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6 hrs
Test Coverage
import { Message } from '';
import type { IMessage, IRoom, IUser, MessageAttachmentDefault } from '';
import type { ServerMethods } from '';
import { Messages, Rooms, Users } from '';
import { Random } from '';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';

import { i18n } from '../../../../server/lib/i18n';
import { roomCoordinator } from '../../../../server/lib/rooms/roomCoordinator';
import { canSendMessageAsync } from '../../../authorization/server/functions/canSendMessage';
import { hasAtLeastOnePermissionAsync } from '../../../authorization/server/functions/hasPermission';
import { addUserToRoom } from '../../../lib/server/functions/addUserToRoom';
import { attachMessage } from '../../../lib/server/functions/attachMessage';
import { createRoom } from '../../../lib/server/functions/createRoom';
import { sendMessage } from '../../../lib/server/functions/sendMessage';
import { afterSaveMessageAsync } from '../../../lib/server/lib/afterSaveMessage';
import { settings } from '../../../settings/server';

const getParentRoom = async (rid: IRoom['_id']) => {
    const room = await Rooms.findOne(rid);
    return room && (room.prid ? Rooms.findOne(room.prid, { projection: { _id: 1 } }) : room);

async function createDiscussionMessage(
    rid: IRoom['_id'],
    user: IUser,
    drid: IRoom['_id'],
    msg: IMessage['msg'],
    messageEmbedded?: MessageAttachmentDefault,
): Promise<IMessage> {
    return Message.saveSystemMessage('discussion-created', rid, msg, user, {
        ...(messageEmbedded && { attachments: [messageEmbedded] }),

async function mentionMessage(
    rid: IRoom['_id'],
    { _id, username, name }: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username' | 'name'>,
    messageEmbedded?: MessageAttachmentDefault,
) {
    if (!username) {
        return null;
    await Messages.insertOne({
        msg: '',
        u: { _id, username, name },
        ts: new Date(),
        _updatedAt: new Date(),
        ...(messageEmbedded && { attachments: [messageEmbedded] }),

type CreateDiscussionProperties = {
    prid: IRoom['_id'];
    pmid?: IMessage['_id'];
    t_name: string;
    reply?: string;
    users: Array<Exclude<IUser['username'], undefined>>;
    user: IUser;
    encrypted?: boolean;
    topic?: string;

const create = async ({
    t_name: discussionName,
}: CreateDiscussionProperties): Promise<IRoom & { rid: string }> => {
    // if you set both, prid and pmid, and the rooms dont match... should throw an error)
    let message: null | IMessage = null;
    if (pmid) {
        message = await Messages.findOneById(pmid);
        if (!message) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-message', 'Invalid message', {
                method: 'DiscussionCreation',
        if (prid) {
            const parentRoom = await getParentRoom(message.rid);
            if (!parentRoom || prid !== parentRoom._id) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-arguments', 'Root message room ID does not match parent room ID ', {
                    method: 'DiscussionCreation',
        } else {
            prid = message.rid;

    if (!prid) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-arguments', 'Missing parent room ID', { method: 'DiscussionCreation' });

    let parentRoom;
    try {
        parentRoom = await canSendMessageAsync(prid, { uid: user._id, username: user.username, type: user.type });
    } catch (error) {
        throw new Meteor.Error((error as Error).message);

    if (parentRoom.prid) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-nested-discussion', 'Cannot create nested discussions', {
            method: 'DiscussionCreation',

    if (typeof encrypted !== 'boolean') {
        encrypted = Boolean(parentRoom.encrypted);

    if (encrypted && reply) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-arguments', 'Encrypted discussions must not receive an initial reply.', {
            method: 'DiscussionCreation',

    if (pmid) {
        const discussionAlreadyExists = await Rooms.findOne(
                projection: { _id: 1 },
        if (discussionAlreadyExists) {
            // do not allow multiple discussions to the same message'\
            await addUserToRoom(discussionAlreadyExists._id, user);
            return { ...discussionAlreadyExists, rid: discussionAlreadyExists._id };

    const name =;

    // auto invite the replied message owner
    const invitedUsers = message ? [message.u.username, ...users] : users;

    const type = await roomCoordinator.getRoomDirectives(parentRoom.t).getDiscussionType(parentRoom);
    const description = parentRoom.encrypted ? '' : message?.msg;
    const discussionTopic = topic ||;

    if (!type) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-type', 'Cannot define discussion room type', {
            method: 'DiscussionCreation',

    const discussion = await createRoom(
        [ Set(invitedUsers)].filter(Boolean),
            fname: discussionName,
            description, // TODO discussions remove
            topic: discussionTopic,
            creator: user._id,

    let discussionMsg;
    if (message) {
        if (parentRoom.encrypted) {
            message.msg = i18n.t('Encrypted_message');
        await mentionMessage(discussion._id, user, attachMessage(message, parentRoom));

        discussionMsg = await createDiscussionMessage(message.rid, user, discussion._id, discussionName, attachMessage(message, parentRoom));
    } else {
        discussionMsg = await createDiscussionMessage(prid, user, discussion._id, discussionName);

    if (reply) {
        await sendMessage(user, { msg: reply }, discussion);

    if (discussionMsg) {
        afterSaveMessageAsync(discussionMsg, parentRoom);

    return discussion;

declare module '' {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
    interface ServerMethods {
        createDiscussion: typeof create;

export const createDiscussion = async (
    userId: string,
    { prid, pmid, t_name: discussionName, reply, users, encrypted, topic }: Omit<CreateDiscussionProperties, 'user'>,
): Promise<
    IRoom & {
        rid: string;
> => {
    if (!settings.get('Discussion_enabled')) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'You are not allowed to create a discussion', { method: 'createDiscussion' });

    if (!userId) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', {
            method: 'DiscussionCreation',

    if (!(await hasAtLeastOnePermissionAsync(userId, ['start-discussion', 'start-discussion-other-user'], prid))) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-action-not-allowed', 'You are not allowed to create a discussion', { method: 'createDiscussion' });
    const user = await Users.findOneById(userId);
    if (!user) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', {
            method: 'createDiscussion',

    return create({ prid, pmid, t_name: discussionName, reply, users, user, encrypted, topic });

     * Create discussion by room or message
     * @constructor
     * @param {string} prid - Parent Room Id - The room id, optional if you send pmid.
     * @param {string} pmid - Parent Message Id - Create the discussion by a message, optional.
     * @param {string} reply - The reply, optional
     * @param {string} t_name - discussion name
     * @param {string[]} users - users to be added
     * @param {boolean} encrypted - if the discussion's e2e encryption should be enabled.
    async createDiscussion({ prid, pmid, t_name: discussionName, reply, users, encrypted }: CreateDiscussionProperties) {
        const uid = Meteor.userId();
        if (!uid) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', {
                method: 'DiscussionCreation',

        return createDiscussion(uid, { prid, pmid, t_name: discussionName, reply, users, encrypted });