaluate()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        err = neighbour.Evaluate()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        // Select an individual out of the original individual and the
        // offsprings
        indis := Individuals{pop.Individuals[i], indi, neighbour}
        selected, _, err := mod.Selector.Apply(1, indis, pop.RNG)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        pop.Individuals[i] = selected[0]
    return nil

// Validate ModRing fields.
func (mod ModRing) Validate() error {
    // Check the selection method presence
    if mod.Selector == nil {
        return errNilSelector
    // Check the selection method parameters
    var errSelector = mod.Selector.Validate()
    if errSelector != nil {
        return errSelector
    // Check the mutation rate in the presence of a mutator
    if mod.MutRate < 0 || mod.MutRate > 1 {
        return errInvalidMutRate
    return nil

// ModMutationOnly implements the mutation only model. Each generation, all the
// Individuals are mutated. If Strict is true then the individuals are only
// replaced if the mutation is favorable.
type ModMutationOnly struct {
    Strict bool

// Apply ModMutationOnly.
func (mod ModMutationOnly) Apply(pop *Population) error {
    for i, indi := range pop.Individuals {
        var mutant = indi.Clone(pop.RNG)
        err := mutant.Evaluate()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if !mod.Strict || (mod.Strict && mutant.Fitness < indi.Fitness) {
            pop.Individuals[i] = mutant
    return nil

// Validate ModMutationOnly fields.
func (mod ModMutationOnly) Validate() error {
    return nil

// An SAAcceptance function, used by ModSimulatedAnnealing, returns the
// probability of accepting an energy (badness) increase from e0 to e1 on
// generation gen of nGen.
type SAAcceptance func(gen, nGen uint, e0, e1 float64) float64

// ModSimulatedAnnealing is a mutation-only model used to implement simulated
// annealing.  All individuals are mutated but only conditionally replace their
// parent.  If the mutation is favorable it always replaces its parent.  If the
// mutation is unfavorable, it is more likely to replace its parent earlier
// than later in the evolution.
type ModSimulatedAnnealing struct {
    GA     *GA          // Pointer to the encompassing GA, set by NewGA and needed to gauge progress toward completion
    Accept SAAcceptance // Badness acceptance function

// Apply ModSimulatedAnnealing.
func (mod ModSimulatedAnnealing) Apply(pop *Population) error {
    for i, indi := range pop.Individuals {
        // Mutate the individual.
        var mutant = indi.Clone(pop.RNG)
        err := mutant.Evaluate()
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // Decide whether to keep the original or its mutation
        prob := 1.0
        if mutant.Fitness > indi.Fitness && mod.GA != nil {
            prob = mod.Accept(mod.GA.Generations,
        if prob > pop.RNG.Float64() {
            pop.Individuals[i] = mutant
    return nil

// Validate ModSimulatedAnnealing fields.
func (mod ModSimulatedAnnealing) Validate() error {
    // Ideally, we would check that GA is not nil.  Unfortunately, Validate
    // may be called before NewGA has a chance to initialize that field so
    // all we can check is the Accept field.
    if mod.Accept == nil {
        return errors.New("an Accept function must be provided to ModSimulatedAnnealing")
    return nil