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Smartyparse: A python library for smart dynamic binary de/encoding.
    Copyright (C) 2016 Muterra, Inc.
    Nick Badger | |

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the
    Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street,
    Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA



# Global dependencies
import logging
import struct
import abc
import collections

# ###############################################
# Boilerplate
# ###############################################

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ###############################################
# Parsers
# ###############################################

class ParseError(RuntimeError):

class ParserBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    length = None
    def unpack(self, data):
        ''' unpacks raw bytes into python objects.
    def pack(self, obj):
        ''' packs python objects into raw bytes.
        # Note that the super() implementation here makes it possible for
        # children to support callables when parsing.
        # If a child parser wants to customize handling a callable, don't
        # call super(). Take extra care with callable classes.
class _StructParserBase(ParserBase):
    def __init__(self, endian, descriptor):
        if endian == 'big':
            e = '>'
        elif endian == 'little':
            e = '<'
            raise ValueError('endian must be "big" or "little".')
        self._packer = struct.Struct(e + descriptor)
    def length(self):
        return self._packer.size
    def unpack(self, data):
            return self._packer.unpack(data)[0]
        except struct.error as e:
            raise ParseError('Failed to parse value.') from e
    def pack(self, obj):
            return self._packer.pack(obj)
        except struct.error as e:
            raise ParseError('Failed to parse value.') from e

class Blob(ParserBase):
    ''' Class for a binary blob. Creates a bytes object from a 
    memoryview, and a memoryview from bytes.
    def __init__(self, length=None):
        # Try a numeric comparison to evaluate typing on length
        if length != None:
                if int(length) != length:
                    raise TypeError('Length must be int-like.')
                if length < 0:
                    raise ValueError('Length must be positive.')
            except Exception:
                raise TypeError('Length must be int-like.')
        self._length = length
    def length(self):
        return self._length
    def unpack(self, data):
        if self.length != None and len(data) != self.length:
            raise ParseError('Data length does not match fixed-length blob parser.')
        # Efficiently expose the data
        return memoryview(data)
    def pack(self, obj):
        if self.length != None and len(obj) != self.length:
            raise ParseError('Data length does not match fixed-length blob parser.')
        # Try to freeze the data
        if isinstance(obj, memoryview):
            out = bytes(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, bytearray):
            out = bytes(obj)
            out = obj
        return out

class Padding(ParserBase):
    ''' Class for a padding blob. Unpacks to its length.
    def __init__(self, length, padding_byte=b'\x00'):
        if len(padding_byte) != 1:
            raise ValueError('padding_byte must have length of 1.')
        self._length = length
        self._padding = bytes(padding_byte * self.length)
    def length(self):
        return self._length
    def unpack(self, data):
        if len(data) != self.length:
            raise ParseError('Data length does not match fixed-length padding parser.')
        # Could check the padding is 'valid' if we'd like, but no need yet
        # Always return None
        return None
    def pack(self, obj):
        # No object validation or anything.
        # Return it as bytes.
        return self._padding

class Literal(ParserBase):
    ''' Parses a constant value. Must pass bytes-like object to
    If verify=True, will enforce full symmetricity: objects to pass MUST
    be equivalent to the literal, and unpacked objects will ALWAYS
    return the literal.
    If verify=False, will enforce trust (or lack thereof). Objects to
    pass will be ignored, and unpacked objects will ALWAYS return None.
    def __init__(self, content, verify=True):
        self._length = len(content)
        self._literal = bytes(content)
        self._verify = verify
    def value(self):
        return self._literal
    def length(self):
        return self._length
    def unpack(self, data):
        # If verify=True, enforce matching and return the literal.
        if self._verify:
            if data != self.value:
                raise ParseError(
                    'Mismatched literal: received ' + str(bytes(data)) +
                    ', expected ' + str(self.value)
                unpacked = self.value
        # If verify=False, ignore value and return None.
            unpacked = None
        return unpacked
    def pack(self, obj):
        # Enforce symmetricity if verify=True
        if self._verify and obj != self.value:
            raise ParseError('Passed object does not match specified literal.')
        # Return it as bytes.
        return self._literal

class Null(ParserBase):
    ''' Parses nothing. unpack returns None, pack returns b''
    length = 0
    def unpack(self, data):
        return None
    def pack(self, obj):
        return b''

class Int8(_StructParserBase):
    ''' Create a parser for an 8-bit integer.
    def __init__(self, signed=True, endian='big'):
        if signed:
            desc = 'b'
            desc = 'B'
        super().__init__(endian, desc)

class Int16(_StructParserBase):
    ''' Create a parser for a 16-bit integer.
    def __init__(self, signed=True, endian='big'):
        if signed:
            desc = 'h'
            desc = 'H'
        super().__init__(endian, desc)

class Int32(_StructParserBase):
    ''' Create a parser for a 32-bit integer.
    def __init__(self, signed=True, endian='big'):
        if signed:
            desc = 'i'
            desc = 'I'
        super().__init__(endian, desc)

class Int64(_StructParserBase):
    ''' Create a parser for a 32-bit integer.
    def __init__(self, signed=True, endian='big'):
        if signed:
            desc = 'q'
            desc = 'Q'
        super().__init__(endian, desc)

class Float(_StructParserBase):
    ''' Create a parser for a floating-point decimal (4 bytes). 
    double=True creates a double precision float.
    def __init__(self, double=True, endian='big'):
        if double:
            desc = 'd'
            desc = 'f'
        super().__init__(endian, desc)

class ByteBool(_StructParserBase):
    ''' Create a parser for a byte-oriented boolean.
    def __init__(self, endian='big'):
        super().__init__(endian, '?')

class String(ParserBase):
    ''' Create a parser for a string.
    def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'):
        # Test the encoding before applying it
        __ = str.encode('hello', encoding=encoding)
        self.encoding = encoding
    def unpack(self, data):
        # Don't forget to recast, in cast of memoryview
        return bytes.decode(bytes(data), encoding=self.encoding)
    def pack(self, obj):
        return str.encode(obj, encoding=self.encoding)