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'use strict'

const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer
const StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder
const decoder = new StringDecoder()
const errors = require('redis-errors')
const ReplyError = errors.ReplyError
const ParserError = errors.ParserError
var bufferPool = Buffer.allocUnsafe(32 * 1024)
var bufferOffset = 0
var interval = null
var counter = 0
var notDecreased = 0

 * Used for integer numbers only
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {undefined|number}
function parseSimpleNumbers (parser) {
  const length = parser.buffer.length - 1
  var offset = parser.offset
  var number = 0
  var sign = 1

  if (parser.buffer[offset] === 45) {
    sign = -1

  while (offset < length) {
    const c1 = parser.buffer[offset++]
    if (c1 === 13) { // \r\n
      parser.offset = offset + 1
      return sign * number
    number = (number * 10) + (c1 - 48)

 * Used for integer numbers in case of the returnNumbers option
 * Reading the string as parts of n SMI is more efficient than
 * using a string directly.
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {undefined|string}
function parseStringNumbers (parser) {
  const length = parser.buffer.length - 1
  var offset = parser.offset
  var number = 0
  var res = ''

  if (parser.buffer[offset] === 45) {
    res += '-'

  while (offset < length) {
    var c1 = parser.buffer[offset++]
    if (c1 === 13) { // \r\n
      parser.offset = offset + 1
      if (number !== 0) {
        res += number
      return res
    } else if (number > 429496728) {
      res += (number * 10) + (c1 - 48)
      number = 0
    } else if (c1 === 48 && number === 0) {
      res += 0
    } else {
      number = (number * 10) + (c1 - 48)

 * Parse a '+' redis simple string response but forward the offsets
 * onto convertBufferRange to generate a string.
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {undefined|string|Buffer}
function parseSimpleString (parser) {
  const start = parser.offset
  const buffer = parser.buffer
  const length = buffer.length - 1
  var offset = start

  while (offset < length) {
    if (buffer[offset++] === 13) { // \r\n
      parser.offset = offset + 1
      if (parser.optionReturnBuffers === true) {
        return parser.buffer.slice(start, offset - 1)
      return parser.buffer.toString('utf8', start, offset - 1)

 * Returns the read length
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {undefined|number}
function parseLength (parser) {
  const length = parser.buffer.length - 1
  var offset = parser.offset
  var number = 0

  while (offset < length) {
    const c1 = parser.buffer[offset++]
    if (c1 === 13) {
      parser.offset = offset + 1
      return number
    number = (number * 10) + (c1 - 48)

 * Parse a ':' redis integer response
 * If stringNumbers is activated the parser always returns numbers as string
 * This is important for big numbers (number > Math.pow(2, 53)) as js numbers
 * are 64bit floating point numbers with reduced precision
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {undefined|number|string}
function parseInteger (parser) {
  if (parser.optionStringNumbers === true) {
    return parseStringNumbers(parser)
  return parseSimpleNumbers(parser)

 * Parse a '$' redis bulk string response
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {undefined|null|string}
function parseBulkString (parser) {
  const length = parseLength(parser)
  if (length === undefined) {
  if (length < 0) {
    return null
  const offset = parser.offset + length
  if (offset + 2 > parser.buffer.length) {
    parser.bigStrSize = offset + 2
    parser.totalChunkSize = parser.buffer.length
  const start = parser.offset
  parser.offset = offset + 2
  if (parser.optionReturnBuffers === true) {
    return parser.buffer.slice(start, offset)
  return parser.buffer.toString('utf8', start, offset)

 * Parse a '-' redis error response
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {ReplyError}
function parseError (parser) {
  var string = parseSimpleString(parser)
  if (string !== undefined) {
    if (parser.optionReturnBuffers === true) {
      string = string.toString()
    return new ReplyError(string)

 * Parsing error handler, resets parser buffer
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @param {number} type
 * @returns {undefined}
function handleError (parser, type) {
  const err = new ParserError(
    'Protocol error, got ' + JSON.stringify(String.fromCharCode(type)) + ' as reply type byte',
  parser.buffer = null

 * Parse a '*' redis array response
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {undefined|null|any[]}
function parseArray (parser) {
  const length = parseLength(parser)
  if (length === undefined) {
  if (length < 0) {
    return null
  const responses = new Array(length)
  return parseArrayElements(parser, responses, 0)

 * Push a partly parsed array to the stack
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @param {any[]} array
 * @param {number} pos
 * @returns {undefined}
function pushArrayCache (parser, array, pos) {

 * Parse chunked redis array response
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {undefined|any[]}
function parseArrayChunks (parser) {
  var arr = parser.arrayCache.pop()
  var pos = parser.arrayPos.pop()
  if (parser.arrayCache.length) {
    const res = parseArrayChunks(parser)
    if (res === undefined) {
      pushArrayCache(parser, arr, pos)
    arr[pos++] = res
  return parseArrayElements(parser, arr, pos)

 * Parse redis array response elements
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @param {Array} responses
 * @param {number} i
 * @returns {undefined|null|any[]}
function parseArrayElements (parser, responses, i) {
  const bufferLength = parser.buffer.length
  while (i < responses.length) {
    const offset = parser.offset
    if (parser.offset >= bufferLength) {
      pushArrayCache(parser, responses, i)
    const response = parseType(parser, parser.buffer[parser.offset++])
    if (response === undefined) {
      if (!(parser.arrayCache.length || parser.bufferCache.length)) {
        parser.offset = offset
      pushArrayCache(parser, responses, i)
    responses[i] = response

  return responses

 * Called the appropriate parser for the specified type.
 * 36: $
 * 43: +
 * 42: *
 * 58: :
 * 45: -
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @param {number} type
 * @returns {*}
function parseType (parser, type) {
  switch (type) {
    case 36:
      return parseBulkString(parser)
    case 43:
      return parseSimpleString(parser)
    case 42:
      return parseArray(parser)
    case 58:
      return parseInteger(parser)
    case 45:
      return parseError(parser)
      return handleError(parser, type)

 * Decrease the bufferPool size over time
 * Balance between increasing and decreasing the bufferPool.
 * Decrease the bufferPool by 10% by removing the first 10% of the current pool.
 * @returns {undefined}
function decreaseBufferPool () {
  if (bufferPool.length > 50 * 1024) {
    if (counter === 1 || notDecreased > counter * 2) {
      const minSliceLen = Math.floor(bufferPool.length / 10)
      const sliceLength = minSliceLen < bufferOffset
        ? bufferOffset
        : minSliceLen
      bufferOffset = 0
      bufferPool = bufferPool.slice(sliceLength, bufferPool.length)
    } else {
  } else {
    counter = 0
    notDecreased = 0
    interval = null

 * Check if the requested size fits in the current bufferPool.
 * If it does not, reset and increase the bufferPool accordingly.
 * @param {number} length
 * @returns {undefined}
function resizeBuffer (length) {
  if (bufferPool.length < length + bufferOffset) {
    const multiplier = length > 1024 * 1024 * 75 ? 2 : 3
    if (bufferOffset > 1024 * 1024 * 111) {
      bufferOffset = 1024 * 1024 * 50
    bufferPool = Buffer.allocUnsafe(length * multiplier + bufferOffset)
    bufferOffset = 0
    if (interval === null) {
      interval = setInterval(decreaseBufferPool, 50)

 * Concat a bulk string containing multiple chunks
 * Notes:
 * 1) The first chunk might contain the whole bulk string including the \r
 * 2) We are only safe to fully add up elements that are neither the first nor any of the last two elements
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {String}
function concatBulkString (parser) {
  const list = parser.bufferCache
  const oldOffset = parser.offset
  var chunks = list.length
  var offset = parser.bigStrSize - parser.totalChunkSize
  parser.offset = offset
  if (offset <= 2) {
    if (chunks === 2) {
      return list[0].toString('utf8', oldOffset, list[0].length + offset - 2)
    offset = list[list.length - 2].length + offset
  var res = decoder.write(list[0].slice(oldOffset))
  for (var i = 1; i < chunks - 1; i++) {
    res += decoder.write(list[i])
  res += decoder.end(list[i].slice(0, offset - 2))
  return res

 * Concat the collected chunks from parser.bufferCache.
 * Increases the bufferPool size beforehand if necessary.
 * @param {JavascriptRedisParser} parser
 * @returns {Buffer}
function concatBulkBuffer (parser) {
  const list = parser.bufferCache
  const oldOffset = parser.offset
  const length = parser.bigStrSize - oldOffset - 2
  var chunks = list.length
  var offset = parser.bigStrSize - parser.totalChunkSize
  parser.offset = offset
  if (offset <= 2) {
    if (chunks === 2) {
      return list[0].slice(oldOffset, list[0].length + offset - 2)
    offset = list[list.length - 2].length + offset
  const start = bufferOffset
  list[0].copy(bufferPool, start, oldOffset, list[0].length)
  bufferOffset += list[0].length - oldOffset
  for (var i = 1; i < chunks - 1; i++) {
    list[i].copy(bufferPool, bufferOffset)
    bufferOffset += list[i].length
  list[i].copy(bufferPool, bufferOffset, 0, offset - 2)
  bufferOffset += offset - 2
  return bufferPool.slice(start, bufferOffset)

class JavascriptRedisParser {
   * Javascript Redis Parser constructor
   * @param {{returnError: Function, returnReply: Function, returnFatalError?: Function, returnBuffers: boolean, stringNumbers: boolean }} options
   * @constructor
  constructor (options) {
    if (!options) {
      throw new TypeError('Options are mandatory.')
    if (typeof options.returnError !== 'function' || typeof options.returnReply !== 'function') {
      throw new TypeError('The returnReply and returnError options have to be functions.')
    this.returnError = options.returnError
    this.returnFatalError = options.returnFatalError || options.returnError
    this.returnReply = options.returnReply

   * Reset the parser values to the initial state
   * @returns {undefined}
  reset () {
    this.offset = 0
    this.buffer = null
    this.bigStrSize = 0
    this.totalChunkSize = 0
    this.bufferCache = []
    this.arrayCache = []
    this.arrayPos = []

   * Set the returnBuffers option
   * @param {boolean} returnBuffers
   * @returns {undefined}
  setReturnBuffers (returnBuffers) {
    if (typeof returnBuffers !== 'boolean') {
      throw new TypeError('The returnBuffers argument has to be a boolean')
    this.optionReturnBuffers = returnBuffers

   * Set the stringNumbers option
   * @param {boolean} stringNumbers
   * @returns {undefined}
  setStringNumbers (stringNumbers) {
    if (typeof stringNumbers !== 'boolean') {
      throw new TypeError('The stringNumbers argument has to be a boolean')
    this.optionStringNumbers = stringNumbers

   * Parse the redis buffer
   * @param {Buffer} buffer
   * @returns {undefined}
  execute (buffer) {
    if (this.buffer === null) {
      this.buffer = buffer
      this.offset = 0
    } else if (this.bigStrSize === 0) {
      const oldLength = this.buffer.length
      const remainingLength = oldLength - this.offset
      const newBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(remainingLength + buffer.length)
      this.buffer.copy(newBuffer, 0, this.offset, oldLength)
      buffer.copy(newBuffer, remainingLength, 0, buffer.length)
      this.buffer = newBuffer
      this.offset = 0
      if (this.arrayCache.length) {
        const arr = parseArrayChunks(this)
        if (arr === undefined) {
    } else if (this.totalChunkSize + buffer.length >= this.bigStrSize) {
      var tmp = this.optionReturnBuffers ? concatBulkBuffer(this) : concatBulkString(this)
      this.bigStrSize = 0
      this.bufferCache = []
      this.buffer = buffer
      if (this.arrayCache.length) {
        this.arrayCache[0][this.arrayPos[0]++] = tmp
        tmp = parseArrayChunks(this)
        if (tmp === undefined) {
    } else {
      this.totalChunkSize += buffer.length

    while (this.offset < this.buffer.length) {
      const offset = this.offset
      const type = this.buffer[this.offset++]
      const response = parseType(this, type)
      if (response === undefined) {
        if (!(this.arrayCache.length || this.bufferCache.length)) {
          this.offset = offset

      if (type === 45) {
      } else {

    this.buffer = null

module.exports = JavascriptRedisParser