import { LivechatVoip } from '';
import type { ILivechatAgent, IVoipRoom } from '';
import { VoipRoom, LivechatVisitors, Users } from '';
import { Random } from '';
import { isVoipRoomProps, isVoipRoomsProps, isVoipRoomCloseProps } from '';
import { typedJsonParse } from '../../../../../lib/typedJSONParse';
import { hasPermissionAsync } from '../../../../authorization/server/functions/hasPermission';
import { API } from '../../api';
import { getPaginationItems } from '../../helpers/getPaginationItems';
type DateParam = { start?: string; end?: string };
const parseDateParams = (date?: string): DateParam => {
return date && typeof date === 'string' ? typedJsonParse<DateParam>(date) : {};
const validateDateParams = (property: string, date: DateParam = {}): DateParam => {
if (date?.start && isNaN(Date.parse(date.start))) {
throw new Error(`The "${property}.start" query parameter must be a valid date.`);
if (date?.end && isNaN(Date.parse(date.end))) {
throw new Error(`The "${property}.end" query parameter must be a valid date.`);
return date;
const parseAndValidate = (property: string, date?: string): DateParam => {
return validateDateParams(property, parseDateParams(date));
* @openapi
* /voip/server/api/v1/voip/room
* get:
* description: Creates a new room if rid is not passed, else gets an existing room
* based on rid and token . This configures the rate limit. An average call volume in a contact
* center is 600 calls a day
* considering 8 hour shift. Which comes to 1.25 calls per minute.
* we will keep the safe limit which is 5 calls a minute.
* security:
* parameters:
* - name: token
* in: query
* description: The visitor token
* required: true
* schema:
* type: string
* example: ByehQjC44FwMeiLbX
* - name: rid
* in: query
* description: The room id
* required: false
* schema:
* type: string
* example: ByehQjC44FwMeiLbX
* - name: agentId
* in: query
* description: Agent Id
* required: false
* schema:
* type: string
* example: ByehQjC44FwMeiLbX
* responses:
* 200:
* description: Room object and flag indicating whether a new room is created.
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* allOf:
* - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiSuccessV1'
* - type: object
* properties:
* room:
* type: object
* items:
* $ref: '#/components/schemas/IRoom'
* newRoom:
* type: boolean
* default:
* description: Unexpected error
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiFailureV1'
const isRoomSearchProps = (props: any): props is { rid: string; token: string } => {
return 'rid' in props && 'token' in props;
const isRoomCreationProps = (props: any): props is { agentId: string; direction: IVoipRoom['direction'] } => {
return 'agentId' in props && 'direction' in props;
authRequired: true,
rateLimiterOptions: { numRequestsAllowed: 5, intervalTimeInMS: 60000 },
permissionsRequired: ['inbound-voip-calls'],
validateParams: isVoipRoomProps,
async get() {
const { token } = this.queryParams;
let agentId: string | undefined = undefined;
let direction: IVoipRoom['direction'] = 'inbound';
let rid: string | undefined = undefined;
if (isRoomCreationProps(this.queryParams)) {
agentId = this.queryParams.agentId;
direction = this.queryParams.direction;
if (isRoomSearchProps(this.queryParams)) {
rid = this.queryParams.rid;
const guest = await LivechatVisitors.getVisitorByToken(token, {});
if (!guest) {
return API.v1.failure('invalid-token');
if (!rid) {
const room = await VoipRoom.findOneOpenByVisitorToken(token, { projection: API.v1.defaultFieldsToExclude });
if (room) {
return API.v1.success({ room, newRoom: false });
if (!agentId) {
return API.v1.failure('agent-not-found');
const agentObj: ILivechatAgent = await Users.findOneAgentById(agentId, {
projection: { username: 1 },
if (!agentObj?.username) {
return API.v1.failure('agent-not-found');
const { username, _id } = agentObj;
const agent = { agentId: _id, username };
const rid =;
return API.v1.success(
await LivechatVoip.getNewRoom(guest, agent, rid, direction, {
projection: API.v1.defaultFieldsToExclude,
const room = await VoipRoom.findOneByIdAndVisitorToken(rid, token, { projection: API.v1.defaultFieldsToExclude });
if (!room) {
return API.v1.failure('invalid-room');
return API.v1.success({ room, newRoom: false });
{ authRequired: true, validateParams: isVoipRoomsProps },
async get() {
const { offset, count } = await getPaginationItems(this.queryParams);
const { sort, fields } = await this.parseJsonQuery();
const { agents, open, tags, queue, visitorId, direction, roomName } = this.queryParams;
const { createdAt: createdAtParam, closedAt: closedAtParam } = this.queryParams;
// Reusing same L room permissions for simplicity
const hasAdminAccess = await hasPermissionAsync(this.userId, 'view-livechat-rooms');
const hasAgentAccess =
(await hasPermissionAsync(this.userId, 'view-l-room')) && agents?.includes(this.userId) && agents?.length === 1;
if (!hasAdminAccess && !hasAgentAccess) {
return API.v1.unauthorized();
const createdAt = parseAndValidate('createdAt', createdAtParam);
const closedAt = parseAndValidate('closedAt', closedAtParam);
return API.v1.success(
await LivechatVoip.findVoipRooms({
open: open === 'true',
options: { sort, offset, count, fields },
* @openapi
* /voip/server/api/v1/voip/room.close
* post:
* description: Closes an open room
* based on rid and token. Setting rate limit for this too
* Because room creation happens 5/minute, rate limit for this api
* is also set to 5/minute.
* security:
* requestBody:
* required: true
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* type: object
* properties:
* rid:
* type: string
* token:
* type: string
* responses:
* 200:
* description: rid of closed room and a comment for closing room
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* allOf:
* - $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiSuccessV1'
* - type: object
* properties:
* rid:
* type: string
* comment:
* type: string
* default:
* description: Unexpected error
* content:
* application/json:
* schema:
* $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiFailureV1'
{ authRequired: true, validateParams: isVoipRoomCloseProps, permissionsRequired: ['inbound-voip-calls'] },
async post() {
const { rid, token, options } = this.bodyParams;
const visitor = await LivechatVisitors.getVisitorByToken(token, {});
if (!visitor) {
return API.v1.failure('invalid-token');
const room = await LivechatVoip.findRoom(token, rid);
if (!room) {
return API.v1.failure('invalid-room');
if (! {
return API.v1.failure('room-closed');
const closeResult = await LivechatVoip.closeRoom(visitor, room, this.user, 'voip-call-wrapup', options);
if (!closeResult) {
return API.v1.failure();
return API.v1.success({ rid });