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5 hrs
Test Coverage
/* global PathFinder STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR */

import cache from 'utils/cache';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import {encodePosition} from 'utils/serialization';
import {getRoomIntel} from 'room-intel';
import {handleMapArea} from 'utils/map';
import {packPosList, unpackPosList} from 'utils/packrat';

declare global {
    type RemotePathMemory = {
        generated: number;
        path: string;

export default class RemotePathManager {
    getPathFor(sourcePosition: RoomPosition): RoomPosition[] | null {
        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return null;

        const key = 'remotePath:' + encodePosition(sourcePosition);
        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.has(key)) {
            hivemind.segmentMemory.set(key, {});

        const memory: RemotePathMemory = hivemind.segmentMemory.get(key);
        if (memory.generated && !hivemind.hasIntervalPassed(5000, memory.generated)) {
            if (!memory.path) return null;

            return unpackPosList(memory.path);

        const availableSourceRooms = _.filter(Game.myRooms, r => Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(sourcePosition.roomName, r.name) <= hivemind.settings.get('maxRemoteMineRoomDistance'));
        const sortedByDist = _.sortBy(availableSourceRooms, r => Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(sourcePosition.roomName, r.name));

        let minPath;
        let minPathLength = hivemind.settings.get('maxRemoteMinePathLength') + 50;
        for (const room of sortedByDist) {
            // Disregard rooms that are too far away to reach quickly.
            const cannotFindShorterPath = Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(sourcePosition.roomName, room.name) > Math.ceil(minPathLength / 50);
            if (minPathLength < hivemind.settings.get('maxRemoteMinePathLength') && cannotFindShorterPath) continue;
            if (!room.roomPlanner) continue;

            const storagePos = room.roomPlanner.getLocations('storage')[0];
            if (!storagePos) continue;

            const result = PathFinder.search(sourcePosition, {pos: storagePos, range: 1}, {
                plainCost: 2,
                swampCost: (room.storage || room.terminal) ? 3 : 10,
                maxOps: 10_000, // The default 2000 can be too little even at a distance of only 2 rooms.
                roomCallback: roomName => this.getCostMatrix(roomName, sourcePosition.roomName === roomName),

            if (!result || result.incomplete || result.path.length >= minPathLength) continue;

            minPath = result.path;
            minPathLength = result.path.length;

        // @todo Register this path so we know which rooms it touches.
        memory.generated = Game.time;
        memory.path = minPath ? packPosList(minPath) : null;

        return minPath;

    getCostMatrix(roomName: string, isTargetRoom: boolean): CostMatrix | false {
        return cache.inHeap('remotePathManagerCostMatrix:' + roomName + (isTargetRoom ? ':t' : ''), 1000, () => {
            const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);

            // Don't path through rooms owned by other players.
            if (roomIntel.isOwned()) return false;

            // Initialize a cost matrix for this room.
            const isMyRoom = Game.rooms[roomName] && Game.rooms[roomName].isMine();
            const matrix = isMyRoom ? Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.getNavigationMatrix().clone() : new PathFinder.CostMatrix();

            // @todo Set to 1 for each road used by _other_ active remote mining paths in this room.
            // This should lead to paths converging to reuse road sections where possible.
            // For now, we just use road locations from intel as a guide.
            const roads = roomIntel.getRoadCoords();
            for (const road of roads) {
                if (matrix.get(road.x, road.y) === 0) matrix.set(road.x, road.y, 1);

            if (!isTargetRoom && _.size(roomIntel.getStructures(STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR)) > 0) {
                // Disallow areas around source keeper sources.
                _.each(roomIntel.getSourcePositions(), sourceInfo => {
                    handleMapArea(sourceInfo.x, sourceInfo.y, (x, y) => {
                        matrix.set(x, y, 255);
                    }, 4);

                // Disallow areas around source keeper sources.
                const sourcePositions = roomIntel.getSourcePositions();
                for (const sourceInfo of sourcePositions) {
                    handleMapArea(sourceInfo.x, sourceInfo.y, (x, y) => {
                        matrix.set(x, y, 255);
                    }, 4);

                // Disallow areas around source keeper minerals.
                const mineralPositions = roomIntel.getMineralPositions();
                for (const mineralInfo of mineralPositions) {
                    handleMapArea(mineralInfo.x, mineralInfo.y, (x, y) => {
                        matrix.set(x, y, 255);
                    }, 4);

            return matrix;