import { Constructor, Instance } from "../types";
import { reflectType } from "../utils/directory.loader";
import { DtoPropsTypes, getDtoProps } from "./";
export function plainToClass<T>(target: Constructor<T>, object: any) {
return processClass(target, object);
function processClass<T>(target: Constructor<T>, objectPart: any) {
const instance = new target();
const ptorotype = Object.getPrototypeOf(instance);
/* Copy fields that not participate in schema definition */
Object.keys(objectPart).forEach((key) => (instance as any)[key] = objectPart[key]);
for (const property of getDtoProps(ptorotype)) {
(instance as any)[property] = processProperty(instance, property, objectPart, ptorotype);
return instance;
function processProperty<T>(instance: Instance, propertyKey: string | symbol, objectPart: any, prototype: any) {
const type = reflectType(instance, propertyKey);
const sourceValue = objectPart[propertyKey];
const isPrimitive = [ Number, String, Boolean, Object ].includes(type);
let value;
if (type === Array) {
value = DtoPropsTypes.has(prototype) && DtoPropsTypes.get(prototype)![propertyKey] ? processArray(DtoPropsTypes.get(prototype)![propertyKey], sourceValue) : sourceValue;
} else if (isPrimitive) {
value = sourceValue;
} else if (typeof type === "function") {
value = processClass(type, sourceValue);
return value;
function processArray<T>(target: Constructor<T>, array: any[]) {
return => processClass(target, entry));