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# Ridley Changelog

## 4.6.1

- Pin to buff-ignore to ensure support for legacy Ruby releases. This will be the last release of Ridley that supports Ruby < 2.1.X. Pin accordingly if you require support for deprecated Ruby releases.

## 4.6.0

### Enhancements

- Switch from net_http to httpclient under the hood to add proxy support

## 4.5.0

### Enhancements

- Add support for chef server universe endpoint

## 4.4.3

- updating httpclient version dep to ~> 2.7

## 4.4.2

- Bring back 4.4.0 with backcompat fixes!

## 4.4.1

- Revert 4.4.0 while we figure out a regression

## 4.4.0

### Enhancements

- Use chef-config gem for Chef configuration, including proxy improvements

## 4.3.2

### Bug Fixes

- Supress warning output re: cookbook domain from httpclient

## 4.3.1

- Tighten constraint on varia_model to `~> 0.4.0`

## 4.3.0

### Enhancements

- Switch internal HTTP client from `net_http_persistent` to `httpclient`
- Loosen constraint on Hashie to allow for both the 2.x and 3.x line

### Bug Fixes

- Fix missiong constant ValidationFailed when performing a params validation

## 4.2.0

### Enhancements

- Support 'root_default' files

## 4.1.2

- Fixed: permission denied errors on Windows while uploading cookbooks
- Fixed: no proc error when evaluating client_key option
- Bump required version of retryable

## 4.1.1

### Enhancements

- Add support for metadata source_url field
- Add support for metadata issues_url field

## 4.1.0

- Fix monkey patching issue with options#slice when running under Vagrant
- Bump required version of Celluloid `~> 0.16.0`
- Bump required version of Celluloid-IO `~> 0.16.1`

## 4.0.0

- Update many out of date dependencies

  - buff-config
  - buff-extensions
  - varia_model
  - hashie

## 3.1.0

- Fix issue with evaluating metadata generated by older versions of knife
- Move remaining host-connector code out of Ridley and into Ridley-Connectors

## 3.0.0

- Update Faraday
- Update Celluloid
- Fix noise in chefignore when debug flag is turned on
- Fix issue reading files that contain UTF-8

## 2.5.1

- Fix no method error bug in partial search

## 2.5.0

- Releasing 2.5.0 as a proper new version over 2.4.4.

## 2.4.4

- [#248]( Fix some edge cases and styling for deleting attributes from an environment
- [#247]( Add support for removing attributes from a node

## 2.4.3

- [#245]( Fix for numeric and boolean attribute types

## 2.4.2

- [#244]( Fix a bug with deleting deeply nested environment attributes.

## 2.4.0

- Add support for Chef 11 User Objects

## 2.1.0

- [#228]( Add a new API for filtering log output. Useful for output you might not want to display because it is sensitive.

## 2.0.0

- [#227]( HostCommander and HostConnector code has been moved into its own gem - [found here](
- As discussed by @jtimberman in [#225]( it makes sense to move this code based on Ridley's main purpose, and gives a decent performance boost to users who don't need this extra functionality.

## 1.7.1

- [#224]( Connection#stream will now return true/false on whether it copied the file that was streamed.