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'use strict';

import * as jsyaml from 'js-yaml';
import * as semver from 'semver';
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';

export class Xlsx2Seed {
  private readonly _book: XLSX.WorkBook;
  private _sheet_names?: string[];

   * @param file xlsx file
  constructor(file: string) {
    this._book = XLSX.readFile(file);

  get book() {
    return this._book;

  get sheet_names() {
    return this._sheet_names
      || (this._sheet_names =
        (sheet_name) => sheet_name.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9_.]+$/))

  sheet(sheet_name: string, config?: Xlsx2SeedSheetConfig) {
    return new Xlsx2SeedSheet(sheet_name,[sheet_name], config);

export interface Xlsx2SeedSheetConfig {
  column_names_row?: number;
  data_start_row?: number;
  ignore_columns?: string[];
  version_column?: string;

export type Value = string | number | null;

export class Xlsx2SeedSheet {
  private readonly _sheet_name: string;
  private readonly _sheet: XLSX.WorkSheet;
  private readonly _column_names_row: number;
  private readonly _data_start_row: number;
  private readonly _ignore_columns: string[];
  private readonly _version_column?: string;
  private readonly _data: {[version: string]: Xlsx2SeedData};
  private readonly _row_indexes: {[version: string]: number[]};

  private _all_range?: XLSX.Range;
  private _max_column_index?: number;
  private _max_row_index?: number;
  private _column_names?: string[];
  private _column_indexes?: number[];
  private _version_column_index?: number;

   * @param sheet_name sheet name
   * @param sheet sheet data
   * @param config config
  constructor(sheet_name: string, sheet: XLSX.WorkSheet, config: Xlsx2SeedSheetConfig = {}) {
    this._sheet_name = sheet_name;
    this._sheet = sheet;
    // tslint:disable-next-line no-null-keyword
    const column_names_row = config.column_names_row == null ? 1 : config.column_names_row;
    const {
      data_start_row = column_names_row + 1,
      ignore_columns = [],
    } = config;
    this._column_names_row = column_names_row;
    this._data_start_row = data_start_row;
    this._ignore_columns = ignore_columns;
    this._version_column = version_column;
    this._data = {};
    this._row_indexes = {};

  get sheet_name() {
    return this._sheet_name;

  get sheet() {
    return this._sheet;

  get column_names_row() {
    return this._column_names_row;

  get data_start_row() {
    return this._data_start_row;

  get ignore_columns() {
    return this._ignore_columns;

  get version_column() {
    return this._version_column;

  get all_range() {
    return this._all_range || (this._all_range = XLSX.utils.decode_range(this.sheet['!ref'] as string));

  get max_column_index() {
    return this._max_column_index || (this._max_column_index = this.all_range.e.c);

  get max_row_index() {
    return this._max_row_index || (this._max_row_index = this.all_range.e.r);

  get column_names() {
    if (!this._column_names) this._set_column_info();

    return this._column_names as string[];

  get column_indexes() {
    if (!this._column_indexes) this._set_column_info();

    return this._column_indexes as number[];

  get version_column_index() {
    if (this.version_column && !this._version_column_index) this._set_column_info();

    return this._version_column_index;

  row_indexes(require_version = '') {
    if (!this._row_indexes[require_version]) this._get_data(require_version);

    return this._row_indexes[require_version];

  _set_column_info() {
    const column_names = [];
    const column_indexes = [];
    for (let column_index = 0; column_index <= this.max_column_index; ++column_index) {
      const address = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({c: column_index, r: this.column_names_row});
      const cell = this.sheet[address];
      const value = XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell);
      if (!value.length) break;
      if (this.version_column && value === this.version_column) {
        this._version_column_index = column_index;
      } else if (this.ignore_columns.indexOf(value) === -1) {
    this._column_names = column_names;
    this._column_indexes = column_indexes;

  has_id_column() {
    return this.column_names.indexOf('id') !== -1;

  sheet_column_index(column_name: string) {
    return this.column_indexes[this.column_names.indexOf(column_name)];

  sheet_row_index(row_index: number, require_version = '') {
    return this.row_indexes(require_version)[row_index];

  data(require_version = '') {
    if (!this._data[require_version]) this._get_data(require_version);

    return this._data[require_version];

  _get_data(require_version = '') {
    const row_indexes = this._row_indexes[require_version] = [] as number[];
    const rows = [];
    const version_column_index = this.version_column_index;
    const require_version_range = `>= ${require_version}`;
    for (let row_index = this.data_start_row; row_index <= this.max_row_index; ++row_index) {
      if (version_column_index && require_version) { // version check
        const address = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({c: version_column_index, r: row_index});
        const cell = this.sheet[address];
        const value = XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell);
        try {
          if (value && !semver.satisfies(value, require_version_range)) {
        } catch (error) {
          throw new Xlsx2SeedVersionError(row_index, version_column_index, error);
      const row: Value[] = [];
      for (const column_index of this.column_indexes) {
        const address = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({c: column_index, r: row_index});
        const cell = this.sheet[address];
        const value = XLSX.utils.format_cell(cell);
        const use_value =
          // tslint:disable-next-line no-null-keyword
          value == null || !value.length ? null : // empty cell -> null
            // tslint:disable-next-line max-line-length
            cell.t === 'n' && value.match(/E\+\d+$/) && !isNaN(value as any) ? Number(cell.v) : // 1.00+E12 -> use raw value
              cell.t === 'n' && value.match(/,/) && !isNaN(cell.v) ? Number(cell.v) : // 1,000 -> use raw value
                isNaN(value as any) ? value.replace(/\\n/g, '\n').replace(/\r/g, '') : // "\\n" -> "\n" / delete "\r"
    this._data[require_version] = new Xlsx2SeedData(this.sheet_name, this.column_names, rows);

export interface Record {
  id: string | number;
  [key: string]: Value;

export interface KeyBasedRecord {
  [key: string]: Record;
export interface SeparatedKeyBasedRecord {
  [sepkey: string]: KeyBasedRecord;

export class Xlsx2SeedData {
  private readonly _sheet_name: string;
  private readonly _column_names: string[];
  private readonly _rows: Value[][];

   * @param sheet_name sheet name
   * @param column_names column names
   * @param rows row data
  constructor(sheet_name: string, column_names: string[], rows: Value[][]) {
    this._sheet_name = sheet_name;
    this._column_names = column_names;
    this._rows = rows;

  get sheet_name() {
    return this._sheet_name;

  get column_names() {
    return this._column_names;

  get rows() {
    return this._rows;

  as_key_based() {
    const records: KeyBasedRecord = {};
    for (const row of this.rows) {
      const record = {} as Record; // tslint:disable-line no-object-literal-type-assertion
      row.forEach((value, index) => {
        const key = this.column_names[index];
        record[key] = value;
      if ( { // skip no id / id = 0
        records[`data${}`] = record;

    return records;

  as_separated_key_based(cut_prefix = 0, cut_postfix = 0) {
    const records = this.as_key_based();
    const separated_records: SeparatedKeyBasedRecord = {};
    for (const key in records) { // tslint:disable-line forin
      const record = records[key];
      const id =;
      const cut_id = id.slice(cut_prefix, id.length - cut_postfix);
      const cut_key = `data${cut_id}`;
      if (!separated_records[cut_key]) separated_records[cut_key] = {};
      separated_records[cut_key][key] = record;

    return separated_records;

  as_yaml() {
    return jsyaml.dump(this.as_key_based());

  as_separated_yaml(cut_prefix = 0, cut_postfix = 0) {
    const separated_records = this.as_separated_key_based(cut_prefix, cut_postfix);
    const separated_yamls: {[key: string]: string} = {};
    for (const key in separated_records) { // tslint:disable-line forin
      const records = separated_records[key];
      separated_yamls[key] = jsyaml.dump(records);

    return separated_yamls;

  write_as_yaml(directory: string, name?: string, extension = '.yml') {
    const fso = require('fso').default as import ('fso').FileSystemObject; // tslint:disable-line no-require-imports

    return ? name : this.sheet_name) + extension)

  write_as_yaml_sync(directory: string, name?: string, extension = '.yml') {
    const fso = require('fso').default as import ('fso').FileSystemObject; // tslint:disable-line no-require-imports ? name : this.sheet_name) + extension)

    directory: string, cut_prefix = 0, cut_postfix = 0, name?: string, extension = '.yml',
  ) {
    const separated_yamls = this.as_separated_yaml(cut_prefix, cut_postfix);
    const fso = require('fso').default as import ('fso').FileSystemObject; // tslint:disable-line no-require-imports
    const dir = ? name : this.sheet_name);

    return dir.exists().then((exists) => {
      if (!exists) return dir.mkdirp();
    }).then(() => {
      const promises = [];
      for (const key in separated_yamls) { // tslint:disable-line forin
        const yaml = separated_yamls[key];
        promises.push( + extension).writeFile(yaml));

      return Promise.all(promises);

    directory: string, cut_prefix = 0, cut_postfix = 0, name?: string, extension = '.yml',
  ) {
    const separated_yamls = this.as_separated_yaml(cut_prefix, cut_postfix);
    const fso = require('fso').default as import ('fso').FileSystemObject; // tslint:disable-line no-require-imports
    const dir = ? name : this.sheet_name);
    for (const key in separated_yamls) { // tslint:disable-line forin
      const yaml = separated_yamls[key]; + extension).writeFileSync(yaml);

    directory: string,
    cut_prefix: number | false = false,
    cut_postfix: number | false = false,
    name?: string,
    extension = '.yml',
  ) {
    if (cut_prefix === false && cut_postfix === false) {
      return this.write_as_yaml(directory, name, extension);
    } else {
      return this.write_as_separated_yaml(
        directory, Number(cut_prefix), Number(cut_postfix), name, extension,

    directory: string,
    cut_prefix: number | false = false,
    cut_postfix: number | false = false,
    name?: string,
    extension = '.yml',
  ) {
    if (cut_prefix === false && cut_postfix === false) {
      this.write_as_yaml_sync(directory, name, extension);
    } else {
        directory, Number(cut_prefix), Number(cut_postfix), name, extension,

export class Xlsx2SeedVersionError extends Error {
  row_index: number;
  column_index: number;
  reason: Error;
  address: string;

  constructor(row_index: number, column_index: number, reason: Error) {
    const address = XLSX.utils.encode_cell({c: column_index, r: row_index});
    super(`Version Compare Error at ${address} cell.\nreason:\n---\n${reason.stack}---\n`);
    this.row_index = row_index;
    this.column_index = column_index;
    this.reason = reason;
    this.address = address;