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5 days
Test Coverage
/* global PathFinder Room RoomPosition

import cache from 'utils/cache';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import interShard from 'intershard';
import NavMesh from 'utils/nav-mesh';
import {deserializeCoords, serializeCoords, serializePosition} from 'utils/serialization';
import {getUsername} from 'utils/account';
import {handleMapArea} from 'utils/map';
import {markBuildings} from 'utils/cost-matrix';
import {packCoord, packCoordList, unpackCoordList, unpackCoordListAsPosList} from 'utils/packrat';

declare global {
    interface RoomMemory {
        abandonedResources?: Record<string, Record<string, number>>;

    interface DepositInfo {
        x: number;
        y: number;
        id: Id<Deposit>;
        type: DepositConstant;
        decays: number;
        cooldown: number;
        freeTiles: number;

    namespace NodeJS {
        interface Global {
            getRoomIntel: typeof getRoomIntel;

export interface RoomIntelMemory {
    lastScan: number;
    exits: Partial<Record<ExitKey, string>>;
    rcl: number;
    ticksToDowngrade: number;
    hasController: boolean;
    owner: string;
    reservation: {
        username: string;
        ticksToEnd: number;
    sources: Array<{
        x: number;
        y: number;
        id: Id<Source>;
        free: number;
    // @todo Deprecated, remove later! Use `minerals` instead.
    mineralInfo: Record<string, unknown>;
    minerals: Array<{
        x: number;
        y: number;
        id: Id<Mineral>;
        type: MineralConstant;
        amount: number;
    power: {
        amount: number;
        hits: number;
        decays: number;
        freeTiles: number;
        pos: string;
    deposits?: DepositInfo[];
    structures: {
        [T in StructureConstant]?: Record<string, {
            x: number;
            y: number;
            hits: number;
            hitsMax: number;
    portals?: string[];
    terrain: {
        exit: number;
        wall: number;
        swamp: number;
        plain: number;
    invaderInfo: {
        level: number;
        active: boolean;
        activates: number;
        collapses: number;
    costPositions: [string, string];
    lastScout: number;

export default class RoomIntel {
    roomName: string;
    memory: RoomIntelMemory;
    newStatus: Record<string, boolean>;

    otherSafeRooms: string[];
    otherUnsafeRooms: string[];
    joinedDirs: Record<string, Record<string, boolean>>;

    constructor(roomName) {
        this.roomName = roomName;

        const key = 'intel:' + roomName;
        if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.has(key)) {
            hivemind.segmentMemory.set(key, {});

        this.memory = hivemind.segmentMemory.get(key);

     * Updates intel for a room.
    gatherIntel() {
        const room = Game.rooms[this.roomName];
        if (!room) return;

        const intel = this.memory;
        const isNew = !intel.lastScan;

        let lastScanThreshold = hivemind.settings.get('roomIntelCacheDuration');
        if (Game.cpu.bucket < 5000) {
            lastScanThreshold *= 5;

        if (intel.lastScan && !hivemind.hasIntervalPassed(lastScanThreshold, intel.lastScan)) return;
        hivemind.log('intel', room.name).debug('Gathering intel after', intel.lastScan ? Game.time - intel.lastScan : 'infinite', 'ticks.');
        intel.lastScan = Game.time;


        const structures = room.structuresByType;
        this.gatherPowerIntel(structures[STRUCTURE_POWER_BANK] as StructurePowerBank[]);
        this.gatherPortalIntel(structures[STRUCTURE_PORTAL] as StructurePortal[]);

        if (isNew) {
            this.gatherStructureIntel(structures, STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR);
            this.gatherStructureIntel(structures, STRUCTURE_CONTROLLER);

        const ruins = room.find(FIND_RUINS);
        this.gatherAbandonedResourcesIntel(structures, ruins);

        // At the same time, create a PathFinder CostMatrix to use when pathfinding through this room.
        let constructionSites = _.groupBy(room.find(FIND_MY_CONSTRUCTION_SITES), 'structureType');
        if (room.controller && !room.controller.my && room.controller.owner && hivemind.relations.isAlly(room.controller.owner.username)) {
            constructionSites = _.groupBy(room.find(FIND_CONSTRUCTION_SITES, {
                filter: site => site.my || hivemind.relations.isAlly(site.owner.username),
            }), 'structureType');

        this.gatherPathfindingInfo(structures, constructionSites);

        // Update nav mesh for this room.
        const mesh = new NavMesh();

     * Commits controller status to memory.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to gather controller intel on.
    gatherControllerIntel(room: Room) {
        this.memory.owner = null;
        this.memory.rcl = 0;
        this.memory.ticksToDowngrade = 0;
        this.memory.hasController = typeof room.controller !== 'undefined';
        if (room.controller && room.controller.owner) {
            this.memory.owner = room.controller.owner.username;
            this.memory.rcl = room.controller.level;
            this.memory.ticksToDowngrade = room.controller.ticksToDowngrade;

        if (!room.controller) {
            const invaderCores = room.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_INVADER_CORE] as StructureInvaderCore[];

            if (invaderCores && invaderCores.length > 0 && invaderCores[0].level) {
                this.memory.owner = invaderCores[0].owner.username;
                this.memory.rcl = invaderCores[0].level;
                this.memory.ticksToDowngrade = 0;

        this.memory.reservation = room.controller ? room.controller.reservation : {
            username: null,
            ticksToEnd: 0,

     * Commits room resources to memory.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to gather resource intel on.
    gatherResourceIntel(room: Room) {
        // Check sources.
        this.memory.sources = _.map(
            source => ({
                x: source.pos.x,
                y: source.pos.y,
                id: source.id,
                free: source.getNumHarvestSpots(),

        // Check minerals.
        this.memory.minerals = [];
        for (const mineral of room.minerals) {
                x: mineral.pos.x,
                y: mineral.pos.y,
                id: mineral.id,
                type: mineral.mineralType,
                amount: mineral.mineralAmount,

     * Commits basic terrain metrics to memory.
    gatherTerrainIntel() {
        // Check terrain.
        this.memory.terrain = {
            exit: 0,
            wall: 0,
            swamp: 0,
            plain: 0,
        const terrain = new Room.Terrain(this.roomName);
        for (let x = 0; x < 50; x++) {
            for (let y = 0; y < 50; y++) {
                const tileType = terrain.get(x, y);
                // Check border tiles.
                if (x === 0 || y === 0 || x === 49 || y === 49) {
                    if (tileType !== TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) {


                // Check non-border tiles.
                switch (tileType) {
                    case TERRAIN_MASK_WALL:

                    case TERRAIN_MASK_SWAMP:


     * Commits power bank status to memory.
     * @param {Structure[]} powerBanks
     *   An array containing all power banks for the room.
    gatherPowerIntel(powerBanks: StructurePowerBank[]) {
        delete this.memory.power;

        const powerBank: StructurePowerBank = _.first(powerBanks);
        if (!powerBank || powerBank.hits === 0 || powerBank.power === 0) return;

        // For now, send a notification!
        hivemind.log('intel', this.roomName).info('Power bank containing', powerBank.power, 'power found!');

        // Find out how many access points there are around this power bank.
        const terrain = new Room.Terrain(this.roomName);
        let numberFreeTiles = 0;
        handleMapArea(powerBank.pos.x, powerBank.pos.y, (x, y) => {
            if (terrain.get(x, y) !== TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) {

        this.memory.power = {
            amount: powerBank.power,
            hits: powerBank.hits,
            decays: Game.time + (powerBank.ticksToDecay || POWER_BANK_DECAY),
            freeTiles: numberFreeTiles,
            pos: packCoord({x: powerBank.pos.x, y: powerBank.pos.y}),

        // Also store room in strategy memory for easy access.
        if (Memory.strategy) {
            if (!Memory.strategy.power) {
                Memory.strategy.power = {rooms: {}};

            if (!Memory.strategy.power.rooms) {
                Memory.strategy.power.rooms = {};

            if (!Memory.strategy.power.rooms[this.roomName] || !Memory.strategy.power.rooms[this.roomName].isActive) {
                Memory.strategy.power.rooms[this.roomName] = this.memory.power;

                // @todo Update info when gathering is active.

    gatherDepositIntel() {
        delete this.memory.deposits;

        const room = Game.rooms[this.roomName];
        const deposits = room.find(FIND_DEPOSITS);
        const maxCooldown = hivemind.settings.get('maxDepositCooldown');
        if (deposits.length === 0) return;

        const terrain = new Room.Terrain(this.roomName);
        this.memory.deposits = [];
        for (const deposit of deposits) {
            if (!deposit || deposit.lastCooldown > maxCooldown) return;

            // For now, send a notification!
            hivemind.log('intel', this.roomName).info('Deposit containing', deposit.depositType, 'found!');

            // Find out how many access points there are around this power bank.
            let numberFreeTiles = 0;
            handleMapArea(deposit.pos.x, deposit.pos.y, (x, y) => {
                if (terrain.get(x, y) !== TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) {

                x: deposit.pos.x,
                y: deposit.pos.y,
                id: deposit.id,
                type: deposit.depositType,
                decays: Game.time + deposit.ticksToDecay,
                cooldown: deposit.lastCooldown || 0,
                freeTiles: numberFreeTiles,

            // Also store room in strategy memory for easy access.
            if (Memory.strategy) {
                if (!Memory.strategy.deposits) {
                    Memory.strategy.deposits = {rooms: {}};

                if (!Memory.strategy.deposits.rooms) {
                    Memory.strategy.deposits.rooms = {};

                if (!Memory.strategy.deposits.rooms[this.roomName] || !Memory.strategy.deposits.rooms[this.roomName].isActive) {
                    Memory.strategy.deposits.rooms[this.roomName] = {scouted: true};

                    // @todo Update info when gathering is active.

     * Commits portal status to memory.
     * @param {Structure[]} portals
     *   An array containing all power banks for the room.
    gatherPortalIntel(portals: StructurePortal[]) {
        delete this.memory.portals;

        const targetRooms = [];
        for (const portal of portals || []) {
            // Ignore same-shard portals for now.
            if ('shard' in portal.destination) {

            if (!targetRooms.includes(portal.destination.roomName)) targetRooms.push(portal.destination.roomName);

        if (targetRooms.length > 0) {
            this.memory.portals = targetRooms;

    getRoomPortals(): string[] {
        return this.memory.portals ?? [];

     * Commits structure status to memory.
     * @param {object} structures
     *   An object containing Arrays of structures, keyed by structure type.
     * @param {string} structureType
     *   The type of structure to gather intel on.
    gatherStructureIntel(structures: Record<string, Structure[]>, structureType: StructureConstant) {
        if (!this.memory.structures) this.memory.structures = {};
        this.memory.structures[structureType] = {};
        for (const structure of structures[structureType] || []) {
            this.memory.structures[structureType][structure.id] = {
                x: structure.pos.x,
                y: structure.pos.y,
                hits: structure.hits,
                hitsMax: structure.hitsMax,

     * Commits abandoned resources to memory.
     * @param {object} structures
     *   An object containing Arrays of structures, keyed by structure type.
     * @param {object[]} ruins
     *   An array of Ruin objects.
    gatherAbandonedResourcesIntel(structures: Record<string, Structure[]>, ruins: Ruin[]) {
        // Find origin room.
        if (!Memory.strategy) return;
        if (!Memory.strategy.roomList) return;
        const strategyInfo = Memory.strategy.roomList[this.roomName];
        if (!strategyInfo || !strategyInfo.origin) return;

        const roomMemory = Memory.rooms[strategyInfo.origin];
        if (!roomMemory) return;

        if (!Game.rooms[strategyInfo.origin] || !Game.rooms[strategyInfo.origin].isMine()) {
            delete roomMemory.abandonedResources;

        if (!roomMemory.abandonedResources) roomMemory.abandonedResources = {};
        delete roomMemory.abandonedResources[this.roomName];

        if (this.memory.owner) return;
        if (!structures[STRUCTURE_STORAGE] && !structures[STRUCTURE_TERMINAL] && ruins.length === 0) return;

        const resources = {};
        const collections = [structures[STRUCTURE_STORAGE], structures[STRUCTURE_TERMINAL], ruins];
        _.each(collections, objects => {
            _.each(objects, object => {
                if (!object.store) return;

                _.each(object.store, (amount, resourceType) => {
                    resources[resourceType] = (resources[resourceType] || 0) + amount;

        if (_.keys(resources).length === 0) return;

        roomMemory.abandonedResources[this.roomName] = resources;

        // @todo Consider resources from buildings that might need dismantling first.

        // @todo Also consider saving containers with resources if it's not one
        // of our harvest rooms, so we can "borrow" from other players.

    gatherExitIntel(roomName: string) {
        // Remember room exits.
        this.memory.exits = Game.map.describeExits(roomName);

        for (const dir in this.memory.exits) {
            if (!this.isAvailableExitDirection(roomName, this.memory.exits[dir])) delete this.memory.exits[dir];

    isAvailableExitDirection(roomName: string, otherRoomName: string): boolean {
        return Game.map.getRoomStatus(otherRoomName).status === Game.map.getRoomStatus(roomName).status;

     * Commits info about invader outposts to memory.
     * @param {object} structures
     *   An object containing Arrays of structures, keyed by structure type.
    gatherInvaderIntel(structures) {
        delete this.memory.invaderInfo;

        const core: StructureInvaderCore = _.first(structures[STRUCTURE_INVADER_CORE]);
        if (!core) return;

        // Commit basic invader core info.
        this.memory.invaderInfo = {
            level: core.level,
            active: !core.ticksToDeploy,
            activates: core.ticksToDeploy ? Game.time + core.ticksToDeploy : undefined,
            collapses: null,

        // Check when the core collapses.
        for (const effect of core.effects) {
            if (effect.effect === EFFECT_COLLAPSE_TIMER) {
                this.memory.invaderInfo.collapses = Game.time + effect.ticksRemaining;

     * Commits pathfinding matrix to memory.
     * @param {object} structures
     *   An object containing Arrays of structures, keyed by structure type.
     * @param {object} constructionSites
     *   An object containing Arrays of construction sites, keyed by structure type.
    gatherPathfindingInfo(structures, constructionSites) {
        const obstaclePositions = this.generateObstacleList(this.roomName, structures, constructionSites);
        this.memory.costPositions = [
            packCoordList(_.map(obstaclePositions.obstacles, deserializeCoords)),
            packCoordList(_.map(obstaclePositions.roads, deserializeCoords)),

     * Generates an obstacle list as an alternative to cost matrixes.
     * @param {string} roomName
     *   Name of the room to generate an obstacle list for.
     * @param {object} structures
     *   Arrays of structures to navigate around, keyed by structure type.
     * @param {object} constructionSites
     *   Arrays of construction sites to navigate around, keyed by structure type.
     * @return {object}
     *   An object containing encoded room positions in the following keys:
     *   - obstacles: Any positions a creep cannot move through.
     *   - roads: Any positions where a creep travels with road speed.
    generateObstacleList(roomName, structures, constructionSites) {
        const result = {
            obstacles: [],
            roads: [],

            structure => {
                const location = serializeCoords(structure.pos.x, structure.pos.y);
                if (!_.contains(result.obstacles, location)) {
            structure => result.obstacles.push(serializePosition(structure.pos, roomName)),
            (x, y) => {
                const location = serializeCoords(x, y);
                if (!_.contains(result.obstacles, location)) {

        return result;

     * Gets coordinates of all known roads in the room.
    getRoadCoords(): Array<{x: number; y: number}> {
        if (!this.memory.costPositions) return [];

        return unpackCoordList(this.memory.costPositions[1]);

     * Returns number of ticks since intel on this room was last gathered.
     * @return {number}
     *   Number of ticks since intel was last gathered in this room.
    getAge(): number {
        return Game.time - (this.memory.lastScan || -100_000);

     * Checks whether this room could be claimed by a player.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if the room has a controller.
    isClaimable(): boolean {
        if (this.memory.hasController) return true;

        return false;

     * Checks whether this room is claimed by another player.
     * This checks ownership and reservations.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if the room is claimed by another player.
    isClaimed(): boolean {
        if (this.isOwned()) return true;
        if (this.memory.reservation && this.memory.reservation.username && this.memory.reservation.username !== getUsername()) return true;

        return false;

     * Gets info about a room's reservation status.
    getReservationStatus(): ReservationDefinition {
        return this.memory.reservation;

     * Checks if the room is owned by another player.
     * @return {boolean}
     *   True if the room is controlled by another player.
    isOwned(): boolean {
        if (!this.memory.owner) return false;
        if (this.memory.owner !== getUsername()) return true;

        return false;

    getOwner(): string {
        return this.memory.owner;

     * Returns this room's last known rcl level.
     * @return {number}
     *   Controller level of this room.
    getRcl(): number {
        return this.memory.rcl || 0;

     * Returns position of energy sources in the room.
     * @return {object[]}
     *   An Array of ob objects containing id, x and y position of the source.
    getSourcePositions(): Array<{x: number; y: number; id: Id<Source>; free: number}> {
        return this.memory.sources || [];

     * Returns type of mineral source in the room, if available.
     * @return {string}
     *   Type of this room's mineral source.
    getMineralTypes(): string[] {
        const result = [];

        for (const mineral of this.memory.minerals || []) {

        return result;

     * Returns position of mineral deposit in the room.
     * @return {object}
     *   An Object containing id, type, x and y position of the mineral deposit.
    getMineralPositions(): Array<{x: number; y: number; id: Id<Mineral>; type: MineralConstant}> {
        return this.memory.minerals || [];

    getMineralAmounts(): Partial<Record<ResourceConstant, number>> {
        const result = {};

        for (const mineral of this.memory.minerals || []) {
            result[mineral.type] = mineral.amount;

        return result;

    getDepositInfo(): DepositInfo[] {
        return this.memory.deposits;

     * Returns a cost matrix for the given room.
     * @return {PathFinder.CostMatrix}
     *   A cost matrix representing this room.
    getCostMatrix(): CostMatrix {
        // @todo For some reason, calling this in console gives a different version of the cost matrix. Verify!
        let obstaclePositions;
        if (this.memory.costPositions) {
            obstaclePositions = {
                obstacles: unpackCoordListAsPosList(this.memory.costPositions[0], this.roomName),
                roads: unpackCoordListAsPosList(this.memory.costPositions[1], this.roomName),

        const matrix = new PathFinder.CostMatrix();
        if (obstaclePositions) {
            for (const pos of obstaclePositions.obstacles) {
                matrix.set(pos.x, pos.y, 0xFF);

            for (const pos of obstaclePositions.roads) {
                if (matrix.get(pos.x, pos.y) === 0) {
                    matrix.set(pos.x, pos.y, 1);

        // Also try not to drive through bays.
        if (Game.rooms[this.roomName]?.isMine() && Game.rooms[this.roomName]?.roomPlanner) {
            _.each(Game.rooms[this.roomName].roomPlanner.getLocations('bay_center'), pos => {
                if (matrix.get(pos.x, pos.y) <= 20) {
                    matrix.set(pos.x, pos.y, 20);

            // Also avoid blocking construction sites we may not have cached yet.
            _.each(Game.rooms[this.roomName].find(FIND_MY_CONSTRUCTION_SITES), site => {
                if (site.isWalkable()) return;

                matrix.set(site.pos.x, site.pos.y, 0xFF);

        return matrix;

     * Checks whether there is a previously generated cost matrix for this room.
     * @return {bool}
     *   Whether a cost matrix has previously been generated for this room.
    hasCostMatrixData(): boolean {
        if (this.memory.costPositions) return true;

        return false;

     * Returns a list of rooms connected to this one, keyed by direction.
     * @return {object}
     *   Exits as returned by Game.map.getExits().
    getExits = function (): Partial<Record<ExitKey, string>> {
        return this.memory.exits || {};

     * Returns position of the Controller structure in this room.
     * @return {RoomPosition}
     *   Position of this room's controller.
    getControllerPosition(): RoomPosition {
        if (!this.memory.structures || !this.memory.structures[STRUCTURE_CONTROLLER]) return null;

        const controller: {x: number; y: number} = _.sample(this.memory.structures[STRUCTURE_CONTROLLER]);
        if (!controller) return null;

        return new RoomPosition(controller.x, controller.y, this.roomName);

     * Returns position and id of certain structures.
     * @param {string} structureType
     *   The type of structure to get info on.
     * @return {object}
     *   An object keyed by structure id. The stored objects contain the properties
     *   x, y, hits and hitsMax.
    getStructures(structureType: StructureConstant): Record<string, {x: number; y: number; hits: number; hitsMax: number}> {
        if (!this.memory.structures || !this.memory.structures[structureType]) return {};
        return this.memory.structures[structureType];

     * Returns number of tiles of a certain type in a room.
     * @param {string} type
     *   Tile type. Can be one of `plain`, `swamp`, `wall` or `exit`.
     * @return {number}
     *   Number of tiles of the given type in this room.
    countTiles(type: string) {
        if (!this.memory.terrain) return 0;

        return this.memory.terrain[type] || 0;

     * Returns which exits of a room are considered safe.
     * This is usually when they are dead ends or link up with other rooms
     * owned by us that are sufficiently defensible.
     * @param {object} options
     *   Further options for calculation, possible keys are:
     *   - safe: An array of room names which are considered safe no matter what.
     *   - unsafe: An array of room names which are considered unsafe no matter what.
     * @return {object}
     *   An object describing adjacent room status, containing the following keys:
     *   - directions: An object with keys N, E, S, W of booleans describing
     *     whether that exit direction is considered safe.
     *   - safeRooms: An array of room names that are considered safe and nearby.
    calculateAdjacentRoomSafety(options?: {safe?: string[]; unsafe?: string[]}): {directions: Record<string, boolean>; safeRooms: string[]} {
        return cache.inHeap('adjacentSafety:' + this.roomName, 100, () => {
            if (!this.memory.exits) {
                return {
                    directions: {
                        N: false,
                        E: false,
                        S: false,
                        W: false,
                    safeRooms: [],

            if (Memory.rooms[this.roomName]?.isStripmine) {
                return {
                    directions: {
                        N: false,
                        E: false,
                        S: false,
                        W: false,
                    safeRooms: [],

            const dirMap = {
                [TOP]: 'N',
                [RIGHT]: 'E',
                [BOTTOM]: 'S',
                [LEFT]: 'W',

            this.newStatus = {
                N: true,
                E: true,
                S: true,
                W: true,

            const openList = {};
            const closedList = {};
            this.joinedDirs = {};
            this.otherSafeRooms = options ? (options.safe || []) : [];
            this.otherUnsafeRooms = options ? (options.unsafe || []) : [];
            // Add initial directions to open list.
            for (const moveDir of _.keys(this.memory.exits)) {
                const dir = dirMap[moveDir];
                const roomName = this.memory.exits[moveDir];

                this.addAdjacentRoomToCheck(roomName, openList, {dir, range: 0});

            // Process adjacent rooms until range has been reached.
            while (_.size(openList) > 0) {
                let minRange = null;
                for (const roomName in openList) {
                    if (!minRange || minRange.range > openList[roomName].range) {
                        minRange = openList[roomName];

                delete openList[minRange.room];
                closedList[minRange.room] = minRange;

                this.handleAdjacentRoom(minRange, openList, closedList);

            // Unify status of directions which meet up somewhere.
            for (const dir1 of _.keys(this.joinedDirs)) {
                for (const dir2 of _.keys(this.joinedDirs[dir1])) {
                    this.newStatus[dir1] = this.newStatus[dir1] && this.newStatus[dir2];
                    this.newStatus[dir2] = this.newStatus[dir1] && this.newStatus[dir2];

            // Keep a list of rooms declared as safe in memory.
            const safeRooms = [];
            for (const roomName of _.keys(closedList)) {
                const roomDir = closedList[roomName].origin;
                if (this.newStatus[roomDir]) {

            return {
                directions: this.newStatus,

     * Adds a room to check for adjacent safe rooms.
     * @param {string} roomName
     *   Name of the room to add.
     * @param {object} openList
     *   List of rooms that still need checking.
     * @param {object} base
     *   Information about the room this operation is base on.
    addAdjacentRoomToCheck(roomName: string, openList: Record<string, {range: number; origin: string; room: string}>, base: {range: number; dir: string}) {
        if (!this.isPotentiallyUnsafeRoom(roomName)) return;

        openList[roomName] = {
            range: base.range + 1,
            origin: base.dir,
            room: roomName,

    isPotentiallyUnsafeRoom(roomName: string): boolean {
        if (this.otherUnsafeRooms.includes(roomName)) return true;
        if (this.otherSafeRooms.includes(roomName)) return false;

        if (Game.rooms[roomName] && Game.rooms[roomName].isMine()) {
            // This is one of our own rooms, and as such is possibly safe.
            if ((Game.rooms[roomName].controller.level >= Math.min(5, this.getRcl() - 1)) && !Game.rooms[roomName].isEvacuating() && !Game.rooms[roomName].isStripmine()) return false;
            if (roomName === this.roomName) return false;

        return true;

     * Check if a room counts as safe room.
     * @param {object} roomData
     *   Info about the room we're checking.
     * @param {object} openList
     *   List of rooms that still need checking.
     * @param {object} closedList
     *   List of rooms that have been checked.
    handleAdjacentRoom(roomData: {range: number; origin: string; room: string}, openList: Record<string, {range: number; origin: string; room: string}>, closedList: Record<string, {range: number; origin: string; room: string}>) {
        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomData.room);
        if (roomIntel.getAge() > 100_000) {
            // Room has no intel, declare it as unsafe.
            this.newStatus[roomData.origin] = false;

        // Add new adjacent rooms to openList if available.
        for (const roomName of _.values<string>(roomIntel.getExits())) {
            if (roomData.range >= 3) {
                // Room has open exits more than 3 rooms away.
                // Mark direction as unsafe.
                this.newStatus[roomData.origin] = false;

            const found = openList[roomName] || closedList[roomName];
            if (found) {
                if (found.origin !== roomData.origin) {
                    // Two different exit directions are joined here.
                    // Treat them as the same.
                    if (!this.joinedDirs[found.origin]) {
                        this.joinedDirs[found.origin] = {};

                    this.joinedDirs[found.origin][roomData.origin] = true;


            this.addAdjacentRoomToCheck(roomName, openList, {dir: roomData.origin, range: roomData.range});

     * Registers a scout attempting to reach this room.
    registerScoutAttempt() {
        this.memory.lastScout = Game.time;

     * Determiness the last time a scout was assigned to this room.
     * @return {number}
     *   Game tick when a scout attempt was last registered, or 0.
    getLastScoutAttempt(): number {
        return this.memory.lastScout || -100_000;

const intelCache: Record<string, RoomIntel> = {};

 * Factory method for room intel objects.
 * @param {string} roomName
 *   The room for which to get intel.
 * @return {RoomIntel}
 *   The requested RoomIntel object.
function getRoomIntel(roomName: string): RoomIntel {
    if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) throw new Error('Memory is not ready to generate room intel for room ' + roomName + '.');

    if (!intelCache[roomName]) {
        intelCache[roomName] = new RoomIntel(roomName);

    return intelCache[roomName];

function getRoomsWithIntel(): string[] {
    const result: string[] = [];
    if (!hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) return result;

    hivemind.segmentMemory.each('intel:', key => {

    return result;

export {

global.getRoomIntel = getRoomIntel;