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 * @file
 * Media Component
 * A media element, e.g., image, video, audio, iframe etc. The default .su-media component takes custom HTML for the media content.
 * Available variants:
 * .su-media--image - Image
 * .su-media--video - HTML5 video
 * .su-media--audio - HTML5 audio
 * Available variables:
 * - attributes: Additional HTML attributes not already provided.
 * - modifier_class: Additional CSS classes to change look and behavior.
 * - media_wrapper_modifier_class: Additional CSS classes to change look and behavior of the media wrapper, e.g. "su-aspect-ratio" to provide aspect ratio constraint.
 * - media_link: Optional URL for the media element to link to (only works for images or <video> with no controls).
 * - media_link_attributes: Optional attributes for the media_link, e.g., aria-label, rel='noopener', target='_blank'.
 * - media_image_src: The src link to the image file.
 * - media_image_srcset: The srcset of the image if exists.
 * - media_video_src: The src link to the video file.
 * - media_video_poster: Optional preview image of the video.
 * - media_audio_src: The src link to the audio file.
 * - media_fallback_content: Fallback content to display when browser doesn't support video or audio format.
 * - media_type: Type of the media file, e.g. mp4, webm, wav (self-hosted video or audio only).
 * - media_custom: An open field for the full HTML element of the media content, e.g., an embedded YouTube iframe.
 * - media_content_attributes: Additional HTML attributes for the media content, e.g., for <video> - controls, autoplay; for <img> - sizes (when srcset is provided), alt, width, height.
 * - media_caption: Optional caption for the media.

<figure {{ attributes }} class="su-media {{ modifier_class }}">
  {# Option to make the media element a clickable link #}
  {%- if media_link %}
    <a {{ media_link_attributes }} href="{{ media_link }}">
  {% endif -%}

  {# Wrapper for the media element where aspect ratio mixin can be applied to #}
  <div class="su-media__wrapper {{ media_wrapper_modifier_class }}">
    {%- if ('su-media--video' in modifier_class) or ('su-media--audio' in modifier_class) -%}
      {# When media_type isn't provided, try to look for file extension and find MIME type from extension #}
      {%- if media_type is empty %}
        {% if 'su-media--video' in modifier_class %}
          {# Find the video file extension #}
          {% set media_extension = media_video_src|split('.')|last %}
        {% elseif 'su-media--audio' in modifier_class %}
          {# Find the audio file extension #}
          {% set media_extension = media_audio_src|split('.')|last %}
        {% endif -%}

        {# Determine MIME type based on video or audio file extension, if can't find valid matching type, leave it empty #}
        {# Supported media type from #}
        {%- if media_extension in ['mp3', 'acc', 'flac', 'wav', 'webm'] %}
          {% set media_type = media_extension %}
        {% elseif media_extension in ['mp4', 'm4a', 'm4v', 'm4p'] %}
          {% set media_type = 'mp4' %}
        {% elseif media_extension in ['ogg', 'oga', 'ogv'] %}
          {% set media_type = 'ogg' %}
        {% elseif media_extension in ['mpg', 'mpeg'] %}
          {% set media_type = 'mpeg' %}
        {% elseif media_extension == '3gp' %}
          {% set media_type = '3gpp' %}
        {% elseif media_extension == 'mov' %}
          {% set media_type = 'quicktime' %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endif -%}

      {%- if 'su-media--video' in modifier_class %}
        {# Video block #}
        {%- block block_media_video %}
          <video {{ media_content_attributes }}
          {%- if media_video_poster %}
            poster="{{ media_video_poster }}"
          {%- endif -%}
          <source src="{{ media_video_src }}"
          {% if media_type %}
            type="video/{{ media_type }}"
          {%- endif -%}
          {{ media_fallback_content|default("<p>Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML5 videos.</p>") }}
        {%- endblock -%}

      {%- elseif 'su-media--audio' in modifier_class %}
        {# Audio block #}
        {%- block block_media_audio %}
          <audio {{ media_content_attributes }} controls>
            <source src="{{ media_audio_src }}"
            {%- if media_type %}
              type="audio/{{ media_type }}"
            {%- endif -%}
            {{ media_fallback_content|default("<p>Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio.</p>") }}
        {%- endblock -%}
      {% endif %}

    {%- elseif 'su-media--image' in modifier_class %}
      {# Image block - can be replaced by e.g. a <picture> element with multiple <source> #}
      {%- block block_media_image %}
        <img src="{{ media_image_src }}"
          {% if media_image_srcset %}
            srcset="{{ media_image_srcset }}"
          {% endif %}
        {{ media_content_attributes }}>
      {%- endblock -%}
    {% else %}
      {# Open HTML field, e.g., YouTube embed iframe #}
      {{ media_custom }}
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- if media_link -%}
  {%- endif -%}

  {# Optional caption #}
  {%- if media_caption -%}
    <figcaption class="su-media__caption">{{ media_caption }}</figcaption>
  {%- endif -%}