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import cache from 'utils/cache';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import Operation from 'operation/operation';
import {getDangerMatrix} from 'utils/cost-matrix';
import {getResourcesIn} from 'utils/store';

declare global {
    interface RoomMemory {
        defense?: RoomDefenseMemory;

interface RoomDefenseMemory {
    lastActivity?: number;
    creepStatus?: Record<string, {
        store: Partial<Record<ResourceConstant, number>>;
        isThief?: boolean;

const ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE = 0; // No enemies in the room.
const ENEMY_STRENGTH_WEAK = 1; // Enemies are very weak, towers can take them out.
const ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL = 2; // Enemies are strong or numerous, but can probably be handled with unboosted active defense.
const ENEMY_STRENGTH_STRONG = 3; // Enemies are strong or numerous, but can probably be handled with boosted active defense.
const ENEMY_STRENGTH_DEADLY = 4; // Enemies are strong or numerous, and we need help from outside.

type EnemyStrength = typeof ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE

const partStrength = {

const relevantBoostAttribute = {
    [ATTACK]: 'attack',
    [RANGED_ATTACK]: 'rangedAttack',
    [HEAL]: 'heal',
    [WORK]: 'dismantle',

// @todo Evacuate room when walls are breached, or when spawns are gone, ...
// @todo Destroy terminal and storage if not hope of recovery?

export {

export default class RoomDefense {
    roomName: string;
    room: Room;
    memory: RoomDefenseMemory;

    constructor(roomName: string) {
        this.roomName = roomName;
        this.room = Game.rooms[roomName];

        if (!this.room.memory.defense) this.room.memory.defense = {};

        this.memory = this.room.memory.defense;

    drawDebug() {
        const dangerMatrix = getDangerMatrix(this.roomName);
        const visual = this.room.visual;
        if (!visual || hivemind.settings.get('disableRoomVisuals')) return;

        for (let x = 0; x < 50; x++) {
            for (let y = 0; y < 50; y++) {
                if (dangerMatrix.get(x, y) === 1) {
                    visual.rect(x - 0.4, y - 0.4, 0.8, 0.8, {
                        fill: '#af6060',
                        opacity: 0.3,

                if (dangerMatrix.get(x, y) === 2) {
                    visual.rect(x - 0.3, y - 0.3, 0.6, 0.6, {
                        fill: '#6060af',
                        opacity: 0.3,

     * Checks if a room's walls are intact.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if all planned ramparts are built and strong enough.
    isWallIntact(): boolean {
        return this.room.roomPlanner ? this.getLowestWallStrength() > 0 : true;

    getLowestWallStrength(): number {
        return cache.inObject(this.room, 'weakestWallStrength', 1, () => {
            if (!this.room.roomPlanner) return 0;

            const rampartPositions: RoomPosition[] = this.room.roomPlanner.getLocations('rampart');
            let minHits: number;

            for (const pos of rampartPositions) {
                if (this.room.roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'rampart.ramp')) continue;

                // Check if there's a rampart here already.
                const structures = pos.lookFor(LOOK_STRUCTURES);
                const ramps = _.filter(structures, structure => structure.structureType === STRUCTURE_RAMPART);
                if (ramps.length === 0) {
                    return 0;

                if (!minHits || ramps[0].hits < minHits) {
                    minHits = ramps[0].hits;

            return minHits;

     * Determines enemy strength in a room.
     * @return {Number}
     *   0: No enemies in the room.
     *   1: Enemies are very weak, towers can take them out.
     *   2: Enemies are strong or numerous, but can probably be handled with
     *         unboosted active defense.
     *   3: Enemies are strong or numerous, but can probably be handled with
     *         boosted active defense.
     *   4: Enemies are strong or numerous, and we need help from outside.
    getEnemyStrength(): EnemyStrength {
        return cache.inObject(this.room, 'getEnemyStrength', 1, () => {
            let attackStrength = 0;
            let healStrength = 0;
            let totalStrength = 0;
            let invaderOnly = true;

            for (const userName in this.room.enemyCreeps) {
                if (hivemind.relations.isAlly(userName)) continue;
                if (userName !== 'Invader') invaderOnly = false;

                const creeps = this.room.enemyCreeps[userName];
                for (const creep of creeps) {
                    for (const part of creep.body) {
                        let partPower = partStrength[part.type] || 0;
                        let boostPower = 1;

                        if (part.boost && typeof part.boost === 'string') {
                            const effect = BOOSTS[part.type][part.boost];
                            boostPower = effect[relevantBoostAttribute[part.type]] || 1;

                            if (part.type === TOUGH) {
                                partPower = 100;
                                boostPower = 1 / (effect.damage || 1);

                        if (([ATTACK, RANGED_ATTACK, CLAIM, WORK] as BodyPartConstant[]).includes(part.type)) {
                            attackStrength += partPower * boostPower;

                        if (part.type === HEAL) {
                            healStrength += partPower * boostPower;

                        totalStrength += partPower * boostPower;

            const towerStrength = TOWER_POWER_ATTACK * (this.room.myStructuresByType[STRUCTURE_TOWER] || []).length / 2;

            // Active defense is calculated as having 2 creeps
            // with 50% attack and move parts.
            const defensiveCreepStrength = 2 * ATTACK_POWER * Math.min(MAX_CREEP_SIZE / 2, Math.floor(this.room.energyCapacityAvailable / (BODYPART_COST[ATTACK] + BODYPART_COST[MOVE])));

            // @todo Factor in if we can use boosts on defense creeps.
            const defenseBoostPower = 1;

            // If the enemy can take down a piece of wall in < 3000 ticks, that's a problem.
            const normalDamageThreshold = this.getLowestWallStrength() / 3000;

            // If the enemy can take down a piece of wall in < 1000 ticks, that's a big problem.
            const highDamageThreshold = this.getLowestWallStrength() / 1000;

            if (attackStrength === 0) return ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE;
            if (invaderOnly || (healStrength < towerStrength && attackStrength < highDamageThreshold)) return ENEMY_STRENGTH_WEAK;
            if (healStrength < towerStrength + defensiveCreepStrength && attackStrength > normalDamageThreshold) return ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL;
            if (healStrength < towerStrength + defensiveCreepStrength * defenseBoostPower && attackStrength > highDamageThreshold) return ENEMY_STRENGTH_STRONG;

            return ENEMY_STRENGTH_DEADLY;

    openRampartsToFriendlies() {
        if (_.size(this.room.enemyCreeps) === 0) {
            if (this.memory.lastActivity && Game.time - this.memory.lastActivity > 10) {
                // Close ramparts after last friendly leaves the room for a while.
                const ramparts = this.room.myStructuresByType[STRUCTURE_RAMPART];
                _.each(ramparts, rampart => {
                    if (rampart.isPublic) rampart.setPublic(false);
                delete this.memory.lastActivity;
                delete this.memory.creepStatus;


        this.memory.lastActivity = Game.time;
        if (!this.memory.creepStatus) this.memory.creepStatus = {};

        const allowed = [];
        const forbidden = [];
        _.each(this.room.enemyCreeps, (creeps, username) => {
            const numberInRoom = _.size(_.filter(creeps, creep => this.isInRoom(creep)));

            for (const creep of creeps) {

                if (!this.isWhitelisted(username) || (!this.isUnarmedCreep(creep) && !hivemind.relations.isAlly(username))) {
                    // Deny unwanted creeps.

                if (numberInRoom >= hivemind.settings.get('maxVisitorsPerUser') && !this.isInRoom(creep)) {
                    // Extra creeps outside are denied entry.


        const ramparts = this.room.myStructuresByType[STRUCTURE_RAMPART];
        _.each(ramparts, rampart => {
            const newState = this.shouldRampartBePublic(rampart, allowed, forbidden);
            if (rampart.isPublic !== newState) rampart.setPublic(newState);

    recordCreepStatus(creep: Creep) {
        // @todo Detect killed creeps as resources we've gained.

        if (!this.memory.creepStatus[creep.id]) {
            const store = {};
            _.each(creep.store, (amount, resourceType) => {
                store[resourceType] = amount;

            this.memory.creepStatus[creep.id] = {

        const memory = this.memory.creepStatus[creep.id];
        if (memory.isThief) return;

        // Detect if creep has gained resources.
        for (const resourceType of getResourcesIn(creep.store)) {
            const amount = creep.store.getUsedCapacity(resourceType);
            if (amount !== (memory.store[resourceType] || 0)) {
                const creepGained = amount - (memory.store[resourceType] || 0);
                // We lost any resource the creep gained.
                this.calculatePlayerTrade(creep.owner.username, -creepGained, resourceType);
                // @todo Set `memory.isThief = true` when too many resources have been
                // taken.

            memory.store[resourceType] = amount;

        for (const resourceType of getResourcesIn(memory.store)) {
            const amount = memory.store[resourceType];
            if (!creep.store[resourceType]) {
                // If the creep lost a resource, we gained as much.
                this.calculatePlayerTrade(creep.owner.username, amount, resourceType);
                delete memory.store[resourceType];

    calculatePlayerTrade(username: string, amount: number, resourceType: ResourceConstant) {
        const opName = 'playerTrade:' + username;
        const operation = Game.operations[opName] || new Operation(opName);

        operation.addResourceGain(amount, resourceType);

        hivemind.log('trade', this.roomName).notify('Trade with', username, ':', amount, resourceType);

    isThief(creep: Creep): boolean {
        if (!this.memory.creepStatus) return false;
        if (!this.memory.creepStatus[creep.id]) return false;
        if (!this.memory.creepStatus[creep.id].isThief) return false;

        // @todo Mark as thief if player stole too many resources.

        return true;

     * Determines if a rampart should be opened or closed.
    shouldRampartBePublic(rampart: StructureRampart, allowed: Creep[], forbidden: Creep[]): boolean {
        if (allowed.length === 0) return false;
        if (forbidden.length === 0) return true;

        for (const creep of forbidden) {
            if (creep.pos.getRangeTo(rampart) <= 3) return false;

        return true;

     * Checks if a creep is considered harmless.
    isUnarmedCreep(creep: Creep): boolean {
        for (const part of creep.body) {
            if (part.type !== MOVE && part.type !== TOUGH && part.type !== CARRY) {
                return false;

        return true;

    isInRoom(creep: Creep): boolean {
        // @todo This is not correct when mincut ramparts are enabled.
        return creep.pos.x > 1 && creep.pos.y > 1 && creep.pos.x < 48 && creep.pos.y < 48;

    isWhitelisted(username: string): boolean {
        return hivemind.relations.isAlly(username) || _.includes(hivemind.settings.get('rampartWhitelistedUsers'), username);