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package eaopt

import (

// A Particle is an element of a Swarm. It tracks it's current position,
// the best position it has encountered, and a velocity vector. It also has a
// pointer to the SPSO which generated it so that it can access the function to
// minimize and the global best position.
type Particle struct {
    CurrentX []float64
    CurrentY float64
    BestX    []float64
    BestY    float64
    Velocity []float64
    SPSO     *SPSO

// Evaluate the Particle by computing the value of the function at the current
// position. If the position is better than the best position encountered by
// the Particle then it replaces it. Likewhise, the global best position is
// replaced if the current position is better.
func (p *Particle) Evaluate() (float64, error) {
    p.CurrentY = p.SPSO.F(p.CurrentX)
    // Update the Particle's best position
    if p.CurrentY < p.BestY {
        p.BestX = copyFloat64s(p.CurrentX)
        p.BestY = p.CurrentY
    // Update the global best position. In case of parallelism a lock has to be
    // used to handle concurrent access.
    if !p.SPSO.GA.ParallelEval {
        if p.CurrentY < p.SPSO.BestY {
            p.SPSO.BestX = copyFloat64s(p.CurrentX)
            p.SPSO.BestY = p.CurrentY
    } else {
        if p.CurrentY < p.SPSO.BestY {
            p.SPSO.BestX = copyFloat64s(p.CurrentX)
            p.SPSO.BestY = p.CurrentY
    return p.CurrentY, nil

// Mutate the Particle by modifying it's velocity and it's current position.
func (p *Particle) Mutate(rng *rand.Rand) {
    var (
        rX = make([]float64, len(p.CurrentX))
        ss float64
    for i, xi := range p.CurrentX {
        G := xi + 1.193*(p.BestX[i]+p.SPSO.BestX[i]-2*xi)
        min, max := xi-G, G-xi
        rX[i] = min + rng.Float64()*(max-min)
        ss += rX[i] * rX[i]
    ss = math.Sqrt(ss)
    for i, xi := range p.CurrentX {
        p.Velocity[i] = p.SPSO.W*p.Velocity[i] + rX[i]/ss - xi
        p.CurrentX[i] += p.Velocity[i]

// Crossover doesn't do anything.
func (p *Particle) Crossover(q Genome, rng *rand.Rand) {}

// Clone returns a deep copy of the Particle.
func (p Particle) Clone() Genome {
    return &Particle{
        CurrentX: copyFloat64s(p.CurrentX),
        CurrentY: p.CurrentY,
        BestX:    copyFloat64s(p.BestX),
        BestY:    p.BestY,
        Velocity: copyFloat64s(p.Velocity),
        SPSO:     p.SPSO,

// SPSO implements the 2011 version of Standard Particle Swarm Optimization. It
// can optimize single-output real-valued functions.
// Reference:
type SPSO struct {
    Min, Max float64 // Boundaries for initial values
    W        float64
    NDims    uint
    BestX    []float64
    BestY    float64
    F        func([]float64) float64
    GA       *GA
    mutex    *sync.Mutex

// NewSPSO instantiates and returns a SPSO instance after having checked for
// input errors.
func NewSPSO(nParticles, nSteps uint, min, max, w float64, parallel bool, rng *rand.Rand) (*SPSO, error) {
    // Check inputs
    if min >= max {
        return nil, errors.New("min should be stricly inferior to max")
    if rng == nil {
        rng = newRand()
    // Instantiate a GA
    var ga, err = GAConfig{
        NPops:        1,
        PopSize:      nParticles,
        NGenerations: nSteps,
        HofSize:      1,
        Model: ModMutationOnly{
            Strict: false,
        ParallelEval: parallel,
        RNG:          rand.New(rand.NewSource(rng.Int63())),
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &SPSO{
        Min:   min,
        Max:   max,
        W:     w,
        BestY: math.Inf(1),
        GA:    ga,
        mutex: &sync.Mutex{},
    }, nil

// NewDefaultSPSO calls NewSPSO with default values.
func NewDefaultSPSO() (*SPSO, error) {
    return NewSPSO(40, 30, -5, 5, 0.5, false, nil)

// newParticle returns a new Particle that has a pointer to the SPSO.
func (pso *SPSO) newParticle(rng *rand.Rand) Genome {
    var (
        x        = InitUnifFloat64(pso.NDims, pso.Min, pso.Max, rng)
        velocity = make([]float64, len(x))
    for i, xi := range x {
        min, max := pso.Min-xi, pso.Max-xi
        velocity[i] = min + rng.Float64()*(max-min)
    return &Particle{
        CurrentX: x,
        BestX:    copyFloat64s(x),
        BestY:    math.Inf(1),
        SPSO:     pso,
        Velocity: velocity,

// Minimize finds the minimum of a given real-valued function.
func (pso *SPSO) Minimize(f func([]float64) float64, nDims uint) ([]float64, float64, error) {
    // Set the function to minimize so that the particles can access it
    pso.F = f
    pso.NDims = nDims
    // Run the genetic algorithm
    var err = pso.GA.Minimize(pso.newParticle)
    // Return the best obtained vector along with the associated function value
    return pso.BestX, pso.BestY, err