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3 days
Test Coverage
import fs from 'fs';
import type * as http from 'http';
import type stream from 'stream';

import type { IUpload } from '';
import type { IBaseUploadsModel } from '';
import type createServer from 'connect';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import type { OptionalId } from 'mongodb';

import { UploadFS } from '.';
import { Filter } from './ufs-filter';

export type StoreOptions = {
    collection?: IBaseUploadsModel<IUpload>;
    filter?: Filter;
    name: string;
    onCopyError?: (err: any, fileId: string, file: IUpload) => void;
    onFinishUpload?: (file: IUpload) => Promise<void>;
    onRead?: (fileId: string, file: IUpload, request: any, response: any) => Promise<boolean>;
    onReadError?: (err: any, fileId: string, file: IUpload) => void;
    onValidate?: (file: IUpload) => Promise<void>;
    onWriteError?: (err: any, fileId: string, file: IUpload) => void;
    transformRead?: (
        readStream: stream.Readable,
        writeStream: stream.Writable,
        fileId: string,
        file: IUpload,
        request: createServer.IncomingMessage,
        headers?: Record<string, any>,
    ) => void;
    transformWrite?: (readStream: stream.Readable, writeStream: stream.Writable, fileId: string, file: IUpload) => void;

export class Store {
    protected options: StoreOptions;

    public copy: (
        fileId: string,
        store: Store,
        callback?: (err?: Error, copyId?: string, copy?: OptionalId<IUpload>, store?: Store) => void,
    ) => Promise<void>;

    public create: (file: OptionalId<IUpload>) => Promise<string>;

    public write: (rs: stream.Readable, fileId: string, callback: (err?: Error, file?: IUpload) => void) => Promise<void>;

    constructor(options: StoreOptions) {
        options = {
            onCopyError: this.onCopyError,
            onFinishUpload: this.onFinishUpload,
            onRead: this.onRead,
            onReadError: this.onReadError,
            onValidate: this.onValidate,
            onWriteError: this.onWriteError,

        if (UploadFS.getStore( {
            throw new TypeError('Store: name already exists');
        if (options.onCopyError && typeof options.onCopyError !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('Store: onCopyError is not a function');
        if (options.onFinishUpload && typeof options.onFinishUpload !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('Store: onFinishUpload is not a function');
        if (options.onRead && typeof options.onRead !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('Store: onRead is not a function');
        if (options.onReadError && typeof options.onReadError !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('Store: onReadError is not a function');
        if (options.onWriteError && typeof options.onWriteError !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('Store: onWriteError is not a function');
        if (options.transformRead && typeof options.transformRead !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('Store: transformRead is not a function');
        if (options.transformWrite && typeof options.transformWrite !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('Store: transformWrite is not a function');
        if (options.onValidate && typeof options.onValidate !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('Store: onValidate is not a function');

        // Public attributes
        this.options = options;

        if (options.onCopyError) this.onCopyError = options.onCopyError;
        if (options.onFinishUpload) this.onFinishUpload = options.onFinishUpload;
        if (options.onRead) this.onRead = options.onRead;
        if (options.onReadError) this.onReadError = options.onReadError;
        if (options.onWriteError) this.onWriteError = options.onWriteError;
        if (options.onValidate) this.onValidate = options.onValidate;

        // Add the store to the list

        this.copy = async (fileId, store, callback) => {
            check(fileId, String);

            if (!(store instanceof Store)) {
                throw new TypeError('store is not an instance of UploadFS.Store');
            // Get original file
            const file = await this.getCollection().findOne({ _id: fileId });
            if (!file) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('file-not-found', 'File not found');
            // Silently ignore the file if it does not match filter
            const filter = store.getFilter();
            if (filter instanceof Filter && !(await filter.isValid(file))) {

            // Prepare copy
            const { _id, url, ...copy } = file;
            copy.originalStore = this.getName();
            copy.originalId = fileId;

            // Create the copy
            const copyId = await store.create(copy);

            // Get original stream
            const rs = await this.getReadStream(fileId, file);

            // Catch errors to avoid app crashing
            rs.on('error', (err: Error) => {
                callback?.call(this, err);

            // Copy file data
            await store.write(rs, copyId, (err) => {
                if (err) {
                    void this.removeById(copyId);
          , err, fileId, file);
                if (typeof callback === 'function') {
          , err, copyId, copy, store);

        this.create = async (file) => {
            check(file, Object);
   =; // assign store to file
            return (await this.getCollection().insertOne(file)).insertedId;

        this.write = async (rs, fileId, callback) => {
            const file = await this.getCollection().findOne({ _id: fileId });
            if (!file) {
                return callback(new Error('File not found'));

            const errorHandler = (err: Error) => {
      , err, fileId, file);
      , err);

            const finishHandler = async () => {
                let size = 0;
                const readStream = await this.getReadStream(fileId, file);

                readStream.on('error', (error: Error) => {
          , error);
                readStream.on('data', (data) => {
                    size += data.length;
                readStream.on('end', async () => {
                    if (file.complete) {
                    // Set file attribute
                    file.complete = true;
                    file.etag = UploadFS.generateEtag();
                    file.path = await this.getFileRelativeURL(fileId);
                    file.progress = 1;
                    file.size = size;
                    file.token = this.generateToken();
                    file.uploading = false;
                    file.uploadedAt = new Date();
                    file.url = await this.getFileURL(fileId);

                    // Execute callback
                    if (typeof this.onFinishUpload === 'function') {
                        await, file);

                    // Sets the file URL when file transfer is complete,
                    // this way, the image will loads entirely.
                    await this.getCollection().updateOne(
                        { _id: fileId },
                            $set: {
                                complete: file.complete,
                                etag: file.etag,
                                path: file.path,
                                progress: file.progress,
                                size: file.size,
                                token: file.token,
                                uploading: file.uploading,
                                uploadedAt: file.uploadedAt,
                                url: file.url,

                    // Return file info
          , undefined, file);

            const ws = await this.getWriteStream(fileId, file);
            ws.on('error', errorHandler);
            ws.once('finish', finishHandler);

            // Execute transformation
            this.transformWrite(rs, ws, fileId, file);

    async removeById(fileId: string) {
        // Delete the physical file in the store
        await this.delete(fileId);

        const tmpFile = UploadFS.getTempFilePath(fileId);

        // Delete the temp file
        fs.stat(tmpFile, (err) => {
            !err &&
                fs.unlink(tmpFile, (err2) => {
                    err2 && console.error(`ufs: cannot delete temp file at ${tmpFile} (${err2.message})`);

        await this.getCollection().removeById(fileId);

    async delete(_fileId: string): Promise<any> {
        throw new Error('delete is not implemented');

    generateToken(pattern?: string) {
        return (pattern || 'xyxyxyxyxy').replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-mixed-operators
            const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0;
            const v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
            const s = v.toString(16);
            return Math.round(Math.random()) ? s.toUpperCase() : s;

    getCollection() {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
        return this.options.collection!;

    async getFilePath(_fileId: string, _file?: IUpload): Promise<string> {
        throw new Error('Store.getFilePath is not implemented');

    async getFileRelativeURL(fileId: string) {
        const file = await this.getCollection().findOne(fileId, { projection: { name: 1 } });
        return file ? this.getRelativeURL(`${fileId}/${}`) : undefined;

    async getFileURL(fileId: string) {
        const file = await this.getCollection().findOne(fileId, { projection: { name: 1 } });
        return file ? this.getURL(`${fileId}/${}`) : undefined;

    getFilter() {
        return this.options.filter;

    getName() {

    async getReadStream(_fileId: string, _file: IUpload, _options?: { start?: number; end?: number }): Promise<stream.Readable> {
        throw new Error('Store.getReadStream is not implemented');

    getRelativeURL(path: string) {
        const rootUrl = Meteor.absoluteUrl().replace(/\/+$/, '');
        const rootPath = rootUrl.replace(/^[a-z]+:\/\/[^/]+\/*/gi, '');
        const storeName = this.getName();
        path = String(path).replace(/\/$/, '').trim();
        return encodeURI(`${rootPath}/${UploadFS.config.storesPath}/${storeName}/${path}`);

    getURL(path: string) {
        const rootUrl = Meteor.absoluteUrl('', { secure: UploadFS.config.https }).replace(/\/+$/, '');
        const storeName = this.getName();
        path = String(path).replace(/\/$/, '').trim();
        return encodeURI(`${rootUrl}/${UploadFS.config.storesPath}/${storeName}/${path}`);

    async getRedirectURL(_file: IUpload, _forceDownload = false): Promise<string> {
        throw new Error('getRedirectURL is not implemented');

    async getWriteStream(_fileId: string, _file: IUpload): Promise<stream.Writable> {
        throw new Error('getWriteStream is not implemented');

    onCopyError(err: Error, fileId: string, _file: IUpload) {
        console.error(`ufs: cannot copy file "${fileId}" (${err.message})`, err);

    async onFinishUpload(_file: IUpload) {

    async onRead(_fileId: string, _file: IUpload, _request: createServer.IncomingMessage, _response: http.ServerResponse) {
        return true;

    onReadError(err: Error, fileId: string, _file: IUpload) {
        console.error(`ufs: cannot read file "${fileId}" (${err.message})`, err);

    async onValidate(_file: IUpload) {

    onWriteError(err: Error, fileId: string, _file: IUpload) {
        console.error(`ufs: cannot write file "${fileId}" (${err.message})`, err);

        readStream: stream.Readable,
        writeStream: stream.Writable,
        fileId: string,
        file: IUpload,
        request: createServer.IncomingMessage,
        headers?: Record<string, any>,
    ) {
        if (typeof this.options.transformRead === 'function') {
  , readStream, writeStream, fileId, file, request, headers);
        } else {

    transformWrite(readStream: stream.Readable, writeStream: stream.Writable, fileId: string, file: IUpload) {
        if (typeof this.options.transformWrite === 'function') {
  , readStream, writeStream, fileId, file);
        } else {

    async validate(file: IUpload) {
        if (typeof this.onValidate === 'function') {
            await this.onValidate(file);