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Test Coverage
Feature: Transfer funds
  In order to share funds with one of my recipients
  As a sender
  I want to be able to transfer funds to her

  Scenario: Sender has sufficient funds
    Given a sender with an account balance of "5000" MXN
    And a recipient with an account balance of "4000" MXN
    When the sender transfers "2000" MXN to the recipient
    Then the sender is notified that the transfer is complete
    And the sender's balance should be "3000" MXN
    And the recipient's balance should be "6000" MXN

  Scenario: Sender does not have enough funds
    Given a sender with an account balance of "2000" MXN
    And a recipient with an account balance of "4000" MXN
    Then the sender is notified that she does not have enough funds to complete the transfer
    And the sender's balance should be "2000" MXN
    And the recipient's balance should be "4000" MXN