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Test Coverage
    "general": {
        "privacy": "Privacy",
        "imprint": "Imprint",
        "about": "About",
        "loading": "Loading...",
        "email-address": "EMail Address",
        "password": "Password"
    "router": {
        "login": "Login",
        "register": "Register",
        "reset-password": "Reset password",
        "change-password": "Change password",
        "confirm": "Confirm your identity",
        "review": "Review Activity",
        "about": "About this page"
    "about": {
        "icons": "Icons",
        "opensource": "Open Source Components",
        "security": "Security Reports",
        "security-banner": "To be listed here, find and report important security vulnerabilities"
    "audit": {
        "wrong-account": "Please log into your account {username} to continue to {website}",
        "logout": "Log out",
        "continue-page": "Continue to {website}",
        "sso-out-error": "Encountered an error logging into {website}. Try to reload the page or attempt another sign in from this page!"
    "audit-log": {
        "load-more": "Load more",
        "close-sessions": "Close sessions",
        "report": "This wasn't me - report suspicious event",
        "meta": "by IP {IP} at {date}",
        "titles": {
            "page-registration": "Page registration",
            "page-request": "Login request",
            "page-login": "Logged into page",
            "login-email": "EMail confirmation",
            "login-password": "User login",
            "authenticator-add": "Authenticator added",
            "authenticator-remove": "Authenticator removed",
            "authenticator-login": "Authenticator confirmation",
            "session-clean": "Sessions closed",
            "session-report": "Activity reported"
        "messages": {
            "page-registration": "Registered by page {attribute}",
            "page-request": "Login request from {attribute}",
            "page-login": "Logged in to {attribute}",
            "login-email": "Login via EMail confirmation",
            "login-password": "Login via password",
            "authenticator-add": "Device {attribute} added",
            "authenticator-remove": "Device {attribute} removed",
            "authenticator-login": "Logged in using {attribute}",
            "session-clean": "Other sessions closed",
            "session-report": "Reported suspicious activity #{attribute}"
    "authenticator": {
        "add": "Add authenticator",
        "review": "Review authenticators",
        "remove": "Remove this authenticator",
        "hint": "Do you want to speed up your next login? Give this device a name and add it to your account.",
        "fido2-title": "FIDO2 Token",
        "cert-title": "Device Certificate",
        "choose-type-title": "Choose the type of authenticator you want to add",
        "choose": "Choose...",
        "choose-cert": "Certificate",
        "fill-choose": "Please select a type",
        "label": "Label",
        "label-title": "Enter a name for this authenticator",
        "fill-label": "Please enter a name",
        "submit-title": "Fill out details and click here to add an authenticator"
    "change-password": {
        "token": "E-Mail Token",
        "fill-token": "Enter the full confirmation token that you received via email",
        "confirm-password": "Confirm Password",
        "fill-confirmation": "The passwords do not match",
        "submit": "Apply Changes"
    "login": {
        "404": "Username or password invalid",
        "fill-email": "Please provide a valid email address",
        "reset-password": "Forgot Password?",
        "fill-password": "Password policy: Minimum 8 characters",
        "login": "Login",
        "no-account": "Don't have an account?",
        "register": "Register Now",
        "resume": "Resume session as {email}"
    "register": {
        "toc-agree-label": "I agree to the Terms and Conditions",
        "fill-toc": "You need to agree to use this service",
        "success": "If the email address you entered is not already registered, please check your email inbox for a confirmation link!",
        "400": "Your password was not sufficiently secure or you are resetting from a different network than you requested it from.",
        "register": "Register",
        "already-account": "Already have an account?",
        "switch-login": "Back to login"
    "reset-password": {
        "error": "An error occured - please try again later!",
        "success": "If the email address you entered is known, please check your email inbox for a password reset link!",
        "reset-password": "Reset password",
        "remember-password": "Remember you password?"
    "confirm": {
        "fido2": "FIDO2",
        "email": "EMail",
        "success": "Please check your email inbox for an authentication link. You can close this window now.",
        "400": "Email token invalid",
        "401": "Invalid FIDO2 authenticator",
        "wrong-account": "Wrong account?"