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title: UseCompositionInsteadOfInheritance.<init> - 

[io.github.mkohm.detekt.hint.rules](../index.html) / [UseCompositionInsteadOfInheritance](index.html) / [&lt;init&gt;](./-init-.html)

# &lt;init&gt;

`UseCompositionInsteadOfInheritance(config: Config = Config.empty)`

A rule suggesting the use of composition instead of inheritance. It will help you test for Liskov Substitution.

The rule will fire every time inheritance is introduced, unless you derive from a class that exists in a third party package.
This will reduce the amount of warnings created where the framework or library are forcing you to introduce inheritance.

Remember to configure this rule correctly by adding:
"yourUniquePackageName" : "io.github.mkohm"
replacing "" with your unique package name.