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Test Coverage
# Reporting issues

Before reporting a new issue please be sure to check out the [debug guide](../debugging/ If you are still sure that your issue requires developer attention please feel free to open it publicly in the following format:

* Summarise issue in couple of sentences
* Describe situation in which the error occoured (Environment, platform, context)
* Provide all logs and available resources for reproducation

I will try to provide support as fast as possible.

# Contributions

All contributions are welcomed but they have to be formatted correctly to keep up consistent administration.
Commit messages are following a really simple pattern:
- keyword(topic): Description

Following keywords are allowed for the repository:
- **feat**: feature describes something new that is now available
- **fix**: describes a bug fix
- **chore**: task that has to be done over time to time (like dependency version bumping)
- **test**: describe the addition of new tests / new edge cases

If your PR is not matching this style, it can still be merged but it will be squashed.

* Choose a name for the PR that reflects the modifications.
* Summarias modifications in bullet points
* Summarise in a couple of sentences why this repository needs this PR