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description: >-
  Taxonomy is an Abstract Class which can be extended within your codebase, to
  create custom taxonomies, easily and cleanly.

# Taxonomy

As with all classes which implement the Registerable interface, adding the taxonomy to the registration config file, will handle all the registration for you.

## Properties

### $singular
> @var string  
> @required

The singular label for the taxonomy. **This is required**

### $plural
> @var string  
> @required

The plural label for the taxonomy. **This is required**

### $slug
> @var string  
> @required

The plural label for the taxonomy. **This is required**

### $label
> @var string|null    
> @default Value of $plural  

The taxonomies label (Uses plural if not defined).

### $description
> @var string  
> @default ''

The taxonomy description.

### $object_type
> @var string[]  
> @default ['post'] (**post** post type)  

Which post types should this taxonomy be applied to.

### $hierarchical
> @var bool  
> @default false

Should this taxonomy have a hierarchy

### $show_ui
> @var bool  
> @default true

Should render WP_Admin UI

### $show_in_menu
> @var bool  
> @default true

Show in WP_Admin menu list.

### $show_admin_column
> @var bool  
> @default true

Show in Post Types list table of posts

### $show_tagcloud
> @var bool  
> @default false

Include in the tag cloud.

### $show_in_quick_edit
> @var bool  
> @default true

Include in quick edit.

### $sort
> @var bool  
> @default true

Should terms remain in the order added (if false will be alphabetical)

### $meta_box_cb
> @var callable|null  

Custom callback for rendering the Term meta box on edit post

### $show_in_rest
> @var bool  
> @default false

Include in rest

### $rest_base
> @var string|null

Base rest path. If not set, will use taxonomy slug

### $rest_controller_class
> @var string  
> @default 'WP_REST_Terms_Controller'  

Rest base controller.

### $public
> @var bool  
> @default true

Is this Taxonomy to be used frontend wise

### $publicly_queryable
> @var bool
> @default true

Whether the taxonomy is publicly queryable.

### $query_var
> @var bool|string
> @default false

Define a custom query var, if false with use $this->slug

### $rewrite
> @var array<string, mixed>|bool
> @default true

Rewrite the permalinks structure. If set to true will use the default of the slug.

### $update_count_callback
> @var string|bool

If blank string will use the internal counting functions. Must be a named function or invokable class. Anonymous functions not allowed.

### $capabilities
> @var array<string, mixed>|null

Array of capabilities for the taxonomy

### $default_term
> @var array<string, mixed>|null

Sets the default term for the taxonomy

## Methods

### public function filter_labels(array $labels): array

> @param array $labels The compiled labels array.  
> @return array

Before the labels are passed to register_taxonomy(), they can be filtered through this method. This allows the altering of label values, based on the result of operations. Please note this is used before the core `taxonomy_labels_{$taxonomy}` filter.

### public function filter_args(array $args): array

> @param array $args The compiled args array.  
> @return array

Like the labels, the full args array can be altered at run time as well, by overwriting this method. Please note this is used before the core 'register_taxonomy_args' filter.

### public function meta_data(array): array
> @param Meta_Data[]   
> @return Meta_Data[] 

This method is used to push metadata to the taxonomy. This allows for the creation of fully populated WP_Meta data, complete with validation, permission, rest schema and defaults. Just push populated Meta_Data instances to the $meta_data array. You do not need to set the meta type, or subclass (taxonomy) as these are set automatically.

## Registering Meta_Data

You can easily add term meta to your taxonomies term.

use PinkCrab\Registerables\Taxonomy;
use PinkCrab\Registerables\Meta_Data;

class Order_Type extends Taxonomy {
    public $singular = 'Order';
    public string $plural   = 'Orders';
    public string $slug     = 'acme_order';
    // Register meta_data
    public function meta_data(array $meta_data): void {
        $meta_data[] = ( new Meta_Data('meta_key'))
            ->description('Some term meta, that means something to someone')
        return $meta_data;

## Using filter_labels()

filter_labels() can be used to either alter the predefined value or adding in new ones.

**[Default Label Values](#taxonomy-labels)**

class Order_Type extends Taxonomy {
    public string $singular = 'Order';
    public string $plural   = 'Orders';
    // Show different labels based on settings.
    public function filter_labels(array $labels): array{
        // Alter based on a conditional
        if( (bool) get_option('use_custom_order_labels') ) {
            $labels['name'] = get_option('custom_order_label_name');
            $labels['singular_name'] = get_option('custom_order_label_singular_name');
        // Can also be used to add in additional labels not included above.
        $labels['use_featured_image'] = 'Set as featured images';
        return $labels;

## Using filter_args()

filter_args() can be used to alter the taxonomy properties at run time, based on operations and current state.

class Secret_Tax extends Taxonomy {
    // Assume its usually hidden.
    public bool $public = false;

    public function filter_args(array $args): array{
        // Get the users meta value and if true, change
        // the $public to true.
        $user_has_secret_access = get_user_meta(
        if( (bool) $user_has_secret_access ){
            $args['public'] = true;
        return $args;

## Using App_Config

If you wish to make use of the App_Config class, for defining your cpt slug/key, you can do either of the following._

use PinkCrab\Registerables\Taxonomy;
use PinkCrab\Perique\Application\App_Config;

class Secret_Tax extends Taxonomy {
    public string $singular = 'Public Post';
    public string $plural   = 'Public Posts';
    public function __construct(App_Config $config){
        $this->slug = $config->additional('secret_tax_slug');

## Taxonomy Labels

The following labels are automatically defined, but can be changed using [`filter_labels()`](#using-filter_labels)

### Shared Labels

> These first labels are shared between both *Tag* and *Hierarchical* taxonomies.

| Label | Default Value |
| --- | ----------- |
| name                  | **{plural name}** |
| singular_name         | **{singular name}** |
| menu_name             | **{plural name}** |
| search_items          | Search **{plural name}** |
| popular_items         | Popular **{plural name}** |
| edit_item             | Edit **{singular name}** |
| view_item             | View **{singular name}** |
| update_item           | Update **{singular name}** |
| add_new_item          | Add New **{singular name}** |
| new_item_name         | New **{singular name}** |
| not_found             | No **{plural name}** found |
| items_list            | **{plural name}** list |
| items_list_navigation | **{plural name}** list navigation |
| all_items             | All **{plural name}** |
| most_used             |  Most Used |
| back_to_items         | ← Back to **{plural name}** |
| item_link             | **{singular name}** Link |
| item_link_description | A link to a **{singular name}** |

### Tag Only

> Combined with the shared labels, these are used for Tag taxonomies

| Label | Default Value |
| --- | ----------- |
| separate_items_with_commas | Separate **{plural name}** with commas |
| add_or_remove_items        | Add or remove **{plural name}** |
| choose_from_most_used      | Add or remove **{plural name}** |

### Hierarchical Only 

> Combined with the shared labels, these are used for Hierarchical taxonomies

| Label | Default Value |
| --- | ----------- |
| parent_item_colon | Parent **{singular name}**: |
| parent_item      | Parent **{singular name}** |
| filter_by_item    | Filter by **{singular name}** |