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3 hrs
Test Coverage
// Copyright 2016, EMC, Inc.

'use strict';
module.exports = prepareGrunt;

 * Sets up grunt for functioning with the specific add ins/modules and
 * configuration we provide in this gruntfile.js.
 * @param {grunt} grunt
function prepareGrunt(grunt) {
    var allFiles = [

    var allConfigFiles = [

    var allLibFiles = [

    var allSpecFiles = [

    var allIgnoreFiles = [

    // grunt configuration.

            // grunt-contrib-jshint
            jshint: {
                // grunt jshint:source
                // will check the source files only
                source: {
                    src: allLibFiles
                // grunt jshint:spec
                // will check the spec files only
                spec: {
                    src: allSpecFiles,
                    // use test specific .jshintrc for spec folder
                    options: {
                        jshintrc: 'spec/.jshintrc'
                options: {
                    // default to the root .jshintrc
                    jshintrc: '.jshintrc',

                    // ensure we don't waste our time on files we have
                    // explicitly disabled or that we have brought in from
                    // other libraries.
                    ignores: allIgnoreFiles

            // grunt-contrib-watch
            watch: {
                // use with 'grunt watch' from command line ensure we reload
                // our watches when ANY of these files change.
                files: allConfigFiles,
                options: {
                    reload: true
                jshint: {
                    files: allFiles,
                    tasks: ['jshint'],
                    options: {
                        interrupt: true,
                        atBegin: true
                // grunt watch:mochaTest
                mochaTest: {
                    files: allFiles,
                    tasks: ['coverage'],
                    options: {
                        interrupt: true,
                        atBegin: true

            // grunt-mocha-test
            mochaTest: {
                // run all tests
                test: {
                    options: {
                        reporter: 'spec',
                        require: 'spec/helper'
                    src: allSpecFiles
                min: {
                    options: {
                        reporter: 'spec',
                        require: 'spec/helper'
                    src: allSpecFiles

            'mocha_istanbul': {
                coverage: {
                    src: 'spec',
                    options: {
                        excludes: [
                        mask: '**/*-spec.js',
                        reportFormats: ['html'],
                        mochaOptions: [

    // These plugins provide necessary tasks.

    // Whenever the "coverage" task is run, run these tasks
    grunt.registerTask('coverage', ['mocha_istanbul:coverage']);

    // Whenever the "test" task is run, run these tasks
    grunt.registerTask('test', ['jshint', 'mochaTest:test']);

    // By default, lint and run all tests.
    grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint', 'coverage']);