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App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
App::uses('Xml', 'Utility');

 * Edexml Model.
class Edexml extends AppModel {

 * Use table
 * @var mixed False or table name
    public $useTable = false;

 * The (translation) domain to be used for extracted validation messages in models.
 * @var string
    public $validationDomain = 'edexml';

 * Validation rules
 * @var array
    public $validate = [
        'file' => [
            'uploadError' => [
                'rule' => 'uploadError',
                'message' => 'File upload failed',
                'last' => true
            'extension' => [
                'rule' => ['extension', ['xml']],
                'message' => 'Must be a xml file',
                'last' => true
            'fileSize' => [
                'rule' => ['fileSize', '<=', '1MB'],
                'message' => 'Must be smaller than 1MB',
                'last' => true
            'mimeType' => [
                'rule' => ['mimeType', ['application/xml', 'text/xml']],
                'message' => 'Must be of type `xml`'
            'edexml' => [
                'rule' => 'validateEdexml',
                'message' => 'Must be a valid Edexml file'

 * Year group to grade mapping
 * @var array
    protected $_yearGroupToGradeMapping = [
        'B' => 1,            // Baby's leeftijd 0 tot 12 maanden
        'D' => 1,            // Dreumesen leeftijd 1 tot 2 jaar
        0 => 1,                // Peutergroep / Kleutergroep 1
        1 => 1,                // Groep 1 / Kleutergroep 2
        2 => 2,                // Groep 2 / Kleutergroep 3
        3 => 3,                // Groep 3 / Klas 1
        4 => 4,                // Groep 4 / Klas 2
        5 => 5,                // Groep 5 / Klas 3
        6 => 6,                // Groep 6 / Klas 4
        7 => 7,                // Groep 7 / Klas 5
        8 => 8,                // Groep 8 / Klas 6
        11 => 9,            // Voortgezet onderwijs leerjaar 1 / Secundair onderwijs leerjaar 1 (Vlaanderen)
        12 => 10,            // Voortgezet onderwijs leerjaar 2 / Secundair onderwijs leerjaar 2 (Vlaanderen)
        13 => 11,            // Voortgezet onderwijs leerjaar 3 / Secundair onderwijs leerjaar 3 (Vlaanderen)
        14 => 12,            // Voortgezet onderwijs leerjaar 4 / Secundair onderwijs leerjaar 4 (Vlaanderen)
        15 => 13,            // Voortgezet onderwijs leerjaar 5 / Secundair onderwijs leerjaar 5 (Vlaanderen)
        16 => 14,            // Voortgezet onderwijs leerjaar 6 / Secundair onderwijs leerjaar 6 (Vlaanderen)
        'S' => 19,        // S(B)O (speciaal (basis)onderwijs / BuO (buitengewoon kleuter/lager onderwijs, Vlaanderen)
        'V' => null,    // VSO (voortgezet speciaal onderwijs) / BuSO (buitengewoon secundair onderwijs, Vlaanderen)
        'C' => null,    // Combinatiegroep (jaargroep per leerling vastgelegd)
        'N' => 19,        // Niet PO / VO
        'H' => null        // Historisch

 * School Classes
 * @var array
    protected $_schoolClasses = [];

 * An Edexml file validation function to be used in Models.
 * @param array $check Model data for a file upload ('field' => 'value')
 * @return bool Whether or not the Edexml file is valid
    public function validateEdexml($check) {
        $value = array_shift($check);

        return (bool)$this->_parse($value['tmp_name']);

 * Convert XML file to DOMDocument and validate against Edexml XSD
 * @param string $filename Filename of XML file
 * @return bool|DOMDocument A DOMDocument, or false on validation errors
    protected function _parse($filename) {
        if (!file_exists($filename)) {
            return false;

        // Enable user error handling

        $dom = Xml::build($filename, ['return' => 'domdocument']);
        if (!$dom) {
            return false;

        $schemaFile = CakePlugin::path('Edexml') . 'File' . DS . 'EDEXML-2.1' . DS . 'EDEXML.structuur.xsd';
        if (!$dom->schemaValidate($schemaFile)) {
            foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
                CakeLog::error($this->_displayXmlError($error), 'debug');


            return false;

        return $dom;

 * Parse XML into array
 * @param string $filename Filename of XML file to parse
 * @return mixed data (array), or false (boolean) on failure
    public function parseToArray($filename) {
        $data = $this->_parse($filename);
        if ($data) {
            $data = Xml::toArray($data);

        return $data;

 * Convert libXMLError to human-readable string
 * @param libXMLError $error A libXMLError error
 * @return string Human-readable string
    protected function _displayXmlError($error) {
        $return = '';
        $return .= str_repeat('-', $error->column) . "^\n";

        switch ($error->level) {
            case LIBXML_ERR_WARNING:
                $return .= "Warning $error->code: ";
            case LIBXML_ERR_ERROR:
                $return .= "Error $error->code: ";
            case LIBXML_ERR_FATAL:
                $return .= "Fatal Error $error->code: ";

        $return .= trim($error->message) .
            "\n  Line: $error->line" .
            "\n  Column: $error->column";

        return "$return\n\n--------------------------------------------\n\n";

 * Convert Edexml key to reusable key
 * @param string $key Edexml key
 * @return mixed Edexml key (string), or null (null) when key is not reusable
    protected function _convertKey($key) {
        $result = null;
        if (is_string($key) && substr($key, 0, 1) !== '#') {
            $result = $key;

        return $result;

 * Extract names (first and last name) from user element in extracted Edexml data
 * @param array $user User element from extracted Edexml data
 * @return array Normalized data (first name and last name)
    protected function _convertNames($user) {
        $result = [
            'first_name' => '',
            'last_name' => ''

        if (!empty($user['voorvoegsel'])) {
            $result['last_name'] .= $user['voorvoegsel'] . ' ';
        if (!empty($user['achternaam'])) {
            $result['last_name'] .= $user['achternaam'];

        if (empty($result['first_name']) && !empty($user['roepnaam'])) {
            $result['first_name'] = $user['roepnaam'];
        if (empty($result['first_name']) && !empty($user['voornamen'])) {
            $result['first_name'] = $user['voornamen'];
        if (empty($result['first_name']) && !empty($user['voorletters-1'])) {
            $result['first_name'] = $user['voorletters-1'];

        return $result;

 * Convert school element in extracted Edexml data to normalized data
 * @param array $school School element from extracted Edexml data
 * @return array Normalized data
    protected function _convertSchool($school) {
        $result = [
            'key' => null
        if (!empty($school['schoolkey'])) {
            $result['key'] = $this->_convertKey($school['schoolkey']);

        return $result;

 * Convert school class element in extracted Edexml data to normalized data
 * @param array $schoolClass School class element from extracted Edexml data
 * @return array Normalized data
    protected function _convertSchoolClass($schoolClass) {
        $result = [
            'key' => null,
            'grade' => null
        if (!empty($schoolClass['@key'])) {
            $result['key'] = $this->_convertKey($schoolClass['@key']);
        $result['name'] = $schoolClass['naam'];
        $result['grade'] = $this->_yearGroupToGradeMapping[$schoolClass['jaargroep']];

        return $result;

 * Convert school element in extracted Edexml data to normalized data
 * @param array $schoolClasses School classes element from extracted Edexml data
 * @return array Normalized data
    protected function _convertSchoolClasses($schoolClasses) {
        $result = [];
        if (!empty($schoolClasses)) {
            foreach ($schoolClasses as $schoolClass) {
                $result[$schoolClass['@key']] = $this->_convertSchoolClass($schoolClass);

        return $result;

 * Convert student element in extracted Edexml data to normalized data
 * @param array $student Student element from extracted Edexml data
 * @return array Normalized data
    protected function _convertStudent($student) {
        $result = [
            'key' => null,
            'date_of_birth' => null,
            'gender' => null,
            'grade' => null,
            'SchoolClass' => []

        if (!empty($student['@key'])) {
            $result['key'] = $this->_convertKey($student['@key']);

        if (!empty($student['@eckid'])) {
            $result['eckid'] = $student['@eckid'];

        $result = array_merge($result, $this->_convertNames($student));
        if (!empty($student['geboortedatum'])) {
            if (strtotime($student['geboortedatum'])) {
                $result['date_of_birth'] = $student['geboortedatum'];

        if (!empty($student['geslacht'])) {
            switch ($student['geslacht']) {
                case 1:
                    $result['gender'] = 'm';
                case 2:
                    $result['gender'] = 'f';

        if (!empty($student['groep']['@key'])) {
            $result['SchoolClass'][$student['groep']['@key']] = $this->_schoolClasses[$student['groep']['@key']];
            $result['grade'] = $this->_schoolClasses[$student['groep']['@key']]['grade'];

        if (!empty($student['jaargroep'])) {
            $result['grade'] = $this->_yearGroupToGradeMapping[$student['jaargroep']];

        return $result;

 * Convert teacher element in extracted Edexml data to normalized data
 * @param array $teacher Teacher element from extracted Edexml data
 * @return array Normalized data
    protected function _convertTeacher($teacher) {
        $result = [
            'key' => null,
            'date_of_birth' => null,
            'gender' => null,
            'grade' => null,
            'email_address' => null,
            'SchoolClass' => []

        if (!empty($teacher['@key'])) {
            $result['key'] = $this->_convertKey($teacher['@key']);

        if (!empty($teacher['@eckid'])) {
            $result['eckid'] = $teacher['@eckid'];

        $result = array_merge($result, $this->_convertNames($teacher));

        if (!empty($teacher['emailadres'])) {
            $result['email_address'] = $teacher['emailadres'];

        if (!empty($teacher['groepen']['groep'])) {
            if (!Hash::numeric(array_keys($teacher['groepen']['groep']))) {
                $teacher['groepen']['groep'] = [$teacher['groepen']['groep']];

            foreach ($teacher['groepen']['groep'] as $groep) {
                $result['SchoolClass'][$groep['@key']] = $this->_schoolClasses[$groep['@key']];

        return $result;

 * Convert extracted Edexml data to normalized data
 * @param array $data Extracted Edexml data
 * @return array Normalized data
    public function convert($data) {
        $result = [];

        $result['school'] = $this->_convertSchool($data['EDEX']['school']);

        if (!empty($data['EDEX']['groepen']['groep'])) {
            if (!Hash::numeric(array_keys($data['EDEX']['groepen']['groep']))) {
                $data['EDEX']['groepen']['groep'] = [$data['EDEX']['groepen']['groep']];

            $this->_schoolClasses = $this->_convertSchoolClasses($data['EDEX']['groepen']['groep']);
            $result['SchoolClass'] = $this->_schoolClasses;

        if (!empty($data['EDEX']['leerlingen']['leerling'])) {
            if (!Hash::numeric(array_keys($data['EDEX']['leerlingen']['leerling']))) {
                $data['EDEX']['leerlingen']['leerling'] = [$data['EDEX']['leerlingen']['leerling']];
            foreach ($data['EDEX']['leerlingen']['leerling'] as $i => $student) {
                $result['Student'][$i] = $this->_convertStudent($student);

        if (!empty($data['EDEX']['leerkrachten']['leerkracht'])) {
            if (!Hash::numeric(array_keys($data['EDEX']['leerkrachten']['leerkracht']))) {
                $data['EDEX']['leerkrachten']['leerkracht'] = [$data['EDEX']['leerkrachten']['leerkracht']];

            foreach ($data['EDEX']['leerkrachten']['leerkracht'] as $i => $teacher) {
                $result['Teacher'][$i] = $this->_convertTeacher($teacher);

        return $result;