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5 days
Test Coverage

import Process from 'process/process';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import interShard from 'intershard';
import PathManager from 'empire/remote-path-manager';
import {decodePosition} from 'utils/serialization';
import {getRoomIntel} from 'room-intel';
import {isHighway} from 'utils/room-name';

declare global {
    interface StructureObserver {
        hasScouted: boolean;

    interface RoomMemory {
        observeTargets?: string[];

    interface Memory {
        strategy: StrategyMemory;

    interface StrategyMemory {
        roomList?: Record<string, RoomListEntry>;
        roomListProgress?: string[]; // @todo Move to heap.

    interface RoomListEntry {
        scoutPriority?: number;
        expansionScore?: number;
        harvestPriority?: number;
        range: number;
        expansionReasons?: unknown;
        safePath?: boolean;
        origin: string;

interface ExpansionScore {
    score: number;
    reasons: Record<string, number>;
    addScore: (score: number, reason: string) => void;

const preserveExpansionReasons = false;
const expansionScoreCache: Record<string, [number, number] | [number, number, Record<string, number>]> = {};

export default class ScoutProcess extends Process {
    pathManager: PathManager;
    observers: StructureObserver[];

     * Decides room priorities for scouting, harvesting and expansion.
     * @constructor
     * @param {object} parameters
     *   Options on how to run this process.
    constructor(parameters: ProcessParameters) {

        this.pathManager = new PathManager();

        if (!Memory.strategy) {
            Memory.strategy = {
                roomList: {},
                roomListProgress: [],

     * Calculates all rooms' priorities.
     * This will happen in cycles to reduce cpu usage for a single tick.
    run() {
        hivemind.log('strategy').info('Running scout process...');

        Memory.strategy.roomList = this.generateScoutTargets();

        const maxCpuUsage = hivemind.settings.get('maxRoomPrioritizationCpuPerTick');
        const startTime = Game.cpu.getUsed();

        // Add data to scout list for creating priorities.
        let allDone = true;
        let checkedCount = 0;
        if (!Memory.strategy.roomListProgress) Memory.strategy.roomListProgress = [];
        for (const roomName of _.keys(Memory.strategy.roomList)) {
            // Ignore rooms we already checked recently.
            if (Memory.strategy.roomListProgress.includes(roomName)) continue;


            if (Game.cpu.getUsed() - startTime > maxCpuUsage) {
                allDone = false;
                const numberRooms = _.size(Memory.strategy.roomList);
                const progress = Memory.strategy.roomListProgress.length / numberRooms;
                hivemind.log('strategy').debug('Terminated room prioritization after checking', checkedCount, 'of', numberRooms, 'rooms (', (progress * 100).toPrecision(3) + '%', 'done).');

        if (allDone) {
            // Restart prioritizing rooms on the next run.
            delete Memory.strategy.roomListProgress;

     * Calculates scout, harvest and expand priotities for a room.
     * @param {string} roomName
     *   Name of the room for which to calculate priorities.
    calculateRoomPriorities(roomName: string) {
        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);
        const info = Memory.strategy.roomList[roomName];

        info.scoutPriority = 0;
        info.expansionScore = 0;
        info.harvestPriority = 0;

        const timeSinceLastScan = roomIntel.getAge();

        if (info.range === 0 && roomIntel.isClaimable()) {
            // Add expansion score for later reference.
            const expansionInfo = this.calculateExpansionScore(roomName);
            info.expansionScore = expansionInfo.score;
            if (preserveExpansionReasons) {
                info.expansionReasons = expansionInfo.reasons;
            else {
                delete info.expansionReasons;

        if (info.range > 0 && info.range <= (Memory.hivemind.maxScoutDistance || 7)) {
            if (timeSinceLastScan > hivemind.settings.get('roomScoutInterval')) {
                info.scoutPriority = 1;

            if ((roomIntel.memory.lastScan || 0) > 0) {
                info.harvestPriority = this.calculateHarvestScore(roomName);

                // Check if we could reasonably expand to this room.
                const expansionInfo = this.calculateExpansionScore(roomName);
                info.expansionScore = expansionInfo.score;
                if (preserveExpansionReasons) {
                    info.expansionReasons = expansionInfo.reasons;
                else {
                    delete info.expansionReasons;
        // @todo For higher ranges (7-10), only scout if we have memory to spare.

        const observer = this.getClosestObserver(roomName);
        if (info.range <= 6 && (/^[EW]\d*0[NS]\d+$/.test(roomName) || /^[EW]\d+[NS]\d*0$/.test(roomName)) && timeSinceLastScan > hivemind.settings.get('highwayScoutInterval') && observer) {
            // Corridor rooms get scouted more often to look for power banks.
            info.scoutPriority = 2;

        if (info.scoutPriority > 0 && observer && info.range <= (Memory.hivemind.maxScoutDistance || 7) // Only observe if last Scan was longer ago than intel manager delay,
            // so we don't get stuck scanning the same room for some reason.
            && timeSinceLastScan > hivemind.settings.get('roomIntelCacheDuration')) {
            // No need to manually scout rooms in range of an observer.
            info.scoutPriority = 0.5;

            // Let observer scout one room per run at maximum.
            // @todo Move this to structure management so we can scan one open room per tick.
            if (!observer.hasScouted) {
                observer.hasScouted = true;
                hivemind.log('intel', observer.pos.roomName).info('Observing', roomName);
            else {
                if (!Memory.rooms[observer.pos.roomName].observeTargets) {
                    Memory.rooms[observer.pos.roomName].observeTargets = [];


     * Determines how worthwile a room is for remote mining.
     * @param {string} roomName
     *   Name of the room for which to calculate priorities.
     * @return {number}
     *   Harvest score for this room.
    calculateHarvestScore(roomName: string) {
        const info = Memory.strategy.roomList[roomName];

        if (info.range === 0 || info.range > hivemind.settings.get('maxRemoteMineRoomDistance')) return 0;

        if (Game.map.getRoomStatus(roomName).status === 'closed') return 0;

        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);
        // @todo Calculate cost for room reservation instead of this flat estimation.
        let income = -2000;
        let sourceCapacity: number = SOURCE_ENERGY_CAPACITY;
        if (!roomIntel.isClaimable()) {
            // SK rooms don't need reservation. Instead we spawn SK killers,
            // which generate additional income for us.
            sourceCapacity = SOURCE_ENERGY_KEEPER_CAPACITY;

        let pathLength = 0;
        const sourcePositions = roomIntel.getSourcePositions();
        for (const pos of sourcePositions) {
            const path = this.pathManager.getPathFor(new RoomPosition(pos.x, pos.y, roomName));
            if (!path) continue;

            income += sourceCapacity;
            pathLength += path.length;

        // @todo Add score if this is a safe room (that will be reserved
        // anyways and can't be attacked).

        if (pathLength <= 0) return 0;
        return income / pathLength;

     * Determines how worthwile a room is for expanding.
     * @param {string} roomName
     *   Name of the room for which to calculate priorities.
     * @return {number}
     *   Expansion score for this room.
    calculateExpansionScore(roomName: string) {
        const result: ExpansionScore = {
            score: 0,
            reasons: {},
            addScore(amount: number, reason: string) {
                if (amount === 0) return;

                this.score += amount;
                this.reasons[reason] = (this.reasons[reason] || 0) + amount;

        if (this.getExpansionScoreFromCache(roomName, result)) {
            return result;

        // Can't expand to closed rooms.
        if (Game.map.getRoomStatus(roomName).status === 'closed') {
            this.setExpansionScoreCache(roomName, result);
            return result;

        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);
        if (!roomIntel.isClaimable()) {
            this.setExpansionScoreCache(roomName, result);
            return result;

        // More sources is better.
        result.addScore((roomIntel.getSourcePositions().length * 2) - 2, 'numSources');

        // Having a mineral source is good.
        // We prefer rooms with minerals of which we have few / no sources.
        const isMyRoom = Game.rooms[roomName] && Game.rooms[roomName].isMine();
        for (const mineralType of roomIntel.getMineralTypes()) {
            // In our own rooms, calculate the score this has gotten us.
            const mineralGain = isMyRoom ? 0 : 1;
            result.addScore(1 / ((this.mineralCount[mineralType] || 0) + mineralGain), 'numMinerals');

        // Add score for harvest room sources.
        const exits = roomIntel.getExits();
        let hasHighwayExit = false;
        const adjacentRoomInfluence: Record<string, number> = {};
        for (const adjacentRoom of _.values<string>(exits)) {
            adjacentRoomInfluence[adjacentRoom] = 1;

            if (adjacentRoom.endsWith('0') || adjacentRoom.slice(2).startsWith('0')) {
                hasHighwayExit = true;

            const adjacentIntel = getRoomIntel(adjacentRoom);
            for (const range2Room of _.values<string>(adjacentIntel.getExits())) {
                adjacentRoomInfluence[range2Room] = 0.5;

        for (const adjacentRoom in adjacentRoomInfluence) {
            if (adjacentRoom === roomName) continue;

            const multiplier = adjacentRoomInfluence[adjacentRoom];
            result.addScore(multiplier * this.getHarvestRoomScore(adjacentRoom), 'harvest' + adjacentRoom);

        if (hasHighwayExit) {
            result.addScore(hivemind.settings.get('expansionScoreBonusHighwayExit'), 'highwayExit');

        // Check if expanding here creates a safe direction for another of our rooms.
        for (const otherRoom of _.values<Room>(Game.rooms)) {
            if (!otherRoom.isMine()) continue;
            if (otherRoom.name === roomName) continue;

            const roomDistance = Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(roomName, otherRoom.name);
            if (roomDistance > 3) continue;

            const otherRoomIntel = getRoomIntel(otherRoom.name);
            const normalSafety = otherRoomIntel.calculateAdjacentRoomSafety();
            const adjustedSafety = otherRoomIntel.calculateAdjacentRoomSafety(isMyRoom ? {unsafe: [roomName]} : {safe: [roomName]});

            // If after expanding there are more safe directions, improve score.
            const newSafeExits = Math.abs(_.sum(adjustedSafety.directions) - _.sum(normalSafety.directions));
            result.addScore(newSafeExits * 0.25, 'newSafeExits' + otherRoom.name);
            // Also, there will be less exit tiles to cover.
            const otherRoomExits = otherRoomIntel.getExits();
            const exitRatio = newSafeExits / _.size(otherRoomExits);
            result.addScore(otherRoomIntel.countTiles('exit') * 0.005 * exitRatio, 'exitTiles' + otherRoom.name);

            if (roomDistance > 2) continue;
            // Check if we need to share adjacent harvest rooms.
            for (const adjacentRoom of _.values<string>(otherRoomExits)) {
                if (adjacentRoom === roomName) result.addScore(-this.getHarvestRoomScore(adjacentRoom), 'doubleUse' + adjacentRoom);
                for (const j in exits) {
                    if (exits[j] === adjacentRoom) result.addScore(-this.getHarvestRoomScore(adjacentRoom), 'doubleUse' + adjacentRoom);

            if (roomDistance > 1) continue;

            if (_.values(exits).includes(otherRoom.name)) {
                // If we're direct neighbors, that also means we can't remote harvest
                // after expanding if there is a connecting exit.
                result.addScore(-this.getHarvestRoomScore(roomName), 'blockHarvest' + otherRoom.name);

        // Having fewer exit sides is good.
        // Having dead ends / safe rooms nearby is similarly good.
        const safety = roomIntel.calculateAdjacentRoomSafety();
        result.addScore(_.sum(safety.directions) * 0.25, 'safeExits');

        // Having fewer exit tiles is good. Safe exits reduce the number of tiles
        // we need to cover.
        // @todo We could gather exact amounts per direction in intel.
        const unsafeRatio = (4 - _.sum(safety.directions)) / _.size(exits);
        result.addScore(1 - (roomIntel.countTiles('exit') * 0.005 * unsafeRatio), 'exitTiles');
        // Having lots of open space is good (easier room layout).
        result.addScore(0.5 - (roomIntel.countTiles('wall') * 0.0002), 'wallTiles');
        // Having few swamp tiles is good (less cost for road maintenance, easier setup).
        result.addScore(0.25 - (roomIntel.countTiles('swamp') * 0.0001), 'swampTiles');

        // Prefer rooms to be a certain range from each other.
        const distancesToRoom = _.map(_.filter(Game.myRooms, room => room.name !== roomName), room => Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(room.name, roomName));
        if (distancesToRoom.length > 0) {
            const distanceToNextRoom = _.min(distancesToRoom);
            const minDist = hivemind.settings.get('expansionMinRoomDistance');
            const maxDist = hivemind.settings.get('expansionMaxRoomDistance');
            if (distanceToNextRoom < minDist) {
                result.addScore((distanceToNextRoom - minDist), 'tooClose');

            if (distanceToNextRoom > maxDist) {
                result.addScore(-(distanceToNextRoom - maxDist), 'tooFar');

        this.setExpansionScoreCache(roomName, result);

        return result;

     * Caches calculated expansion score for a room.
     * @param {String} roomName
     *   Name of the room to cache data for.
     * @param {object} result
     *   The result of the expansion score calculation.
    setExpansionScoreCache(roomName: string, result: ExpansionScore) {
        // Preserve expansion score reasons if needed.
        if (preserveExpansionReasons) {
            expansionScoreCache[roomName] = [result.score, Game.time, result.reasons];
        else {
            expansionScoreCache[roomName] = [result.score, Game.time];

     * Gets calculated expansion score for a room from cache.
     * @param {String} roomName
     *   Name of the room to get data for.
     * @param {object} result
     *   The result of the expansion score calculation to add score for.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if a cached score was found, false if no score is in cache or it it
     *   stale.
    getExpansionScoreFromCache(roomName: string, result: ExpansionScore) {
        if (!expansionScoreCache[roomName]) return false;
        if (hivemind.hasIntervalPassed(hivemind.settings.get('expansionScoreCacheDuration'), expansionScoreCache[roomName][1])) return false;

        result.addScore(expansionScoreCache[roomName][0], 'fromCache');
        if (expansionScoreCache[roomName][2]) {
            result.reasons = expansionScoreCache[roomName][2];

        return true;

     * Calculate value of adjacent harvest rooms for expansion purposes.
     * @param {string} roomName
     *   Name of the room for which to calculate score.
     * @return {number}
     *   Harvest score for this room.
    getHarvestRoomScore(roomName: string, forOwnedRoom = false) {
        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);

        // We can't harvest from highway rooms.
        if (isHighway(roomName)) return 0;

        // Can't remote harvest from our own rooms.
        if (Game.rooms[roomName]?.isMine()) return 0;

        let sourceFactor = 0.25;

        if (!roomIntel.isClaimable()) {
            // Penalty for SK rooms since we can only havest them much later.
            sourceFactor = 0.15;

        // Score modifications related to other players should not be applied to
        // our owned rooms. Else we might abandon rooms because another player
        // claimed nearby. Instead, we should... negotiate.
        if (!forOwnedRoom) {
            // Try not to expand too close to other players.
            if (roomIntel.isOwned() && roomIntel.memory.owner !== 'Invader') return -0.5;

            // If another player has reserved the adjacent room, we can't profit all that well.
            if (roomIntel.isClaimed() && roomIntel.memory.reservation.username !== 'Invader') sourceFactor = 0.1;

        // @todo factor in path length to sources.
        return roomIntel.getSourcePositions().length * sourceFactor;

     * Generates a list of rooms originating from owned rooms.
     * @return {object}
     *   Room info objects keyed by room name.
    generateScoutTargets() {
        const roomList = Memory.strategy.roomList || {};

        const openList = this.getScoutOrigins();
        const closedList: Record<string, boolean> = {};


        // Flood fill from own rooms and add rooms we need intel of.
        while (_.size(openList) > 0) {
            const nextRoom = this.getNextRoomCandidate(openList);

            if (!nextRoom) break;

            this.addAdjacentRooms(nextRoom, openList, closedList);
            const info = openList[nextRoom];
            delete openList[nextRoom];
            closedList[nextRoom] = true;

            // Add current room as a candidate for scouting.
            if (
                || roomList[nextRoom].range > info.range
                || !Game.rooms[roomList[nextRoom].origin]
                || !Game.rooms[roomList[nextRoom].origin].isMine()
            ) {
                roomList[nextRoom] = {
                    range: info.range,
                    origin: info.origin,
                    safePath: info.safePath,
                    harvestPriority: 0,
                    expansionScore: 0,
                    scoutPriority: 0,

        return roomList;

     * Generates a list of rooms that can serve as a starting point for scouting.
     * @return {object}
     *   A list of rooms info stubs, keyed by room name.
    getScoutOrigins(): Record<string, RoomListEntry> {
        const openList: Record<string, RoomListEntry> = {};

        // Starting point for scouting operations are owned rooms.
        for (const room of Game.myRooms) {
            openList[room.name] = {
                range: 0,
                origin: room.name,
                safePath: true,

        if (_.size(openList) === 0) {
            // Add any room with a portal as a scout origin if we have no room in this shard.
            const memory = interShard.getLocalMemory();
            _.each(memory.portals, portals => {
                _.each(portals, (portalInfo, portalPosition) => {
                    const pos = decodePosition(portalPosition);
                    if (!pos) return;

                    openList[pos.roomName] = {
                        range: 0,
                        origin: pos.roomName,
                        safePath: true,

        return openList;

     * Generates a list of observer structures keyed by room name.
    findObservers() {
        this.observers = [];
        for (const room of Game.myRooms) {
            if (!room.observer) continue;


        hivemind.log('strategy').debug('Found Observers:', this.observers);

     * Gets a the room from the list that has the lowest range from an origin point.
     * @param {object} openList
     *   Remaining rooms to check, keyed by room name.
     * @return {string}
     *   Name of the room to check next.
    getNextRoomCandidate(openList: Record<string, RoomListEntry>): string {
        let minDist = null;
        let nextRoom = null;
        _.each(openList, (info, roomName) => {
            if (minDist === null || info.range < minDist) {
                minDist = info.range;
                nextRoom = roomName;

        return nextRoom;

     * Adds unhandled adjacent rooms to open list.
     * @param {string} roomName
     *   Room name on which to base this operation.
     * @param {object} openList
     *   List of rooms that still need searching, keyed by room name.
     * @param {object} closedList
     *   List of rooms that have been searched already.
    addAdjacentRooms(roomName: string, openList: Record<string, RoomListEntry>, closedList: Record<string, boolean>) {
        const info = openList[roomName];
        if (info.range >= (Memory.hivemind.maxScoutDistance || 7)) return;

        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);
        for (const exit of _.values<string>(roomIntel.getExits())) {
            if (openList[exit] || closedList[exit]) continue;

            const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(exit);
            const roomIsSafe = !roomIntel.isClaimed() || (roomIntel.memory.reservation && roomIntel.memory.reservation.username === 'Invader');

            openList[exit] = {
                range: info.range + 1,
                origin: info.origin,
            if (info.safePath && roomIsSafe) openList[exit].safePath = true;

        for (const portal of roomIntel.getRoomPortals()) {
            if (openList[portal] || closedList[portal]) continue;

            const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(portal);
            const roomIsSafe = !roomIntel.isClaimed() || (roomIntel.memory.reservation && roomIntel.memory.reservation.username === 'Invader');

            openList[portal] = {
                range: info.range + 1,
                origin: info.origin,
            if (info.safePath && roomIsSafe) openList[portal].safePath = true;

        // @todo Also use same-shard portals as possible exits.

     * Finds the closest observer to a given room.
     * @param {string} roomName
     *   Room name on which to base the search.
     * @return {StructureObserver}
     *   The closest available observer.
    getClosestObserver(roomName: string): StructureObserver {
        let bestObserver: StructureObserver = null;
        for (const observer of this.observers) {
            const roomDist = Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(observer.room.name, roomName);
            if (roomDist > OBSERVER_RANGE) continue;

            if (!bestObserver || roomDist < Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(bestObserver.room.name, roomName)) {
                bestObserver = observer;

        return bestObserver;

     * Counts mineral sources in our empire.
    generateMineralStatus() {
        this.mineralCount = {};
        for (const room of Game.myRooms) {
            const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(room.name);
            for (const mineralType of roomIntel.getMineralTypes()) {
                this.mineralCount[mineralType] = (this.mineralCount[mineralType] || 0) + 1;