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package eaopt

import (

// Selector chooses a subset of size n from a group of individuals. The group of
// individuals a Selector is applied to is expected to be sorted.
type Selector interface {
    Apply(n uint, indis Individuals, rng *rand.Rand) (selected Individuals, indexes []int, err error)
    Validate() error

// SelElitism selection returns the n best individuals of a group.
type SelElitism struct{}

// Apply SelElitism.
func (sel SelElitism) Apply(n uint, indis Individuals, rng *rand.Rand) (Individuals, []int, error) {
    return indis[:n].Clone(rng), newInts(n), nil

// Validate SelElitism fields.
func (sel SelElitism) Validate() error {
    return nil

// SelTournament samples individuals through tournament selection. The
// tournament is composed of randomly chosen individuals. The winner of the
// tournament is the chosen individual with the lowest fitness. The obtained
// individuals are all distinct, in other words there are no repetitions.
type SelTournament struct {
    NContestants uint

// Apply SelTournament.
func (sel SelTournament) Apply(n uint, indis Individuals, rng *rand.Rand) (Individuals, []int, error) {
    // Check that the number of individuals is large enough
    if uint(len(indis))-n < sel.NContestants-1 || len(indis) < int(n) {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough individuals to select %d "+
            "with NContestants = %d, have %d individuals and need at least %d",
            n, sel.NContestants, len(indis), sel.NContestants+n-1)
    var (
        winners         = make(Individuals, n)
        indexes         = make([]int, n)
        notSelectedIdxs = newInts(uint(len(indis)))
    for i := range winners {
        // Sample contestants
        var (
            contestants, idxs, _ = sampleInts(notSelectedIdxs, sel.NContestants, rng)
            winnerIdx            int
        // Find the best contestant
        winners[i] = indis[contestants[0]]
        err := winners[i].Evaluate()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        winnerIdx = idxs[0]
        for j, idx := range contestants {
            if indis[idx].GetFitness() < winners[i].Fitness {
                winners[i] = indis[idx]
                indexes[i] = idx
                winnerIdx = idxs[j]
        // Ban the winner from re-participating
        notSelectedIdxs = append(notSelectedIdxs[:winnerIdx], notSelectedIdxs[winnerIdx+1:]...)
    return winners.Clone(rng), indexes, nil

// Validate SelTournament fields.
func (sel SelTournament) Validate() error {
    if sel.NContestants < 1 {
        return errors.New("NContestants should be higher than 0")
    return nil

// SelRoulette samples individuals through roulette wheel selection (also known
// as fitness proportionate selection).
type SelRoulette struct{}

func buildWheel(fitnesses []float64) []float64 {
    var (
        n     = len(fitnesses)
        wheel = make([]float64, n)
    for i, v := range fitnesses {
        wheel[i] = fitnesses[n-1] - v + 1
    return cumsum(divide(wheel, sumFloat64s(wheel)))

// Apply SelRoulette.
func (sel SelRoulette) Apply(n uint, indis Individuals, rng *rand.Rand) (Individuals, []int, error) {
    var (
        selected = make(Individuals, n)
        indexes  = make([]int, n)
        wheel    = buildWheel(indis.getFitnesses())
    for i := range selected {
        var (
            index  = sort.SearchFloat64s(wheel, rng.Float64())
            winner = indis[index]
        indexes[i] = index
        selected[i] = winner
    return selected.Clone(rng), indexes, nil

// Validate SelRoulette fields.
func (sel SelRoulette) Validate() error {
    return nil