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''' How I want smartyparse to work...

This document itself is a WIP. I'm still not entirely decided on how I
want this whole thing to work.
Question: how to handle repeated/streaming parsers, like ghidlists?
Should that use, for example, a field.repeat = True or something?

Note: tracking order of field definition is included as an example in
the metaclass docs:

from smartyparse import Field
from smartyparse import Parser
from smartyparse import parsed

from smartyparse.parsers import Literal
from smartyparse.parsers import Int
from smartyparse.parsers import Length
from smartyparse.parsers import Typed

class CustomField(Field):
    ''' Create a custom parser field.
    async def load(self, data):
        ''' Load that obj shit from binary data.
        return 'hello world'
    async def dump(self, obj):
        ''' Dump that obj shit into binary data.
        return b'hello world'

class Checksum(Int):
    ''' Create a custom, fixed-length parser field.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(bits=32, signed=False, endian='big', *args, **kwargs)
    async def load(self, data):
        ''' Load that obj shit from binary data.
        return (await super().load(data))
    async def dump(self, obj):
        ''' Dump that obj shit into binary data.
        return (await super().dump(obj))

class ParserDemo(metaclass=Parser):
    ''' Example parser declaration.
    Note: should also be able to set this up such that everything within
    the class itself is just declarative -- so all of the actual parsers
    are spelled out elsewhere.
    Parsers can be nested -- ParserDemo could be used as a field in a
    parent parser.
    Parser classes, once defined, have two methods:
        obj = await Parser.parse()
        data = await obj.serialize()
    All of the various fields are accessible via attributes on the
    objects themselves.
    magic = parsed(Literal(b'1234'))
    magic.preload_callback = 'update_checksum'
    magic.postdump_callback = 'update_checksum'
    version = parsed(Int(bits=32, signed=False, endian='big'))
    version.preload_callback = 'update_checksum'
    version.postdump_callback = 'update_checksum'
    varint = parsed(Typed({
        b'+': Int(bits=32, signed=False, endian='big'),
        b'-': Int(bits=32, signed=True, endian='big')
    varint.preload_callback = 'update_checksum'
    varint.postdump_callback = 'update_checksum'
    # Note explicit fixed-length declaration here, which is maybe silly.
    custom = parsed(CustomField(bits=88))
    custom.preload_callback = 'update_checksum'
    custom.postdump_callback = 'update_checksum'
    body_length = parsed(
        Length(bits=32, signed=False, endian='big', field='body')
    body_length.preload_callback = 'update_checksum'
    body_length.postdump_callback = 'update_checksum'
    body = parsed(Field(bits=None))
    body.preload_callback = 'update_checksum'
    body.postdump_callback = 'update_checksum'
    checksum = parsed(Checksum())
    checksum.postload_callback = 'verify_checksum'
    checksum.predump_callback = 'finalize_checksum'
    async def update_checksum(self, data):
        ''' Example callback for binary data.
    async def finalize_checksum(self, obj):
        ''' Example callback for python objects.
        self.checksum = self._checksum.finalize()
    async def verify_checksum(self, obj):
        ''' Example callback for post-load.
        verifier = self._checksum.finalize()
        if self.checksum != verifier:
            raise ValueError('Checksum verification failed.')