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description: >-
  Meta_Boxes can be constructed and used as either parts of registered post types,
  or independently for Users, Pages and anywhere else you can natively render

# Meta_Box

### Basic Setup

There are 2 ways to create either kind of Meta_Box

// Manual Instancing
$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');

// Create with normal (wider) context
$meta_box = Meta_Box::normal('my_meta_box_key_1');

Depending on your preferences, you can use the static constructor to create your Meta_Box, or a single chained method call.


## Properties

### $key
> @var string  
> @required  

This is set when creating the meta box `new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1')` or `Meta_Box::normal('my_meta_box_key_1')`

### $label 
> @var string  
> @required

This defines the label of the Meta Box.

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
$meta_box->label ='My First Meta_Box';

### $screen
> @var string[]  

Defines which post types this meta box should be rendered on.

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
$meta_box->screen = ['post', 'page', 'my_cpt'];

### $context
> @var string 
> @default 'normal'  (options 'advanced'|'normal'|'side')

Defines where the Meta Box should render 

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
$meta_box->context = 'side';

### $priority 
> @var string 
> @default 'default'  ('core'|'default'|'high'|'low')

Defines the loading priority of meta boxes in the same context.

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
$meta_box->context = 'side';
$meta_box->priority = 'high';

### $view
> @var null|callable(\WP_Post, array):void  

The callback to render the view. This can be omitted if using `Renderable` to render from a template file.

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
$meta_box->view = function(\WP_Post $post, array $args): void {
  echo 'Hi from my meta_box';
> Any additional vars passed using `view_vars` would be accessible as `$args['args']['custom_key1']`

### $view_vars
> @var array<string, mixed>  

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
$meta_box->view_vars = [
  'key1' => 'value1',
  'key2' => 'value2',

##To make use of `Renderable` and custom template files please use the following

### $view_template
> @var string|null  

This is the path to the template, it should be defined in relation to the base view path defined at Perique setup.

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
$meta_box->view_template = 'path/to/template';

> Please note when using a template, any additional view vars are accessible via the key defined.

$meta_box->view_vars = [
  'key1' => 'value1',
  'key2' => 'value2',

// In template
echo $key1; // 'value1'

### $view_data_filter
> @var callable(\WP_Post, array): array   

Allows to set a callable to be called when the args are passed to the template file. This gives a chance to add additional args and edit them at render time (to avoid race conditions caused by hook timings)

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
$meta_box->view_vars(['key1' => 'value1']);
$meta_box->view_data_filter = function(\WP_Post $post, array $args): array {
  $args['meta_value1'] => get_post_meta($post->ID, 'foo', true);
  // $args = ['key1' => 'value1', 'meta_value1'=> 'value from meta']
  return $args;

### $actions
> @var array<string, array{callback:callable,priority:int,params:int}>   

Defines actions which will only be registered if the meta box is currently rendered on the edit.php for the post.

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
$meta_box->actions['init'] = ['callable' => 'some_function', 'priority'=> 10,'params'=> 1];
> Please note only a single action can be defined per hook!

## Methods

There are also a collection of helper methods which can be used to define the Meta Box fluently.

### label(string): Meta_Box
> @param string  
> @return Meta_Box  

The Meta_Box needs a label applying, this acts as the header value.

$meta_box = Meta_Box::normal('my_meta_box_key_1')
  ->label('My First Meta_Box');

### as_side(): Meta_Box
> @return Meta_Box

Sets the [context](#context) as 'side'

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');

// Or using the static alternative
$meta_box = Meta_Box::side('my_meta_box_key_1');

### as_advanced(): Meta_Box
> @return Meta_Box

Sets the [context](#context) as 'advanced'

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');

// Or using the static alternative
$meta_box = Meta_Box::advanced('my_meta_box_key_1');

### as_normal(): Meta_Box
> @return Meta_Box

Sets the [context](#context) as 'normal'

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');

// Or using the static alternative
$meta_box = Meta_Box::normal('my_meta_box_key_1');

### screen(string): Meta_Box
> @param string $screen  
> @return Meta_Box

You can define whichever screen you wish to render the Meta_Box on. This can be defined by-passing the screen id, post type, or WP\_Screen instance. These should be passed as single values.

// To render on all post and page edit.php pages.
$meta_box = Meta_Box::normal('my_meta_box_key_1')

**If you are registering your Meta_Box when defining a post type, the screen is automatically added when registered. So no need to pass the post type key.**

### priority(string): Meta_Box
> @param string $priority   
> @return Meta_Box

You can use the priority value to denote when the Meta_Box is loaded in context with the rest of the page. By default, this is passed as 'default' but can be 


### action(string, callable, ?int, ?int): Meta_Box
> @param string   $hook   
> @param callable $callback   
> @param int|null $priority   
> @param int|null $params   
> @return Meta_Box

Actions can be applied to Meta_Boxes,  this allows for the verification and processing of additional meta fields. Any form fields added, will be passed to the global POST array. _Care should be taken when using save\_post, as this is fired when the draft post is created and before the Meta_Box is rendered._   
Multiple actions can be passed, allowing for granular control over your Meta_Box data.

// Inline
    function($id, $after_update, $before_update){
      if( isset( $_POST['my_field'] ) {
        update_post_meta($id, 'my_meta', sanitize_text_field($_POST['my_field'])
_Priority has a default of 10 and params of 1._

## Rendering the Meta Box View

There are 2 ways to render the Meta Box view, this can either be done with a simple `callable` or `\Closure` (as per core WP) or making use the `Renderable` service.

### view( callable(\WP_Post,array):void ): Meta_Box
> @param callable(\WP_Post,array):void  
> @return Meta_Box

This allows the setting of a conventional (WP Core) callback to render the view of the meta box. Any additional view_vars will be accessible under `$args['args']`

$meta_box = Meta_Box::normal('my_meta_box_key_1')
  ->view(static function($post, $args){
    echo 'Hi from my meta_box, im called statically as i do not need to be bound to the class. Micro optimisations ;) ';


### view_template(string): Meta_Box
> @param string   
> @return Meta_Box

This allows for the defining of a view template, rather than using the core WP view callback. If a callable is set using `->view(function(){...})`, this will overrule its use and render from the template.

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');

> Please note when using view templates, the WP_Post object is accessible via `$post` and the view vars are accessible based on their key

$meta_box = new Meta_Box('my_meta_box_key_1');
  'key1' => 'value1',
  'key2' => 'value2',

// In template
echo $key1; // 'value1'
echo $post->post_title; // The Post Title

### view_vars(array): Meta_Box
> @param array<string, mixed>   
> @return Meta_Box

Data can be passed through to the Meta_Box view callable, unlike the native Meta_Box functions. The view vars passed to the view callable are only those defined within the view\_vars\(\) method. _These are optional, can be omitted if you don't need to pass additional data._

// Using the view() callable
  ->view_vars(['user_id' => get_current_user_id()])
  ->view(function( WP_Post $post, args $args): void {
    printf("Hello user with ID:%d", $args['user_id']);

// Using view template.
  ->view_vars(['user_id' => get_current_user_id()])
> Template file `'some/path.php'`
Hello user with ID:<?php echo $user_id; ?>

> As the post is auto added to the 'post' key, care should be taken to not overwrite it with your view vars.

### view_data_filter(callable): Meta_Box
> @param callable(\WP_Post, array): array   
> @return Meta_Box   

This allows setting a callable to be called when the args are passed to the template file. This gives a chance to add additional args and edit them at render time (to avoid race conditions caused by hook timings)

  ->view_data_filter(function(\WP_Post $post, array $args): array {
    $args['meta_value1'] => get_post_meta($post->ID, 'foo', true);
    // $args = ['meta_value1'=> 'value from meta']
    return $args;