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This is the official NeverBounce V4 API for Ruby. See also:

* Our full RubyDoc documentation:
* Our full REST API documentation:
* RubyGems CLI:

## Installation

In your `Gemfile`, add:

gem "neverbounce-api"

> For **edge version,** fetch the gem directly:
> ```ruby
> gem "neverbounce-api", git: ""
> ```

Install bundle:

$ bundle install

In your Ruby code, do a:

require "neverbounce"

## Usage

To talk to the API, create a `Client` object and call one of its request methods.
For example, let's get account info:

client = "secret_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")   # Insert YOUR key here.
resp = client.account_info

if resp.ok?
  puts "Free credits used: #{resp.credits_info.free_credits_used}"
  puts "Free credits remaining: #{resp.credits_info.free_credits_remaining}"
  # This is a `Response::ErrorMessage`.
  puts "Error: #{resp.status}: #{resp.message}"

>**The API username and secret key used to authenticate V3 API requests will not work to authenticate V4 API requests.** If you are attempting to authenticate your request with the 8 character username or 12-16 character secret key the request will return an `auth_failure` error. The API key used for the V4 API will look like the following: `secret_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`. To create new V4 API credentials please go [here](

Now, let's check a single e-mail:

resp = client.single_check(email: "")
if resp.ok?
  puts "Result: #{resp.result}"
  puts "Flags: #{resp.flags.join(' ')}"
  puts "Error: #{resp.status}: #{resp.message}"

### Error handling

Our API library raises subclasses of `API::Error` for higher-level errors and subclasses of `StandardError` in all other cases. This wrapper guarantees that you catch all errors from the API library:

  client =
  resp = client.jobs_create(...)
rescue => e
  # Log the error with full backtrace.

If you're running a background job, it's generally better to **log the full backtrace** in case you encounter unexpected server behaviour or something like that.

## Client requests

This a is complete list of requests supported by `API::Client`.

### Get account information

resp = client.account_info

See also: [method](, [REST](

### Check a single address

resp = client.single_check(email: "")
resp = client.single_check(email: "", address_info: true, credits_info: true, timeout: 3)

### Confirm frontend (Javascript Widget) verification

resp = client.poe_confirm(email: "", transaction_id: "NBTRNS-abcdefg123456", confirmation_token: "abcdefg123456", result: "valid")

See also: [method](, [REST](

### Create a bulk job

resp = client.jobs_create(supplied_input: [["", "Alice Roberts"], ["", "Bob Smith"]])
resp = client.jobs_create(remote_input: "")
resp = client.jobs_create(remote_input: "", filename: "emails.csv", run_sample: true)
resp = client.jobs_create(remote_input: "", filename: "emails.csv", auto_start: true)

See also: [method](, [REST](

### Get bulk job status

resp = client.jobs_status(job_id: 123)

See also: [method](, [REST](

### Get bulk job results

resp = client.jobs_results(job_id: 123)
resp = client.jobs_results(job_id: 123, page: 1, per_page: 20)    # Grab the first 20.

# Process items:
resp.results.items.each do |item| ...

See also: [method](, [Item](, [REST](

### Download bulk job result as CSV

resp = client.jobs_download(job_id: 123)

# Parse:
emails = CSV.parse(resp.raw)

See also: [method](, [REST](

### List/search bulk jobs

resp = client.jobs_search
resp = client.jobs_search(page: 1, per_page: 20)    # Grab the first 20.

# Process items:
resp.results.each do |item|

See also: [method](, [Result](, [REST](

### Start an existing bulk job

resp = client.jobs_start(job_id: 123)

See also: [method](, [REST](

### Parse an existing bulk job

resp = client.jobs_parse(job_id: 123)

See also: [method](, [REST](

### Delete a bulk job

resp = client.jobs_delete(job_id: 123)

See also: [method](, [REST](

## Debugging in the console

When you make requests from the console, you'll notice that the responses don't show you any content, i.e. instance variables:

irb> resp = client.account_info
=> #<NeverBounce::API::Response::AccountInfo:0x0056245c3e56f8>
irb> resp.inspect
=> "#<NeverBounce::API::Response::AccountInfo:0x0056245c3e56f8>"

It happens because by design our response containers **lazy-load their attributes** upon first access. Let's request an attribute:

irb> resp.status
=> "success"
irb> resp
=> #<NeverBounce::API::Response::AccountInfo:0x0056245c3e56f8 @status="success">

In order to load **all** attributes use method `.touch`, like this:

irb> resp.touch
=> #<NeverBounce::API::Response::AccountInfo:0x0056245c3e56f8 @status="success",
@execution_time=98, @credits_info=#<NeverBounce::API::Response::CreditsInfo::Paid:0x0056245c430478
@paid_credits_used=0, @free_credits_used=0, @paid_credits_remaining=1000000,
@completed=10, @processing=0, @queued=0, @under_review=0>>

This is true for all API response containers and sub-containers. See [#touch]( in the docs.

## Advanced usage

For most regular tasks `Client` is powerful enough. However, if you need more control, you can use [Request](, [Session]( and [Response]( classes directly. Please refer to the online docs.

For example, our [CLI gem]( uses them.

## Command line interface

We've got a gem called [neverbounce-cli]( which gives you a set of powerful CLI scripts to use our API.

We recommend to install the CLI to have these tools at hand.

## Compatibility

Minimum Ruby version is 2.0.

## Copyright

NeverBounce API for Ruby is free and is licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright &copy; 2017 NeverBounce.