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App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');

 * QueuedTask Model.
class QueuedTask extends AppModel {

 * The (translation) domain to be used for extracted validation messages in models.
 * @var string
    public $validationDomain = 'queue';

 * Adds a new Job to the queue.
 * @param string $taskName A queue task name
 * @param array $data Any data
 * @param ?string $notBefore A datetime which indicates when the job may be executed
 * @return mixed On success `Model::$data` if its not empty or true, false on failure
    public function createJob(string $taskName, array $data, $notBefore = null) {
        $data = [
            'task' => $taskName,
            'data' => serialize($data),
            'not_before' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),

        if (!empty($notBefore)) {
            $data['not_before'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($notBefore));


        return $this->save($data);

 * Looks for a new job that can be processed with the current abilities
 * @param array $capabilities Available queue worker tasks.
 * @param array $types Request a job from these types (or exclude certain types), or any otherwise.
 * @return mixed Job data or false.
    public function requestJob($capabilities, array $types = []) {
        $idlist = [];
        $wasFetched = [];

        $this->virtualFields['age'] = 'IFNULL(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, NOW(), not_before), 0)';
        $conditions = [
            'completed' => null,
            'OR' => []
        $fields = [
        $order = [
            'age' => 'ASC',
            'id' => 'ASC'
        $limit = Configure::read('Queue.workers');

        if ($types) {
            $conditions = $this->_addFilter($conditions, 'task', $types);

        // Generate the job specific conditions.
        foreach ($capabilities as $task) {
            list($plugin, $name) = pluginSplit($task['name']);
            $tmp = [
                'task' => $name,
                'AND' => [
                    'not_before <=' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                        'OR' => [
                            'fetched <' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - $task['timeout']),
                            'fetched' => null
                'failed_count <' => ($task['retries'] + 1)
            $conditions['OR'][] = $tmp;

        // First, find a list of a few of the oldest unfinished jobs.
        $data = $this->find('all', compact('conditions', 'fields', 'order', 'limit'));

        if (!empty($data)) {
            // Generate a list of their ids
            foreach ($data as $item) {
                $idlist[] = $item[$this->name]['id'];
                if (!empty($item[$this->name]['fetched'])) {
                    $wasFetched[] = $item[$this->name]['id'];

            // Generate a unique identifier for the current worker thread
            $key = sha1(microtime());

            // Try to update one of the found jobs with the key of this worker.
                'UPDATE ' . $this->tablePrefix . $this->table . ' SET worker_key = "' . $key .
                '", fetched = "' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '" WHERE ' .
                'id IN(' . implode(',', $idlist) . ') AND ' .
                '(worker_key IS NULL OR fetched <= "' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - $task['timeout']) . '") ' .
                'ORDER BY ' . $this->virtualFields['age'] . ' ASC LIMIT 1'

            // Read which one actually got updated, which is the job we are supposed to execute.
            $conditions = ['worker_key' => $key];
            $data = $this->find('first', compact('conditions'));
            if (!empty($data)) {
                // If the job had an existing fetched timestamp, increment the failure counter.
                if (in_array($data[$this->name]['id'], $wasFetched)) {
                    $data[$this->name]['failed_count'] += 1;
                    $data[$this->name]['failure_message'] = 'Restart after timeout';

                return $data[$this->name];

        return false;

 * Marks a job as completed, removing it from the queue.
 * @param int $id A job id
 * @return mixed On success `Model::$data` if its not empty or true, false on failure
    public function markJobDone($id) {
        $this->id = $id;

        return $this->saveField('completed', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), true);

 * Marks a job as failed, incrementing the failed-counter and requeueing it.
 * @param int $id A job id
 * @param string $failureMessage A message to append to the failure message field (optional)
 * @return bool Success
 * @todo Remove / reimplement getDataSource()->value
 * @suppress PhanUndeclaredMethod
    public function markJobFailed($id, $failureMessage = null) {
        $conditions = compact('id');
        $fields = [
            'failed_count' => 'failed_count + 1',
            'failure_message' => $this->getDataSource()->value($failureMessage, 'failure_message')

        return $this->updateAll($fields, $conditions);

 * Returns the number of items in the queue.
 *    Either returns the number of ALL pending jobs, or the number of pending jobs of the passed task.
 * @param string $taskName A task name to count
 * @return int The number of pending jobs
    public function getLength($taskName = null) : int {
        $conditions = ['completed' => null];
        if (!empty($taskName)) {
            $conditions['task'] = $taskName;

        return (int)$this->find('count', compact('conditions'));

 * Return a list of all task names in the queue.
 * @return array A list of task names
    public function getTypes() : array {
        $fields = ['task', 'task'];
        $group = ['task'];

        return $this->find('list', compact('fields', 'group'));

 * Calculates some statistics for finished jobs (that are still in the database).
 * @return array An array with statistics
    public function getStats() : array {
        $fields = [
            'COUNT(id) AS num',
            'AVG(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(completed) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created)) AS alltime',
            'AVG(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(completed) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fetched)) AS runtime',
            'AVG(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fetched) - IF(not_before IS NULL, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(not_before))) AS fetchdelay'
        $conditions = ['NOT' => ['completed' => null]];
        $group = ['task'];

        return $this->find('all', compact('fields', 'conditions', 'group'));

 * Cleanups / delete completed jobs with given capabilities after cleanup timeout.
 * @param array $capabilities Available queue worker tasks.
 * @return bool Success
    public function cleanOldJobs(array $capabilities) : bool {
        $success = true;
        foreach ($capabilities as $task) {
            list(, $name) = pluginSplit($task['name']);
            $conditions = [
                'task' => $name,
                'completed <' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - $task['cleanupTimeout'])
            if (!$this->deleteAll($conditions, false)) {
                    $success = false;

        return $success;

 * Cleanups / delete failed jobs with given capabilities after maximum retries.
 * @param array $capabilities Available queue worker tasks.
 * @return bool Success
    public function cleanFailedJobs(array $capabilities) : bool {
        $success = true;
        foreach ($capabilities as $task) {
            list(, $name) = pluginSplit($task['name']);
            $conditions = [
                'task' => $name,
                'failed_count >' => $task['retries']
            if (!$this->deleteAll($conditions, false)) {
                    $success = false;

        return $success;

 * Filters field `key` based on the provided values. Values prefixed with '-' are excluded.
 * @param array $conditions Conditions
 * @param string $key Key
 * @param array $values Values
 * @return array the conditions
    protected function _addFilter(array $conditions, $key, array $values) : array {
        $include = [];
        $exclude = [];
        foreach ($values as $value) {
            if (substr($value, 0, 1) === '-') {
                $exclude[] = substr($value, 1);
            } else {
                $include[] = $value;

        if ($include) {
            $conditions[$key . ' IN'] = $include;
        if ($exclude) {
            $conditions[$key . ' NOT IN'] = $exclude;

        return $conditions;
